Taking Advantage Of The IPod Experience The iPod will allow your personal music selection to be played for up to 12 hours at a time, and offers the additional perks of games and the ability to store files. Up to 5,000 songs can be stored within a standard iPod, providing instant access from wherever you happen to be at the moment. Whether you’re in the office, going for a stroll, in the car or around the house, iPod is the solution for...... Similar Editorial : Another Advantage To Pay by Craig Neidel. | Source : Apple Computer
Portable Technology: Getting To Know The Treo The Treo offers a wide range of accessories and software that will help to customize and enhance your hand-held experience. Among these are cradles, cables, cases, belt clips, car kits, headsets, headphones, SD/MMC cards, e-books, games, specialized ring tones and travel software.While these are add-ons, there’s also a wide variety of built-in features, which include a To Do List, Memo Pad,...... Similar Editorial : Portable TV by Alden Jerry. | Source : Processing Technology
Bluetooth Technology: Tips For Buying Headsets Or Headphones If you’re toying with the idea of purchasing a Bluetooth headset or set of headphones, you’ll need to understand that – as a result of the nature of this type of technology– they aren’t as small or light as a headset that isn’t wireless. This is simply because it needs extended technology in order to function, as well as a battery to beused as its power source. What this means is that many ofthese...... Similar Editorial : Bluetooth Technology Finally Explained by Nathan Lynch. | Source : Phone Operator Number
Build Your Business - Be Of Service I find it interesting, when I reflect back on some of the things that I have done in my life, that where I have created the “best” results are the same times that I have come from a place of “being of service”. Conversely, where I have not got the result that I said I wanted, was generally where I had an ulterior motive or so called “hidden agenda” that of...... Similar Editorial : Build or Buy by Mohamed Rabea. | Source : Entrepreneur Home Business