Integrated Commercial Colonies In Haryana With the advancement of Science and Technology, the life style of public is changing rapidly. The more abrupt changes are being observed among urban population. In big urban centers, Software Engineers, Computer Engineers, Industrial Managers, Company Directors, Bureaucrats and other highly sala... Similar Editorial : Integrated E by | Source : Realty in India
Scope For Group Housing Project In Haryana Haryana is one of the most rapidly developing States of India's its growth rate ( 8.6 % ) is exceeding the national average growth rate. It is commanding the second highest per capita income ( Rs. 26, 632 ) in the country. About 91 percent of its population is living above poverty line. The tot... Similar Editorial : Group or by Bob Lory. | Source : India Property Price
Deepesh Rathore I wonder how the Managing Director of a multi-million dollar supplier group greets the General Manager – Sourcing of a leading OEM. The MD of the supplier probably smokes Havana cigars, goes around in a chauffeur driven S-Class and has the Ritz-Carlton as a second home. On the other hand, the GM – Sourcing earns a modest salary like any senior executive in an Indian automaker does. And yet it is...... Source : Communication Technology
Microsofts Windows Vista Vista also includes Trustworthy Computing (Palladium) and greater support for digital rights management. PCs running Vista require more memory than Windows XP. At least 1GB is recommended, with 2GB being a safer bet.Security and safety features of Windows Vista There are a number of security and safety settings of Windows Vista. Internally, Microsoft adopted a "Security Development Lifecycle" with...... Similar Editorial : Microsofts ^@ by Richard Lowe. | Source : Buy Microsoft Access
Rain Water Harvesting System Shortage of potable water supply in urban areas is one of the main problems which is being faced by all countries including developed countries of the world. Human beings can not survive without water even for a day. The underground water is depleting day by day everywhere, whereas population of urban areas is increasing at alarming rate, mainly, due to migration of population from rural areas to...... Similar Editorial : Water on the Brain by Ieuan Dolby. | Source : Advanced Coordinate Technology
Who May Apply For A Patent? If The Inventor Is Dead, Insane, or Refuses to PatentIf the inventor is dead, the application may be made by legal representatives, that is, the administrator or executor of the estate. If the inventor is insane, the application for patent may be made by a guardian. If an inventor refuses to apply for a patent or cannot be found, a joint inventor or a person having a proprietary interest in the...... Similar Editorial : Why Patent An Idea by Mansour Ahmadshahi. | Source : Business Email Directory
Different Types Of Patent A patent is a document issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office located in Arlington, Virginia, that grants to an inventor the legally enforceable right to exclude others from making, selling, distributing or using an invention in the U.S. territory. Congress allows this exclusive right, often considered a limited monopoly, to encourage the public disclosure of technical information and as...... Similar Editorial : Types of Investment by David Johnson. | Source : Business Email Directory
Why We Need Interior Designer? The position is a combination of engineer and artist, and it takes a unique type of mind to handle both of those concepts well. Interior designers have to be good with more than color, fabric, and furniture; interior designers must know materials, have budgeting skills, communicate well, and oversee the ordering, installation, and maintenance of all objects that define a space. They also have to...... Similar Editorial : Designer Envy by Gregory Lions. | Source : Apartment Interior Design
Interior Your Dream Space It is a multi-faceted profession in which creative and technical solutions are applied within a structure to achieve a built interior environment. These solutions are functional, enhance the quality of life and culture of the occupants, and are aesthetically attractive. Designs are created in response to and coordinated with the building shell, and acknowledge the physical location and social...... Similar Editorial : Interior Designers by Allison Thompson. | Source : Apartment Interior Design
Aurangabad Travel Guide Aurangabad is one of the oldest cities in Maharashtra with a cultural heritage that includes, the Ajanta - Ellora caves and Daulatabad Fort. The town is named after Aurangzeb, the last Mughal emperor, and has many places to see, admire and know about. The most famous trip that should be taken from Aurangabad is that of the Ajanta and Ellora caves. Several fine Mughal monuments surround Aurangabad,...... Similar Editorial : Greece Travel Guide by Richard Monk . | Source : Asia Travel
Jammu Travel Guide Jammu district derives its name from the city of Jammu which besides being the winter capital of the state, is known as the city of temples. It is believed that the city was originally founded by Raja Jamboo Lochan, which came to be known as "Jamboo" after his own name. With the passage of time and due to its frequent use the pronunciation of the name got slightly distorted and the city, came to...... Similar Editorial : Travel Guide by Gagandeep Dhaliwal. | Source : Asia Travel
Vishakhapatnam Travel Guide The city derives its name from God Visakha, or the God of Courage. The earliest documented history the city states that it was ruled by the mighty King Ashoka, but was sacked by one dynasty after another during the course of history. The land of the golden beaches was just over half a century ago a small fishing village. One would be amazed at the manner in which this port city with a natural...... Similar Editorial : Greece Travel Guide by Richard Monk . | Source : Airfare To Bangkok
Mumbai Travel Guide Initially a few Parsis and Gujarati came but soon a sizeable population began to thrive here.This was way back in the 17th century. Today also Mumbai is a city of migrants. People from all over the country have come and settled here. This gives the society of Mumbai a multi-lingual and multi-cultural color.History of Mumbai: The Great Indian Peninsular Railway facilitated travel within India. This...... Similar Editorial : Greece Travel Guide by Richard Monk . | Source : Chinese Movie
Kolkata Travel Guide A city just about ready to burst at the seams, Calcutta is home to more than 10 million people. The Ganga (called the Hooghly in Calcutta) is still the inspiration, as it was to Job Charnok, East India Company agent, who reached the shores in August 1690, to found the city. Calcutta, after London, was the British Empire’s second city.Places of Interest in Kolkata• Birla Planetarium: Only the...... Similar Editorial : Greece Travel Guide by Richard Monk . | Source : Chinese Movie
Jaisalmer Travel Guide The city has an interesting legend associated with it, according to which, Lord Krishna-the head of the Yadav Clan, foretold Arjuna that a remote descendent of the Yadav Clan would built his kingdom atop the Trikuta Hill. His prophecy was fulfilled in 1156 A.D. when Rawal Jaisal, a descendent of the Yadav Clan and a Bhatti Rajput, abandoned his fort at Lodurva and founded a new capital -Jaisalmer,...... Similar Editorial : Greece Travel Guide by Richard Monk . | Source : Chinese Movie
Aa Battery Charger Remember that the battery charger rate is limited to a maximum charging current depending on the model you select and this in-turn, limits the number of batteries you can recharge at any one time.... Similar Editorial : A Solar Battery Charger by Remy Jirek. | Source : Sales And Marketing Job
Apply For A Patent Usually this occurs when joint inventors have invented separate elements in certain claims and those claims, during prosecution of the patent application, have been deleted entirely or modified to de...... Similar Editorial : Air Conditioner Buying Guide by Guy Morris. | Source : Patent and Trademark
Canary Islands Travel Guide New Delhi, Amritsar, Chandigarh and other major cities in Punjab are well linked with Ludhiana through road. The city lies about 305 km northwest of Delhi and is 100 km away from Chandigarh... Similar Editorial : Are The Canary Islands by Jimi St Pierre.
Capability And Maturity Model Key Practices The key practices describe the elements of infrastructure and practice that contribute most effectively to the implementation and institutionalization of the key process areas.... Similar Editorial : Are The Canary Islands by Jimi St Pierre.