Roy E. Klienwachter is an ordained minister, light worker, writer and author of New Age books. Visit him at for 100's of articles on New Age Wisdom. Written in simple language with the eloguence of Zen wisdom. Free gift!
You Are So Unreal Mankind's ability to give life to lifeless objects, gives rise to much of the grief and frustration that he brings upon himself. He animates, or humanizes all sorts of things and other creatures, the...... Source : Good First Impression
Write For Yourself First It would be very selfless or noble of me to tell you that I have created my web site only to help you and the rest of humanity. The reason for me spending so much time and energy into my writing and ...... Similar Editorial : How To Write by Eric Znoj. | Source : Ideas for Writing
50 Films Before You Die We are not interfering with a natural result and we are sending positive energy to that person. Sorry my friend and thank you for a lesson well learned... Similar Editorial : How To Write by Eric Znoj. | Source : herbal remedies usa
Age Of Empires Collector Because we will know ourselves not only as creators but creators with unlimited power to create as God, what we are experiencing now will be remembered as our first cry, and New Age will be the tra...... Similar Editorial : Age Of A Child by Simon West. | Source : herbal medicine practitioners
Dont Want To Know If the lender refuses, or tells you that its against their policy, take your business to a lender that isnt afraid to let you examine their pricing before you sign on the dotted line... Similar Editorial : All I Want To Know by John Smit. | Source : Personal Finance For Dummies
Give What You Give Never miss the opportunity to give-you will always receive an immediate reward! If you want to feel good now, go out and look for someone to give to. Give to yourself first and others will benefit!... Similar Editorial : A Girls Night Out by Ian Dennis. | Source : holistic medicine san diego
Chefography Feeling mostly insulted by what is on the TV-I have severely limited my time and relationship with the tube.
I have restricted my connection to its programming to the Food Channel and my daily dose of Voyager. Even with this limited access I have found myself in a box that is closing in on... Source : Food Safety Program