Hybrid Vehicles
by Robert Baird. Cars or vehicles are the dominant modes of transportation in the contemporary world and different vehicles are powered by different resources to ensure their efficient functioning. The term hybrid cars or hybrid vehicle is used to denote a vehicle w...
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Auto Gas Mileage
by Muna wa Wanjiru. The rising prices of fuel have become a daily problem faced by many of us. Yet we need to pay such high prices for fuel as it has become a vital part of our life. It has become quite ne
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Diesel Demand to Increase
by Anthony Fontanelle. With the increasing demand for green vehicles, American and Japanese automakers have been developing gas-electric hybrid vehicles. European automakers on the other hand like Volkswagen, Audi, and Mercedes-Benz have been developing cleaner diesel en...
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Preparing For Future Gas Prices
by Tom Tessin. When you look at history for any type of pricing structure, you can always see that there's a particular pattern. Whether its food or gas, the price tends to increase due to inflation and other factors including supply and demand. As you've probably...
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Hot Fuels For Fast Cars
by Arthur T. Fellon. Men have been experimenting with weird fuel concoctions since man tamed fire. Even from the beginnings of fire it was obvious that the hotter fuel would give the best results. This more than translates the right fuel would mean top speeds for racing...
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Get the Fuel Out Right With Fuel Pumps
by Anthony Fontanelle. No one can argue that fuel is the most important element in internal combustion petrol or diesel engines. Fuel serves as the very blood of vehicles, without which, petrol or diesel powertrains would fail to work. Sufficient supply of fuel is therefo...
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Store your Fuel Safely
by Anthony Fontanelle. The fuel is the lifeblood of a vehicle. Without it, the engine cannot function at all. How does a vehicle retain so much fuel in its system? This function is done by a vehicle’s fuel tank.The fuel tank fulfills several tasks. First, it effect...
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A Quest for Cleaner Air
by Anthony Fontanelle. The rise in the number of automobiles plying the roads nowadays creates more pollution, thus posing harm to the environment and human health. This world-wide problem challenges not just car owners and environmental groups but car manufacturers as we...
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New Engine Takes Power From the Air
by Carl D Hefley. Inventor "Carl Hefley" states "Our new patented engine uses all types of fuel including gasoline, diesel, bio-diesel, corn oil, natural gas, propane, ethanol E-85 and even hydrogen enriched-combinations. Hydrogen is considered the "greenest" of fuel...
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History of Cars
by Robert Baird. Automobiles were a much later innovation and in the ancient times it used to be the domestic animals who were popularly used for commuting. Here it is necessary to point out the origin of the term automobile. The term 'automobile' derived its meanin...
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Why Gas Cards Make Perfect Cents
by Amy Nutt. Every business needs to keep an eye on their operating expenses when it comes to turning a profit. This includes such things as electricity, rent, and in many cases, fuel costs. Regardless of the size of your business, the rising cost of gas is sure...
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