Steve Dempster writes short stories, copy and articles for the web. If you'd like more information about aids to mobility this can be found at Electric Mobility World
Article Writing: How Do You Write For Quality? Article directories receive hundreds of articles daily - but why do some articles perform better than others? In this article we examine some of the reasons.Article writing, for a competent writer, is a fairly easy discipline. The task is to write an informative and interesting piece of work in the range of some 400-1200 words. Yet many articles that I, as an article directory editor, have seen...... Similar Editorial : Article Writing by Wycliffe Williams. | Source : Alphabet
Fiction Writing: 3 Crucial Points For Your Main Character The main or lead character in any story is a lynchpin and has very definite qualities. Miss one of these and your story may well grind to a halt! This article takes a look at three crucial aspects of the main character.The main character in any work of fiction is the one around which the entire story revolves. He or she must possess certain values or abilities if your story is to work, yet many...... Similar Editorial : Fact Or Fiction by News Canada. | Source : Graffiti Alphabets
Article Writing: Keeping Your Article On Track Whilst article writing is a recognised means of promoting a product or service, your article must remain on target or you are just wasting your time. This article gives a few pointers to make sure this staying on target happens!As an article directory editor (amongst other things!) I find it interesting to watch the 'ebb and flow' of article content, usually dependent on what the likes of...... Similar Editorial : Article Writing by Jinger Jarrett. | Source : Graffiti Alphabets
Why Write A Novel? Here Are Three Good Reasons Not To! For many aspiring writers, the novel is the chosen path to publication. Yet with so few achieving this goal, why not consider some other pathways to success? This article lists three reasons why not to write a novel and gives some alternatives!1. Novels take a long time to write. On average, a novelist will spend a year on researching and writing their novel. Don't forget that this is full-time...... Similar Editorial : How To Write E by Ewen Chia. | Source : Wood Alphabet Blocks
Three Key Points To Consider Before You Write That Book! According to recent surveys, over 70% of people questioned said they would like to write a book. This article touches on three key points that just might help them - and you - do just that!First key point: willpower. Although 70% of people questioned may well have said they would like to write a book, figures aren't available for the number who actually did anything about it. It's an unfortunate...... Similar Editorial : Wii Points by Andres Garcia. | Source : Wood Alphabet Blocks
Agents And Publishers - Who Do I Approach First? You may well think that the choice of approaching an agent or publisher is academic before you have even finished your book but nothing is further from the truth. This short article discusses the pros and cons of agents and publishers - and which one you should go for.A decision that many writers put off for as long as possible seems to be the one where they decide if they want to get an agent or...... Similar Editorial : CD Publishers by Article Manager. | Source : Digital Camera Printing
Joint Pain: Could It Be Arthritis? People of all ages experience those little twinges in the joints - but could they be arthritis? This article takes a brief look at the symptoms and effects of this common condition.Definition of Arthritis.Not all aches and pains in the joints are caused by arthritis and the definition of the condition is fairly broad. It's typically described as 'a disease that causes pain and loss of movement of...... Similar Editorial : Joint Arthritis Pain by Steve Dempster. | Source : Treatment Arthritis
Thumb Arthritis: This Joint Pain Is More Common Than You Think This condition can cause many problems for sufferers, including loss of grip and, of course, a great deal of pain. But what are its causes and is there a remedy?Thumb arthritis usually occurs after the age of forty and is more common in women than in men. The first symptom of thumb arthritis is usually pain experienced at the base of the thumb when gripping an object or when applying force - say...... Similar Editorial : Cat Arthritis by Niall Kennedy. | Source : Treatment Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Major Factor In Joint Pain Rheumatoid Arthritis can commence at any age but generally begins between the ages of 20 and 45. This article examines some of its symptoms and causes.The symptoms and signs: Joint stiffness, particularly in the hands and feet, in the mornings when getting up from bed. A telling sign can be that the stiffness is experienced in either both hands or both feet - not just one. Stiffness that lasts...... Similar Editorial : Rheumatoid Arthritis by J.J. Yong. | Source : Treatment Arthritis
Joint Arthritis Pain: Alternative Arthritis Therapies Mainstream medicine tends to dismiss alternative remedies for arthritis in favour of drug therapy and established treatments. This article discusses some of the alternative therapies available. Do they work or not?There are many forms of arthritis and it can affect sufferers in different ways and to greater or lesser degrees. One factor is common, however: pain - usually joint pain that can be...... Similar Editorial : Joint Pain by Sudhani. | Source : Treatment Arthritis
Joint Pain And Arthritis: What Are The Alternatives? Arthritis is a common condition affecting literally millions of people worldwide. For many, mainstream medical care brings relief. But are there any alternative remedies that are effective?Firstly, a brief run-down of what arthritis actually is. The fact is that arthritis is a blanket term covering over one hundred different conditions, some common, some uncommon and some extremely rare. Arthritis...... Similar Editorial : Joint Pain Relief by sudhaniSEO. | Source : Treatment Arthritis
New Writers: Please Take Note! Have you ever wondered how some writers seem to have plenty of ideas to work with and others very few? Well, here perhaps is one reason why . . .If you have ever listened to anyone say something along the lines of 'I had this most amazing dream last night - but I can't just remember what it was about' you may start to guess where I'm coming from.Firstly, it's not about writing about dreams! I just...... Similar Editorial : Freelance Writers by Yuwanda Black. | Source : Creative Writing Undergraduate
Viewpoint Writing 1: Seeing Through Your Characters Eyes Of the many different writing styles, viewpoint writing is probably the one that works best for aspiring writers - but what is it?Viewpoint writing is used extensively in modern novels, especially ones that contain fast-paced action. As its name suggests, it's written from the active character's viewpoint, telling the reader what the character sees, how they feel, what they know, and so on. We'll...... Similar Editorial : Writing e by Glenn Murray. | Source : Creative Writing Undergraduate
Dialogue In Writing: Some Points You Should Consider In short story writing, dialogue is very important for a number of reasons. I've listed a few below, not in order of importance - all are important - but to give a 'points to ponder' rundown. So - what about dialogue, then?Dialogue can be defined as the interaction between two characters on a vocal level. Good dialogue can and should convey mood, information and move the story along.It is...... Similar Editorial : Writing e by Glenn Murray. | Source : Creative Writing Undergraduate
Viewpoint Writing 2: How To Use Your Characters Voice There are some simple rules to remember when writing form a character's viewpoint, yet many forget them. Here's a rundown of some to remember . . .No matter what language you speak, regional accents and dialect always give away your origin - unless of course you have had voice coaching. In the UK accent differences can be very subtle - for example, I can tell if someone is from my home town or a...... Similar Editorial : Writing For The Web by Richard Lowe, Jr.. | Source : Wells Author
Do U Really Want Me However, this should not stop you from joining any program if you have done your research well.There are many REAL money making opportunities that can help you gain financial wealth and prosperity... Similar Editorial : Do U Really Want Me by Noel Lillis. | Source : Work From Home Pg. 27
Dream Theater Learning To Live That change may not be perceived by the arthritis sufferer to be for the better - indeed, it would be patronising to suggest that arthritis improves anyones lot - but at least it can now be adapted t...... Similar Editorial : Do U Really Want Me by Noel Lillis. | Source : Arthritis Signs
How To Get Cold Im sure that then you will enjoy your camping experience and it will become for you, as it has for so many, a lifelong passion... Similar Editorial : How To Get Cold by Steve Dempster.