Honey is a leading finance expert. He is known for his original ideas and unique insights in business. His witty ideas about everyday basics are a buyer's delight.
Credit Card : Use And Misuse Credit cards are the new age plastic money. Like debit cards these can be used to obtain instant cash. However, unlike debit cards, the issuing bank lends the amount withdrawn to the customer. The lending body approves an amount which can be withdrawn using a particular credit card, known as the credit limit. Some popular banks which approve credit cards in UK are Barclaycard, MNBA credit card,...... Similar Editorial : Credit Card vs by James H. Dimmitt. | Source : 0 Credit Card Balance Transfers
Why Affinity Cards? Affinity cards are cards which link two factors, a lending body and an associated group. Use of affinity cards may give the holder an added advantage in form of discounts, and certainly offers an associated/affinity deal with group/s associated with service providers.Like other credit cards, affinity cards offer credit facility and may charge interest after expiry of the grace period. The distinct...... Similar Editorial : Sd Cards by Brayan Russell. | Source : Bad Credit Credit Card Applications
The Card And Your Credit Did you know that you could consolidate your credit card dues at a much cheaper rate of interest? You may even find a balance transfer scheme where you could get an interest free period of 12 months apart from a consolidated credit card. Much like debt consolidation, this way of consolidating your finance is a better way and may be a cheaper way of paying your dues.Smart use of your cards can see...... Similar Editorial : Credit Card vs by James H. Dimmitt. | Source : Bad Credit Credit Card Applications
Your Guide To Personal Loans Dazed by the sheer number of lenders offering a variety of personal loans in UK today? Well, here are a few pointers to help you make your way through the maze.When seeking for a personal loan you should head for a bank, building society or finance provider. Whichever option you opt for, the loan amount will probably fall withing the limit of ï?? 500 to ï??15,000 for personal loans. The amount...... Similar Editorial : Guide to Personal Loans by Webrepairservice. | Source : Online Personal Loans
A Borrowers Guide To Unsecured Loan Unsecured loans can be a relief if you have an urgent requirement for cash but cannot commit any asset for security, but how far do these promises of 'cheap unsecured loan' or 'fast unsecured loans' hold true? In case you have a requirement for unsecured loan but are apprehensive about going for it, or if you wish to just know more about this loan category you may find this worth reading.Loans...... Similar Editorial : Payday Loan Guide by Robert. | Source : Unsecured Loan For Debt Consolidation
Secured Loans: Fetching A Fair Deal Going for a loan but apprehensive? Fetching a fair deal when it comes to loans may look like a tough nut to crack. Here are a few basic facts you must know before signing a deal.Choosing between an unsecured loan and secured loan, a borrower will have greater ease obtaining a secured loan though unsecured loans are more popular. A secured loan is a loan backed by a collateral considered as...... Similar Editorial : Secured Loans by James Copper. | Source : Loan Quick Secured
When To Opt For Secured Loans Going for a loan? Find out when and why you should opt for a secured loan instead of an unsecured loan.The greatest merit an unsecured loan seem to have is that there is no requirement of a collateral to obtain the loan. The credit amount is extended based on the credit history, personal/financial circumstance and other such factors. But apart from this what are the aspects you should be familiar...... Similar Editorial : Secured Loans by James Copper. | Source : Secured Loans Bad Credit
Will I Get A Tenant Loan? Looking for a lending body/bank? Unsure about your chances of getting a loan? Well, read on to explore what's in the deal.Applications for tenant loan far exceed the number applying for secured homeowner loan. The basic difference is that one is required to deposit a collateral for getting a secured loan. Since the collateral security ensures the lending authority of the payment, the loans are...... Similar Editorial : Tenant Loan by Turk Malloy. | Source : Loans for Tenants
Processing Tenant Loans If you are a non homeowner in UK looking for a loan then you would preferably like to secure a loan which is not against a collateral. The lending sources are bank or private companies which lend an amount and charge interest on it. In association with these are brokers and other service providers who would help you choose a tenant loan from the the hoard of options available in the market.There...... Similar Editorial : Tenant Loans Uk by Mathew Kenny. | Source : Loans for Tenants
Loans: Tracing Trends Greater number of applications received for loans in UK are for unsecured loans. Tenant loans are more popular than homeowner loans because there is no need to deposit an asset as collateral. Looking at the current trends in the UK market unsecured loans have a higher rate of interest, require more documentation, and are given for smaller amounts and installments are a little tighter as compared...... Similar Editorial : Used Car Loans by Adam Boulton. | Source : Fast Easy Loans
Home Loans: A Borrowers Guide A home loan is a secured loan option available for homeowners. The homeowner is given some equity in their home. Since the home loan market in UK is quite dynamic there is no dearth of schemes and options to choose from to acquire a home loan.You would need to get in touch with a dealer, broker or a bank to acquire the home loan. Since home loans are generally for big amounts and almost always...... Similar Editorial : Home Loans by Charles Essmeier. | Source : Va Home Mortgage Loans
Capitol One Credit Card Easy cash availability may encourage customers to avail the facility more frequently, paying the amount before the grace period is crucial if you do not want to make high interest payments along wit...... Similar Editorial : 0 Credit Card Offers by Gordon Goodfellow. | Source : Credit Cards In Uk