How To Choose A Good Potty Chair Your child is starting to show some interest in potty training and is at the right age. So you race to the store to get your little one a potty. If you’re like me, you didn’t realize how many options there are these days when it comes to potty chairs. You will find little potties that sit on t... Similar Editorial : Potty Training by Elena Neitlich. | Source : Parenting Babies
First Solid Foods For Baby All babies start out with either breast milk or formula, but must eventually wean over to regular solid foods. Although it may seem scary at first, teaching a baby how to eat can be a very rewarding and memorable time for both you and your baby. To ensure your baby is properly taught how to chew and swallow solid foods, you must train them how to eat by introducing certain foods at first.Most...... Similar Editorial : Book Yourself Solid by Michael Port. | Source : Baking Powder Recipe
How To Keep Your Kids Busy 1) Trade play-dates with other moms in your area. One afternoon the kids play at your house, the next at hers. You get the idea. Not only does this help you out on the days that they are at someone else’s house, but also on days that they are at yours. You’ll be amazed at how much more you get done, when they are keeping each other company. 2) Check with the churches and daycare centers in your...... Similar Editorial : Busy Fish by Dr. Robert Eubanks. | Source : Kids Learning
Does Your Child Need A Bedtime Routine? - Yes! That all changed when we finally sat down and established a bedtime routine. It helped our daughter establish healthy sleeping habits and got us back into ours. On top of it, we now have a little time to ourselves at night. Maybe you have heard on TV or read in a parenting magazine that your child needs a bedtime routine. Or you are just plain tired of having to run to her room 20 times before she...... Similar Editorial : Dumbbell Routine by Eddie Lomax. | Source : Creative Kids Crafts
Create A Story Book With Your Child All you need is a notebook, a pen, and anything else you and your child would like to use to illustrate a story. You can draw pictures together, or make a collage out of old photos and magazine cut outs. Of course you can also add stickers, glitter or anything else you can come up with.But let’s start at the beginning. The idea is to come up with a story and to write it down in the notebook. If...... Similar Editorial : Short Story by Jesse S. Somer. | Source : Creative Kids Crafts
Cost Of Disposable Diapers Be sure to ask close friends and family what they used when bring up their children. In the future, you will definitely make back the cost of using cloth diapers... Similar Editorial : 2008 Cost Of Living by Roger Munns.
Easy Kids Crafts For Christmas Buy a few small pumpkins instead, or in addition to the big carving pumpkin. Use permanent pens or acrylic paint to draw funny faces on your mini-pumpkins.Make a Halloween Costume...
Fruit Snacks For Kids Besides, todays stores sell great fruit options, which are quick, and easy to give your child, these include great applesauce mixes that include other flavors, yogurts with fruit, parfaits and more... Similar Editorial : Fruit Snacks For Kids by Susanne Myers. | Source : Food For The Brain
5 Quick And Healthy Breakfast Ideas Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A recent study has shown that women who skip breakfast consume an average of 100 calories more than those who eat breakfast. Enjoying a healthy breakfast in the morning will also keep your blood sugar levels even, which will help you stay more alert a... Similar Editorial : 3 Quick Food And Wine Ideas by John Maier -. | Source : Breakfast Menu
A Healthy Dinner Isn?t Impossible Getting a healthy dinner on the table each and every night can sometimes seem like Mission Impossible. Especially after a long day at work, when you come home to a pretty empty fridge and pantry. Thankfully there is a pretty easy solution to this dinner time dilemma ? Menu Planning. The idea behin... Similar Editorial : Easy Dinner Recipes and Dinner Ideas by Julie Languille. | Source : Italian Dinner Party
Get Your Kids To Eat Their Veggies Do you have trouble getting your kids to eat their veggies? I sure do. My daughter used to be great about trying and eating just about anything…and then she turned 2 ½. Now it is pretty much impossible to get her to eat anything other than corn when it comes to vegetables. So I had to come up with s... Similar Editorial : Halloween Party Food Ideas For Kids by Dee Power . | Source : Vegetarian Diet Recipes
St. Patricks Day Treats Celebrate St. Patrick's Day this year with some of these fun and of course mostly green St. Patrick's Day Treats.
Leprechaun Ale
Place a scoop of lime sherbet into a tall glass, pour ginger ale over it and watch it fizz. This can be made even fancier by rubbing some lime juice... Similar Editorial : Quick Treats For Halloween by Jim Brown. | Source : Baked Turkey Recipes
Fun Fruit Snacks For Kids It is so important that our kids eat healthy, nutritious snacks, but what do we feed them and how do we keep them fun and exciting so that the kids will actually want to eat them? Fruit is a good choice for kids snacks that allows for variety in many ways.There are tons of ways that you can incorpo... Similar Editorial : Kids Fruit Pizza by Christine Steendahl. | Source : Olive Oil Recipe
St. Patricks Day Treats Celebrate St. Patrick's Day this year with some of these fun and of course mostly green St. Patrick's Day Treats. Leprechaun AlePlace a scoop of lime sherbet into a tall glass, pour ginger ale over it and watch it fizz. This can be made even fancier by rubbing some lime juice on the rim of the gla... Similar Editorial : Quick Treats For Halloween by Jim Brown. | Source : Christmas Dessert Recipes
Healthy Holiday Eating It seems that we’re invited to a party or family get-together every other night in the weeks before the Holidays. Unfortunately most of the dishes that are brought to those events are not exactly healthy. We all tend to overindulge during the holiday season, tempted by all the unhealthy treats aroun... Similar Editorial : Eating A Healthy Breakfast by Rachel Lynn. | Source : Dinner Party Music
Dr. Seuss Inspired Recipes - Your Kids Will Love These What child doesn't grow up with Dr. Seuss books? We have quite a few of them lying around the house. The kids love the silly characters and the rhymes. The Dr. Seuss inspired recipes that I'm about to share with you have been a great hit in my house. Of course the famous green eggs and ham are inc... Similar Editorial : Chocolate Cake Recipes We Love by Donna Monday. | Source : Pancake Recipe
Dr. Seuss Inspired Recipes For Kids What child doesn?t grow up with Dr. Seuss books? We have quite a few of them lying around the house. The kids love the silly characters and the rhymes. The Dr. Seuss inspired recipes that I?m about to share with you have been a great hit in my house. Of course the famous green eggs and ham are inclu... Similar Editorial : Chocolate Cake Recipes We Love by Donna Monday. | Source : Irish Cooking Recipes