Editorials » Automobiles » Auto Accidents

Car Sharing - A Neglected Solution?
by Charles Cridland. With congestion continuing to rise on Britain's roads a number of solutions have been proposed, raising tax being the main one. However, every day in the UK there are over 10 million empty seats on the roads. Worse still, the vast majority of these ...
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Safety Instructions Before Using Vehicle Lifts
by Joe Goertz. Lifts are used to raise a vehicle on a stable platform, allowing automotive mechanics unrestricted access to inspect and repair the underbelly, transmission and wheels of the vehicle. Multiple vehicle lifts are standard equipment in most auto repair...
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Underage Drinking and Driving Never Did Match
by Terry Brown. You have just recently acquired that new Volkswagen Golf straight right out of your garage when your parents gave it to you on your birthday. You are still new to the wheel yet you certainly do love the feeling that you have once you are behind it. ...
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Drowsy Driving: More Felt at End of Daylight Savings Time
by Joe Thompson. This Saturday night, people all are going to set their clocks and their watches an hour back. If you have not been informed yet, well, it is time that you were told that Saturday is the end of daylight savings time. Such an event may not be a big de...
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Backing Up your Vehicle Need Not Be Guesswork
by Sarah Mcbride. For drivers, they all do know that when they do back up their cars, their sport utility vehicles, they luxury units, or even their pickup trucks, they could easily bump into someone or something. With this, most drivers do consider backup as somethi...
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The Things your Car Should Have
by Tracy Dawson. When I am talking about things that your vehicle should have, I am certainly not referring to those simply Daewoo auto parts or Volvo performance par...
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Saabs Alcokey Breathalyzer: Drunkards Off the Road!
by Shane Morgay. Due to the alarming number of road accidents, collisions and misdemeanors relating to drunkenness and with the stirring desire to reduce the intensifying number, automakers conducted several studies and experiments to come up with a system that coul...

Risky Roads Mapped Out
by Jason Moore. With the help and assistance of the departments of transportation of the states Iowa and Michigan, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety was actually able to make out a method and technique so as to map out the relative risks of some roads in and al...

Ford Recalls 145,000 Vehicles
by Jason Moore. Approximately 145,000 vehicles will be recalled by Ford Motor Co. in order to fix the reported door latches. The perils of having such defective latches in a vehicle include the malfunctioning of the doors and the possibility that the drivetrain can...
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Chaos the Indian Road Traffic
by Tilak. It is hugely chaotic, functioning and surprising.A German friend of mine traveling with me in India had one remark specially looking at the state of the traffic in the country "I think India is a huge chaos by Western standards but a functional one,...
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10 Reasons to Get a Carfax Report
by Cristi. A CarFax report is affordable. For less than $50.00, consumers can learn everything that they need to know about a vehicle before agreeing to make a purchase and signing on the dotted line.With a CarFax report, you will be able to confirm the autom...
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Texas Part of National Drunk Driving Campaign
by Joe Ratzkin. The Labor Day holiday weekend has been very much anticipated by all kinds of people. Many have planned their activities for such a holiday like driving to various destinations. Events like celebrations and parties were surely part of many plans for ...
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In-vehicle Cell Phone Use - Assessing Accident Risk
by Gary Rothstein. Mobile phone use in motor vehicles has increased at a remarkable rate over the past 15 years. Yet it is undeniable that utilizing a cell phone while driving can affect driver performance as it relates to the overall safe operation of a vehicle. Ther...

Safety Standards As Set By Ford
by Jason Moore. Accidents and crashes have become one of the main causes of death not only in the United States but in other parts of the world as well. That is why many organizations are now also starting up their own campaigns to educate motorists on the proper w...
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When your Vehicles Blind Spot Becomes a Danger to Children
by Pamela Hewitt. That area right behind your car or truck is quite hidden from your view as the driver. That is called the vehicle blind zone and it could prove to be fatal to children. This is according to the latest study that Consumer Reports did on vehicles. And...
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Recommended Carjacking Precautions
by Bill Wallmuller. The carjacking of parked vehicles or those on the road which come to a stop depends on the car owner being inattentive to their surroundings. Carjackers, like street robbers, prefer the element of surprise. Most victims say they never saw the carjac...
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BCAA Warns Owners About Cars, Pets, And Children
by Joe Ratzkin. The British Columbia Automobile Association, or much commonly referred to as the BCAA, has just warned drivers and car owners about the possible risks that could take place when you have pets and children inside the vehicle. And with the prediction ...
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September Is Child Passenger Safety Month
by Sarah Mcbride. For those of you out there who do not know it yet, the month of September has just been known as the Child Passenger Safety Month. This happened when the National Automobile Dealers Association, which is commonly known and referred to as the NADA, h...
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Get an Accident Lawyer to Get Your Car Accident Compensation
by Ian Koch. Car accidents kill millions around the world every year and are today believed to be one of the main causes of preventable death. Such accidents are also the biggest cause for filing of personal injury claims. Whether you were the driver or passenge...
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Grease And Oil On Your Cars Interior
by Michelle Crimson. We all know the properties of oil and grease. They can really stick on anything and could become quite a mess. They are very slick and oily. Aside from these, they could prove to be quite a challenge to remove. Much as you keep your car's interior i...
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Make Your Car Jump Back To Life
by Terry Brown. Were you ever caught with a vehicle that has a dead battery and you do not have any spare batteries available? This could happen to anyone. Sometimes, you wake up in the morning and find that your battery is dead because you accidentally left some o...
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Is Your Teenage Driver Safe?
by Margaret Adams. Teenagers are known as one of the accident-prone drivers on the streets and roads. Studies have given blame to the adolescents' raging hormones and risky behavior. Of course, you yourself would know about this if you learned to drive a car in your t...
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Car Safety
by Bobbie Mckee. In this day and age, who isn't concerned about car safety. Why, it seems that every day, you read about a new terrible and tragic car accident on the roadways, which is enough to practically make you want to become a hermit. No matter how much atten...
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Make The Long Haul Safe And Simple With A Utility Trailer
by Tom Sample. No matter how you crack it, at some point we all need to haul a large item from one point to another. Whether it's a homeowner cleaning out a garage and needing to get rid of some debris, or it's a small business that needs to get equipment to a job...
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Learn About Towing Services And Roadside Assistance
by Gray Rollins. When you purchase a new car you may get a roadside assistance package included but if you have a used car you typically won't have roadside assistance and the benefits it provides, such as towing services. Not to worry, there are many companies offe...
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