Editorials » Business Resources » Bankruptcy

New Bankruptcy Laws
by Eddie Tobey.The U.S. Government recently approved a bill that brought about some major changes in the bankruptcy laws on April 20, 2005. The bill is called the "The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005". As per this bill, about 25 cha...
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Understanding Types of Bankruptcy
by Eddie Tobey.People who are heavily in debts and are in no position to pay them back opt for filing bankruptcy as the last alternative. This gives them the freedom and opportunity to start afresh. Such cases are dealt with by the bankruptcy lawyers, and it is ad...
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Bankruptcy Law Firms
by Eddie Tobey.Filing for bankruptcy can be an excruciating moment. Individuals or firms have the option of filing for bankruptcy as a last option when their debts are out of control. Bankruptcy is filed when the debt is extremely high and the creditors are practic...
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Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Laws
by Eddie Tobey.Chapter 13 is a bankruptcy law under which a petition can be filed by an individual or company. Chapter 13 dictates that the debtors repay the debt amount from their monthly earnings in installments. The court decides the time within which the decide...
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Business Bankruptcy Laws
by Eddie Tobey.Businesses, companies, and firms can file for bankruptcy if they are on the verge of failing all their creditors and losing their position in the market. The laws that deal with such cases are federal bankruptcy laws or Chapter 11 and Chapter 13 laws...
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Bankruptcy FAQs
by Eddie Tobey.As far back as colonial times, every citizen has a constitutional right to file for bankruptcy. By declaring bankruptcy, one is relieved of mandatory collection activities for debts existing at the time of filing by a legal "stay" on these activities...
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Bankruptcy Attorneys
by Eddie Tobey.U.S. bankruptcy attorneys were a pretty rushed lot in the final period before October 17 – that's when the laws governing bankruptcy ceased being a catchall shelter. There was a quiet stampede of almost 1.25 million applicants who wanted to take ad...
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by Eddie Tobey.The legal provision of bankruptcy, though sometimes misused, is a progressive and often merciful process. By it, a hopelessly indebted individual can make an official declaration of financial inability and be free of obligation. This may be on a temp...
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Filing Bankruptcy in Federal Courts
by Eddie Tobey.One cannot file for bankruptcy through US state courts, since exclusive jurisdiction is vested with Federal courts. The court charges a certain fee at the time of filing, depending on which category of bankruptcy is being filed for. Specifically, a c...
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Bankruptcy Laws
by Eddie Tobey.U.S. bankruptcy laws fall under federal statutory law provided by Title 11 of the United States Code. They have been periodically revised and amended to provide full and fair cover for genuine cases and to eliminate the potential for their unlawful a...
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Hawaii Bankruptcy Law $10.00 Astonishing Alternative
by Jamie Briggs.In the next few minutes you are going to discover a simple system that can get you out of debt without any work on your end and can be implemented immediately anywhere in the world.  In as little as 1 hour from now, you will know how to create a...
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Real Estate - Tips On Buying A Home After Bankruptcy
by John Tiger.Experienced bankruptcy lately? You may wonder if you will still will be able to get a home loan. You may also be wondering if buying home after bankruptcy is a good idea for you.While bankruptcy can make your mortgage loan approval difficult, it is s...
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Bankruptcy Alternatives - 5 Ways to Avoid Bankruptcy
by John Edmond.What you are about to read may stop you making the biggest mistake of your financial life.In today's debt ridden society many people are in severe financial difficulties, often for reasons outside their control. Bankruptcy for many, is the last step ...
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9 Simple Steps On How To File Bankruptcy
by Dean Shainin.A bankruptcy is the last option any businessman wants to take. They can cause a big dent on their credit rating and deeply ruin their reputation. But sometimes filing for bankruptcy is the only solution to get a person out of dire straits. Here are t...
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Rebuilding Your Credit After Bankruptcy
by Frank Bruno.In the past, filing bankruptcy was like having a Scarlet Letter on your chest. Bankruptcy made people outcasts and pariahs. It was as if a contagious disease struck, and no one wanted to be near you for fear of infection. Today, bankruptcy doesn...
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Credit after Bankruptcy is not Impossible
by Jakob Jelling.However, this does not mean that you will never be able to get loans, and it certainly doesn't mean that you will never have a good credit history again. While it is true that there will be a short period of time during which it will be exceptionally...
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The Bankruptcy Record is open to the Public
by Jakob Jelling.Therefore, if you have filed for bankruptcy, it is possible for anybody - including future employers or creditors - to easily look up your bankruptcy record while trying to discover your financial history. This can be very annoying in the future, and...
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Know some benefits of bankruptcy
by Jakob Jelling.Bankruptcy is a state of a person or a firm unable to pay off the debts. In legal terms, bankruptcy refers to the settlement of liabilities of a person/organization, fully or in parts, who are in a state of not able to meet the incurred financial obl...
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Bankruptcy Tips And Helpful Alternatives
by Dean Shainin.Before you file bankruptcy, it is a good idea to look into other alternatives if at all possible. New bankruptcy laws make it more difficult to file than it used to be.Why Has Filing For Bankruptcy Doubled?From the period of 1994 to 2004, filing for ...
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How to file bankruptcy
by Jakob Jelling.Bankruptcy code is very confusing and deals with all of the many different types of bankruptcy that a business or person can file.  It's important to note that even though people can file different bankruptcy forms, there is still only one main ...
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New Bankruptcy Law – Targeting the Wrong People?
by Charles Essmeier.Studies suggest that the number of business bankruptcies may actually be up to ten times higher than previously reported. Many small businesses that fail and file for bankruptcy do so under guidelines that technically classify them as personal bankru...
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Bankruptcy Best Bet?
by Alli Ross.However, bankruptcy leaves you with a bad record. This makes it harder to buy a house, a car, or any other big-ticket item soon after you have filed for bankruptcy. Mortgage lenders will certainly be more cautious before granting a loan to someone wi...
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What Does A Bankruptcy Trustee Do?
by Sslowery.United States Trustees supervise the administration of the following cases filed under the Federal Bankruptcy Code:Liquidation proceedings under Chapter 7 bankruptcy- Those assets that are not exempt from creditors are collected and liquidated (reduc...
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New Bankruptcy Law – Where’s the Consumer Protection?
by Charles Essmeier.The purpose of the new legislation, is to eliminate “bankruptcy of convenience”. Sponsors of the bill allege that most consumer bankruptcy cases involve irresponsible spenders who have shopped or gambled their money away and now do not wish to pa...
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New Bankruptcy Law Will Not Protect You from Identity Theft
by Charles Essmeier.A provision of the new law that was not well publicized is the fact that the law applies to any debt, including debt which has been incurred through theft of the debtor’s identity. If someone steals your credit card, or driver’s license, or both,...
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