Nelle Frances is the mother of a 15 year old with Asperger\'s Syndrome, a Special Needs Educator and Author of the Ben and His Helmet series of books for Asperger children. For more information and Support Strategies visit
Asperger’s Syndrome Children At School Between the age of 6-18 children spend a third of each day at school, so it’s important to ensure they’re in the best environment for their needs. This is particularly true for children with Asperger’s Syndrome.So what should parents/carers look for when choosing a school for their... Similar Editorial : Syndrome X by Kay Blackiston. | Source : Parenting Teens
Down Syndrome Have Children And yes, they can often lead to meltdown! Your childs PsychologistTherapist should be working on strategies to effectively help your child in these areas, but being aware of these sources of distre...... Similar Editorial : A Baby With Down Syndrome by Caroline Brose.