About Writer Hirini Reedy is a Maori metaphysicist, former military officer, martial arts founder and eco-business coach. Get your free eBook "7 Seeds of Maori Wisdom" at http://www.maorisecrets.com
Shiny Red Berries - The Marketing Lessons Of The Forest Remember the last time you walked into a forest during spring? It is like walking through a market. Full of colour, smells, shapes and noise. The sounds of buyers and sellers wheeling and dealing. Lots of currency being traded. Value being exchanged. But not one single dollar. You see the currency o... Similar Editorial : Goji Berries by granola. | Source : Creative Media Marketing
Why One In Six Billion Makes You Hugely Marketable In todays' world, new markets are opening up all the time. With six billion plus people scattered across the globe, cross cultural marketing is vital to business success. No longer can dominant marketing practices apply globally. What works in the USA may not work here in New Zealand. And vice vers... Similar Editorial : One Point Two Billion by tony dean. | Source : Guerrilla Marketing Tactics
Look At Your Hands - What Wisdom Lies Within Your Grip? Look at your hands? There is wisdom, hard knocks, scars and life's experiences carved into the lines. Your hands have made you rich. Or poor. They have wiped your tears. They have gripped your fears. They have soothed away pain. Maybe held a friend's hand as they died. Who knows except you. Your h... Similar Editorial : Nissan Pioneers Hands by RyanThomas. | Source : Power Positive Thinking
Sharpen Your Intuition And Grow Rich Intuition, is it something you use? Maybe you call it by a different name. Gut feeling. The little voice inside your head. A hazy image that passes before your eyes. You blink and wonder if you are seeing things. Or you know an outcome with certainty. Before receiving confirmation by phone or person... Similar Editorial : Differentiate and Grow Rich by Eric Graham. | Source : Qualities of Leadership
Train Your Mind Daily Do you have a daily mind power routine? Many successful leaders, athletes, soldiers and even monks all have a daily mind power routine. Ghandi meditated. Napoleon visualised his battles. Nelson Mandela recited a special poem. Whether it is meditation, visualisation or prayer the main thing is to hav... Similar Editorial : Renew Thyself Daily by Jennifer Hall. | Source : Business Tax
5 Powerful Strategies For Depressed Entrepreneurs Ok, so you have not made your first million within90 days as you thought. Your idea crashed and you feel gutted. Worst, your partner says I told you so. Youand your get rich ideas. Well, I salute you becauseyou tried and failed. Guess what? The more you fail, thefaster ... Similar Editorial : Im Not Depressed by Della Menechella. | Source : Internet Entrepreneur
How Mentally Tough Are You? Success in many areas of life is about 80% mindset, 20% mechanics. Your mindset determines how much you ultimately achieve in life. The mind has so much power yet we do not get taught how to use it properly as part of our school learning. It creates our reality of the world. Yet it is only a map. It... Similar Editorial : Getting Tough On E by News Canada. | Source : Dealing with Depression