Why "Good Enough"... Isnt About a year ago, I had an opportunity to have dinner with the CEO of an engineering startup company in Pennsylvania. As we discussed engineering design matters over Chinese food, he took a few momen...... Source : Finance Tip
A Time Saving Programming Tactic That Doesnt Work To an inexperienced or otherwise undisciplined programmer, this seems to make sense. After all, the finished product is what truly matters, right? The customer doesn’t care about flowcharts, class diagrams or software architectures. All they want is something that works.... Similar Editorial : No Time by Cynthia Morris. | Source : Computer Guide
Five Snake Care Tips For Beginners If you’re looking for an unusual, eye-catching pet, it’s hard to go wrong with a snake. They’re exotic enough to catch people’s interest, yet hardy enough to require minimal care. Nevertheless, uninf...... Similar Editorial : Marketing Tips for Beginners by tomato_hong. | Source : Pets
Need A Low-Maintenance Pet? Try A Tarantula! If you’re like me, then you don’t really have the luxury of keeping a high-maintenance pet such as a dog. Even a less demanding pet such as a cat might be beyond your time constraints. Fish tanks c...... Source : Pets
Dont Forget That Manual! No user manual? Surely you jest! It may seem comical, but it’s a surprisingly common situation. I’ve encountered many companies that don’t provide any user manuals with their products. If they do,...... Similar Editorial : Forget Used by Tony DiFiore, Jr.. | Source : Guide to Grammar and Writing
Should Ph.D.s Be Referred To AsDoctor? In recent years, I've frequently heard people claim that individuals who hold PhDs are not "real" doctors. These people assert that only physicians can rightfully claim this title, and that it's inappropriate for PhD-holders to use this term.Frankly, I'm surprised. I thought i... Source : Private Boarding Schools
UsingGet AndSet Might Be Something Youll Regret It’s an all-too-common pitfall. Programmers who attempt to write object-oriented code decide to make all of their data variables private, while creating public get() and set() function pairs for each one. “See?” they declare, as they pat themselves on their backs. “The data is private, but it can be accessed through these functions. I’ve encapsulated my data. That’s what...... Source : Stay Motivated