Steve Brunkhorst is a counselor and coach, working in the fields of personal development, rehabilitation, and sales. He is the co-owner of, publisher of Exposure Tactics Ezine and Achieve! microzine at If you want better Internet visibility for your business, visit Writers are welcome to submit original articles to help gain increased publicity for their businesses.
17 Extraordinary Human Capacities People have a tremendous capacity for outstanding achievement. There are also many extraordinary capacities that allow them to become high achievers. Here are seventeen extraordinary capacities that ...... Similar Editorial : An Extraordinary Person by Hifzur Rehman. | Source : Self
5 Result-Getting Time Management Tips How often have you tried to manage your time in more productive ways, and found the process to be difficult and confusing? Perhaps you simply gave up on the idea. As one friend said, "Time management...... Source : Depression Self Help
The Alphabet For High Achievers A im for what you want by focusing clearly on priorities. B elieve in yourself and your goals, and then begin to strive for them. C ount your blessings, create opportunities, and commit to faith-driv...... Similar Editorial : How High by Rick Trojan. | Source : Stress Management Techniques
A Gift From The Heart Of A Friend She stares at me, and then closes her eyes. A tinge of early dawn plays on her cheek as it peeks through the glass curtains by my desk. I grow warmer, waiting in silence for her first uncertain word ...... Similar Editorial : How Your Best Friend by billy. | Source : Low Self Confidence