Dr. Bola developed innovative job search techniques for disabled workers for 20 years. A licensed psychologist, she appeared as a Vocational Expert in a variety of administrative and civil courts. Author and e-zine publisher, she can be found at: http://www.virginiabola.com
Job Hunting Tip: Organize Your Attack Looking for work is an energy-devouring ordeal, often leading to running in circles and not getting anywhere. A systematic approach can help you focus on your goal, avoid wasting the energy you need ...... Similar Editorial : Job Hunting by Paul Shearstone. | Source : Business Guide
The Language Of Blogs I read over a lot of blogs each week, casually surfing one ortwo of the blog exchanges I belong.I realized yesterday that I seldom read the whole entry unlessit's very short. Many are quite uncomfortable to read, somedownright excruciating, in terms of their grammatical skills,spelling, and style. Because it is such an immediate andoff-the-cuff personal expression, do the standard language...... Similar Editorial : The Problems with Blogs by Jesse S. Somer. | Source : Create Blog Site
Age-Proof Your Resume Older job hunters fear interviews where their age cannot be concealed and where an initial response of dismay on an interviewer's face, quickly hidden, confirms their anticipation of discrimination. The mature job seeker often prefers the anonymity of mailed resumes, e-mailed inquiries, internet applications, and telephone contacts.Interviews, however, are the goal of everyone who wants to work....... Source : Cover Letter
Job Hunting Tips: Time Management There is an old adage that "Looking for a job is harder than working." How true! The rigors of job search are magnified by the turmoil we experience: lack of self-confidence, humiliation, financial pressure, and the undercurrent of emotions that color all we do: fear, anger, depression, anxiety, loss. One practical step we can take to lower the stress and conserve our energy for finding work, not...... Similar Editorial : Apartment Hunting Tips by David Riewe. | Source : Reward Employees
Personal Contacts: The Key To Successful Networking When the word "networking" is used, we tend to think of upwardly mobile college graduates with a bursting day timer in hand chatting up the competition at business meetings, conventions, or workshops. The average blue/pink/white collar worker disconnects, feeling that they could never be that pushy, don't know enough people to even start the attempt, and that the method only works in competitive...... Similar Editorial : Get More Personal by Josh Hinds. | Source : Achievement And Success
Unemployment Blues: Getting Active Unemployment is depressing: financial pressures stress you out, looking for work is humiliating, and your fragile self-confidence reels under the blows of indifference and rejection.It becomes harder to get up in the morning, to take care of yourself, to be supportive and loving to those around you, to swing energetically into job search activities.Here are 7 tips on beating those I-want-to-get-a...... Similar Editorial : Unemployment Blues by renfield. | Source : Michigan Career Builder
Unemployment Blues: Take Back Control One of the most emotionally crippling aspects of unemployment is the sense of powerlessness it engenders. Job layoff triggers financial pressures, emotional distress, family turmoil, and dashed career hopes. It is forced on us by unrelenting fate, an emotionally disengaged employer, and economic currents that have little to do with us personally. We feel that we have no control over our situation,...... Similar Editorial : Unemployment Blues by renfield. | Source : Michigan Career Builder
Unemployment Blues: Losing Ourselves When we lose our jobs, no matter the reason, we lose a big part of our identity. Think of the last several times you met new people. After names are exchanged and polite comments made on whatever event you are attending, the question quickly arises: "What do you do?"It's a pleasant starting point for conversation and usually gives rise to many questions or a lively discussion. It also allows us to...... Similar Editorial : Unemployment Blues by renfield. | Source : Michigan Career Builder
Unemployment Blues: Mind Over Mood Our lives are tranquil and smooth so seldom, it seems. We have our ups-and-downs, our good days and bad days, our sunny moods and black moods. The less we swing in opposite directions, the happier we tend to be. The biology of our bodies craves balance and consistency -- changes in our thought patterns and emotions interrupt the regularity of our nerve pathways leading to chemical inbalance and...... Similar Editorial : Unemployment Blues by renfield. | Source : Michigan Career Builder
Employment Under A Microscope A certain amount of oversight is involved in almost any job. The more important, the more highly skilled, the more successful the position, the lower the degree of oversight. At the bottom rung of the economic and social ladder - the laborers, the maids, the easily replaceable positions - the more watchful are the powers that be, the less secure are the workers, the more personally vulnerable are...... Similar Editorial : Home Employment by . | Source : Michigan Career Builder
Unemployment Iraqi Style Let's put it all into perspective: the U.S. has an unemployment rate hovering at just above the 5% level (although much higher in ethnic populations). Iraq has an unemployment rate in the 75% range.How on earth do they live?We are all aware of the difficulties of being out of work -the financial pressures, the emotional trauma, the ruin of so many marriages and families, and the overall cost to...... Similar Editorial : What is Unemployment by Richa Sinha. | Source : Michigan Career Builder
Myth Of American Productivity Employment finally seemed back on track during the first few months of 2004. Politicians crowed that "Our tax cuts are working." Then, without warning, job growth slowed to a crawl, resulting in a deficit of more than 2 million jobs from that confidently predicted only a year ago. To counteract that dismal performance, public emphasis turned to another indicator, productivity. The reported...... Similar Editorial : Public Relations Productivity by Robert A. Kelly. | Source : Employee Benefit Plans