Cocktail Party By definition, a cocktail party is an afternoon or early evening party at which cocktails are served. Although it is a very popular form inviting guests, few know that it was invented in 1924 by Alec Waugh of London who felt the need for a pleasant interlude before a dinner party. There is also ment... Similar Editorial : Cocktail Making Evening In Sussex by Greg Birbeck. | Source : Cocktail Drinks
Midori Cocktails Midori CocktailsMidori is a sweet muskmelon flavoured liqueur (in some parts of the world liqueur is used interchangeably with cordial) and green in colour. The drink was originally made in Japan and the name midori means green in Japanese. As Midori is extremely sweet it is usually mixed to make co... Similar Editorial : Your Own Fruit Cocktails by Joann Cheong. | Source : Cocktail Drinks
Alcoholic Drinks An alcoholic drink is beverage containing ethanol. In common parlance ethanol is known as alcohol though in chemistry, alcohol includes many other compounds. There are three main classifications of alcoholic drinks: beers, wines and spirits. Ale and lager are two main types of beer. Both have a dist... Similar Editorial : Who Drinks The Most Beer by Keith Barrett. | Source : Premium Vodka