Stephanie Ciccarelli is the VP of Marketing with, the online marketplace hosting more than 7,000 professional voice talents. Stephanie is the author of The Definitive Guide To Voice-Over Success, and The Voice-Over Script Collection.
Making The Transition From Singer To Voice Talent Many voice talent start their careers in music, particularly as classically trained singers. During tireless years of training a voice for singing, a bounty of skills are developed including vocal stamina, projection, breathing capabilities, phrasing, tone, inflection, elasticity, rhythm, sight-read... Similar Editorial : The Wedding Singer by Britt Gillette. | Source : Making Money
On-Hold Messaging, Making The Most Of A Captive Audience According to a recent AT&T study, more than 70% of business calls are placed on hold for an average of 45 to 60 seconds each. 60% of the callers placed on hold hang up, and 30% of those that hang up never call back.The opportunity to reach out to your customers is now!They a... Source : Advertising Tips
Quick Vocal Warm Ups That Work Wonders If you've ever had a recording session early in the morning (many of you who are on-air talent will identify with this), you've really got to warm up those pipes to sound professional and alert.Coming from a classical singing background and years of 7 a.m. choir rehearsals, I find it r... Similar Editorial : Warm Up the Night by Debbie Rodgers. | Source : Karaoke Music
Digital Living For Grandparents I recently interviewed my Terry and Sharon Ciccarelli to learn more about how they use technology, particularly the Internet. Both of them were born in the mid 1940s and belong to a generation that grew up with home freezers, television, and space expeditions as major technological advances. When I suggested that I wanted to interview them about technology, they were excited and pleased to share...... Similar Editorial : Living in the Dc by Justin Lee. | Source : Electronic Parts
The Importance Of Comments On Blogs As a reader, you probably like reading the comments that are left on blogs and perhaps you even leave comments on posts that you enjoy. While you may just like comments, writing to you from the perspective of a blogger, I can tell you that we love them!Every time I receive an email from our blog notifying me that a new comment has just been left, I get so excited.Finding out what you think,...... Similar Editorial : The Problems with Blogs by Jesse S. Somer. | Source : Create A Blog Website
Custom MP3 Demos Validate Studio Quality "Don't judge a book by its cover", could now be translated to the phrase "Don't judge a voice talent by their stock demo".In recent years, the voice industry has experienced exponential growth and enjoyed interest from new markets, particularly aspiring talent who want to get started in the business of voice acting.The doors have swung wide open. Now, anyone with a computer, microphone, and access...... Similar Editorial : Song Demos by Tom Gauger. | Source : Focus Technology
5 Voice Over Roles That Will Make You Money While there are many ways to communicate a message, the art of voice over is tops for delivering the human touch.Over the centuries, the art of communicating with other people about a given purpose and the transmission of the spoken word, the most powerful, persuasive, and distinctly human tool in any marketers arsenal, has evolved to the degree that you don't have to be in the same room to get a...... Similar Editorial : Make Money by Darrell Knox. | Source : Dollars To Pounds
An Overview Of The Voice Over Industry Voice over is a very distinct niche within the entertainment and audio recording industries.Similar to an ecosystem, there is a natural order of things and diverse relationships that take shape, many of which are symbiotic, or, mutually beneficial to the parties they involve.Take humans and trees for example.Trees produce the oxygen we need to breathe. When we exhale, or breath leaves our bodies,...... Similar Editorial : Voice over IP by Roger Wilco. | Source : Employee Rewards
Why You Need A Business Card Ever been in a scenario when someone asked you if you had a business card and you had to write your contact information on a slip of paper or a napkin?It's not the ideal situation, is it?Having a business card is integral to running a successful business and networking with other people. Business cards are an extension of you and your business.Your business card is a portable and mini version of...... Similar Editorial : Business Card Etiquette by Neil Payne. | Source : Business Email Hosting
Making A Great Business Plan For everything in life, you need a plan, right?The same can be said for business. Every business, whether a startup or a full fledged, profitable organization needs a business plan. In order to know where you are going, you have to know where you came from and what came before you.In this article, we'll explore the key elements of a winning business plan.Executive SummaryAn Executive Summary is a...... Similar Editorial : Before the Business Plan by newgensolutions6. | Source : Business Email Hosting
Become A Voice Actor But if you want to send the message that you are a professional who knows when to call in the experts, then hire the best voice-over talent you can afford to read your next commercial... Similar Editorial : 2 Way Business Radio by Tina Rinaudo. | Source : Guide Guitar Pg. 18