Medications For Anxiety Sometimes it is not easy to ignore an upsetting problem. Have you ever become suddenly anxious or nervous and not known why? Sometimes people actually become housebound because they are afraid of being in places where they might experience sudden attacks of terror or anxiety for no apparent reason. This is called agoraphobia.Anti anxiety medications can be helpful in situations like these. However...... Similar Editorial : Medications for Panic Disorders by Bob Bastian. | Source : Anti Anxiety Drug
How To Eliminate Anxiety-From Barrington, Huntley And Cary A certain amount of irritability and agitation is normal. However, if you are continuously or chronically annoyed or irritable, you may have an undiagnosed anxiety or depressive disorder. The good news is that you can reduce or overcome much of your agitation or grumpiness by learning and applying some proven coping skills. Scientifically proven relaxation techniques are the most helpful of these...... Similar Editorial : Anxiety and Anxiety Attacks by Juliet Cohen. | Source : Anti Anxiety Drug
Signs Of Panic Disorder In Children & Teens From Illinois What is panic disorder? The symptoms are almost the same for kids as they are for adults. Children and adolescents with panic disorder have repeated periods of intense fear and panic that appear to come from nowhere and for no good reason. Other symptoms include a racing heartbeat, a feeling of shortness of breath and sometimes a fear of going crazy. These symptom episodes are called panic...... Similar Editorial : Anxiety Panic Disorder by Jonathan Sapling. | Source : Computer Anxiety
ADHD & Children Who Can’t Pay Attention From Illinois Have you ever been distressed because you have received a note from school saying that your kid will not listen or causes trouble in class? You are not alone. Parents receive these kind of notes every day. One frequent cause of this kind of behavior is Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).Even though your kid may want to be a good student, if he or she suffers from it, the impulsive...... Similar Editorial : What is ADHD by Jeannine Virtue. | Source : Attention Deficit Disorder
How To Get Counseling For Teen Alcohol & Teen Drug Abuse Perhaps you have discovered that one of your children or adolescents use alcohol and other drugs. It is important to know that some kids do develop serious problems in this area which require professional help. Such programs include inpatient treatment, office counseling, twelve step programs, and inpatient units for individuals who have both emotional and substance abuse problems.There are a...... Similar Editorial : Effects of Alcohol by . | Source : Marijuana Addiction Treatment
Child Alcoholic Counseling From Illinois Approximately 20% of adult Americans lived with an alcoholic while growing up and these children are at greater risk for having emotional problems. Since alcoholism runs in families, children of alcoholics are four times more likely than others to become alcoholics. If you are the child of an alcoholic, you are likely to have experienced some form of neglect or abuse. If you were raised in such a...... Similar Editorial : Living with an alcoholic by . | Source : Marijuana Addiction Treatment
Depression Diagnosis & Treatment From Illinois Sometimes, a physical problem or medication you are taking can cause symptoms that feel like depression, so the first step in getting an accurate diagnosis is to get a complete medical history and physical exam. Your physical will probably include an interview and lab tests in order to rule out any physical causes for your symptoms. If no other cause is found, people with depressive symptoms often...... Similar Editorial : The Diagnosis Myth by Eric Shapiro. | Source : Bipolar Anxiety Depression
Depression Counsel: Advice From Barrington, Algonquin & Dundee Depressive disorders come in different forms, just as is the case with other illnesses such as diabetes, cancer or heart disease. This article briefly describes three of the most common types of depressive disorders.However, within these types there are also variations in the symptoms, their severity and duration. Major depression causes symptoms i.e. excessive fatigue, relentless pessimism,...... Similar Editorial : What Is Depression by marclindsay. | Source : Bipolar Anxiety Depression
Teens With Bipolar Disorder- Barrington & Rolling Meadows, IL Worried about the moodiness of your teenage son or daughter? Wondering about bipolar disorder? Teenagers with bipolar disorder have an ongoing roller coaster of extremely elevated and then, depressed moods. You may find that the highs alternate with the lows, or, strange as it seems, your kid may even seem to feel both extremes simultaneously.This very troubling and life-altering disorder...... Similar Editorial : Prozac for Bipolar Disorder by Li Ming Wong. | Source : Bipolar Disorder Definition
Children’s Mental Health: Marengo, Wauconda & Elgin Cure Young people have mental, emotional, and behavioral problems that are real, painful, and costly. They are sources of stress for children and their families, schools and communities.The number of young people and their families who are affected by mental, emotional and behavioral disorders is significant. As many as one in five children and adolescents may have a mental health disorder that...... Similar Editorial : Mental Health for Teens by Ivanovich Cuxev. | Source : Bipolar Disorder Definition
Warning Signs Of Child Depression: Red Flags From IL Depression is not just an affliction of adults. Your children or teenagers also may also suffer from it. You should consider treatment for them when their severely melancholy and sad feelings persist and interfere with their ability to function. This is not a small matter. It has been estimated that approximately 5 percent of children and adolescents suffer from depression at some point in time....... Similar Editorial : Alzheimers Warning Signs by jdanf39. | Source : Clinically Depressed
Counseling Depressed Spouse -From Algonquin And McHenry, IL When your husband or wife experiences depression, it can affect the quality of your marriage and the atmosphere in the home. Depression is defined as a problem when the feelings of depression persist and interfere with your spouses ability to function.About 5 percent of adults suffer from depression at any given point in time. If your spouse is under stress, experiencing a major loss or has an...... Similar Editorial : Counseling Employees by KMArticles. | Source : Clinically Depressed
Select The Best Counselor- From Cary,Crystal Lake And Huntley What kind of a therapist, psychiatrist or psychologist should you seek if you are depressed or suicidal? Who works best with those who often feel futile and powerless? My view is that it is best to have a counselor who can emotionally and verbally empathize with your inner suffering and turmoil. If you are considering harming yourself, you are probably experiencing an acute state of anxiety or...... Similar Editorial : Ask the Credit Counselor by Gerri Detweiler. | Source : Clinically Depressed
Counseling For Post-Partum Depression From IL The normal baby blues can happen in the days right after childbirth and normally disappear within a few days to a week. As a new mother, you can routinely have mood swings, sadness, crying spells, loss of appetite, sleeping problems or feel irritable, restless, anxious and lonely.Usually, these symptoms are not severe and treatment is not needed. However, there are things you can do to feel...... Similar Editorial : Php Post Nuke by Fat Jack. | Source : Clinically Depressed
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder In A Child From IL Sadly, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is seen in as many as 1 in 200 of our children. It usually begins in the teenage years or the early 20s, but it can sometimes be diagnosed in kids who are still in grade school. OCD thinking is mentally very intrusive, sometimes causing people to question the very notion of freedom of thought. It manifests itself by the presence of intrusive, recurrent...... Source : Children With Bipolar Disorder
Camp Crystal Lake Shirt When you want your relationship to work out and you want to address things before they become insolvable, your best chance to change your life for the better is to select the right therapist for your...... Similar Editorial : About The Lake District by Douglas Scott. | Source : Save My Marriage