Editorials » Business Resources » Managing Debt

How to Fight Unfair Debt Collection Tactics
by Jay Peters.You've just sat down for dinner with the family and the phone rings. A debt collector, hassling you again. Isn't there a law? In fact, there are laws, both state and federal. But they don't prohibit debt collection companies from calling you at d...
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Debt : 10 Tips For Avoiding It During Difficult Economic Times
by Louisa Mendez.Personal debt can be painful at the best of times, but at times of economic slowdown and recession that pain can quickly turn to disaster. Today is a good day to prepare for the worst, and here are a few tips to help you do so:If you're not already i...
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The Debt Relief Industry
by Daniel Cho.Driven by the notion of instant gratification, American consumers' pursuit of the "good life" has placed them in over $2 trillion in debt- $800 billion of it being credit card debt. The average American household is in some $8,000.00 in debt and abou...
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Is a Debt Management Plan For You?
by Andrew Redfern.Is A Debt Management Plan For You?Rising food and fuel prices are making many more people struggle to pay their debts so don't worry you're not alone. Are you one of the many thousands of people with too much month left at the end of the money?Does t...
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Debt Settlement and Dealing With Creditors
by Adam Jasa.If you have ever fallen behind on your credit cards you know that dealing with bill collectors can be an extremely frustrating and stressful experience. Government legislation such as the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act has forced the collection i...
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Overwhelmed by Debt? Here are Six Effective Solutions
by Rob Smith.American families now find themselves in the midst of a financial crisis.Personal bankruptcies are being declared in record numbers with one out of every 100 families experiencing this tragic legal process, according to a survey conducted by American...
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Easy Debt Advice For Proper Debt Management
by Andrew Redfern.Once you've found yourself buried in debt, it can be hard to manage debt properly and it can seem impossible that you will ever find a way out of that debt. But following a few easy steps to get you on the path of debt management is of vital importan...
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Getting Out of Debt: A Strategy
by Ted Batron.The strategy for getting out of debt is easy. Earn more money or spend less of it. Ideally you should do both. Most people either never put their plan into practice, or give up way too soon.Oh great, reflections on the obvious. It takes a lot of disc...
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Credit Debts, Where To Turn Next
by Olga Graham.If you hold credit debts and are concerned about how you will meet future debt payments, it is time to take stock of your situation and the reality of the fall-out from the global credit crunch.Many people experiencing credit debt problems, might ima...
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Eliminate Debts For A Better Personal Life
by Joseph Kenny.The elimination of personal debt is always a good idea; removing debt is always advantageous in many ways. It doesn't matter who you are wealthy and have huge debts, or who are regular person with a small amount of debt.Being in debt always causes p...
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How a Consumer Advocate Can Help You Handle Debt Collectors
by Adam Jasa.A Consumer Advocate specializing in Debt Collection Practices can be an effective option to help you get through the credit collection process. Consumer Advocates or Unions are set up to act as a layer of protection between you and the creditor/colle...
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Financial Hardships and Debt Settlement
by Jason McGraw.Debt Settlement as a means of debt relief can be extremely advantageous for consumers struggling with meeting the minimum monthly obligations (payments) on credit cards, unsecured loans and medical bills, etc. As with all things in life one needs to ...
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Some Tips to Getting Out of Debt
by Jack Sufi.In this day and age, with prices for everything being forced up because of the rapidly rising price of gas, more people are finding themselves getting deeper into debt and being caught in a vicious cycle. They live on their credit cards but only pay ...
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Credit Counseling & Debt Elimination : Fresh Financial Beginning
by Jim Vrana.You have found yourself drowning in debt. Credit card debt mainly. It may or may not be comforting to know that you are not alone. Credit cards are too easy to obtain and use. Combine this with our "buy it now and pay for it later" society and yo...
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Does Our Freedom Cause Our Debts?
by Joseph Kenny.In America, we all take great pride in our freedom; freedom is a fundamental right for all citizens. We will not give up this freedom at any cost, that this the American way of life.So why is it that we do not consider being at the mercy of large cor...
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Debt Collection Protection - You Have Rights
by Carl Hampton.The Council of Better Business Bureaus says that complaints against debt collectors, after plunging in 2005, are rising again. They surged 20% in 2006, and 26% in 2007.Even the Federal Trade Commission says that they have seen a steady rise in debt c...
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Seven Myths About Debt You Might Believe (at Your Peril)
by Jo Ann LeQuang.While debt is a common problem in our culture today, it is not always discussed in a productive way. In fact, it is often not discussed at all. That means that most of us worry a lot about debt, but few of us really learn about it.In that kind of cli...
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Creditors Benefit From Debt Settlement So Consumers Benefit Too
by Adam Foster.Debt settlement programs offer debts the opportunity to reduce their unsecured debts by as much as 60% and become debt free in 3 years or less. They provide the opportunity to avoid bankruptcy and the negative impacts that filing for bankruptcy can h...
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The Impact Of House Prices On Debt Settlement
by Chris Markt.House prices have seen an almost unprecedented and steady decline. Many analysts predict that this fall will continue meaning that a lot of homeowners will not have the kind of equity in their homes that they had once enjoyed. This trend signifies a ...
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Collection Agencies Will Profit When Collecting Your Debts
by Gary Milton.The majority of American citizens are familiar with the zealous tactics that debt collection agencies can use. Normally, when you least expect it, the phone rings and you get hassled with threats and intimidation from a collector for something that y...
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Important Debt Settlement Facts
by Christina Costa.Many consumers in America find themselves buried in increasingly higher debt and at some point looking for debt help. Their monthly unsecured debt payments are growing in both principal and interest, and they are finding it more difficult to make the...
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Learn About Debt Management Programs
by Christina Costa.If you are considering a debt management program, here are a few important facts to look at. First of all, do you understand credit card debt? Do you know the difference between debt management and debt settlement programs?Take time to educate yourse...
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Is Debt Settlement A Good Option?
by Christina Costa.When it comes to seeking debt relief, many Americans feel the only viable option they have is credit counseling or filing bankruptcy. What many people are not aware of is the little known process of debt settlement. The goal of debt settlement is to,...
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Debt Reduction Options
by Jayme Hanson.One option for reducing your debt is to get a second job. Basically if you do not get another job then you are only going to have the money you are currently earning to pay your debts off as well as your day to day living expenses. This usually makes...
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Avoid Debt by Using These Simple Methods
by Gary Milton.Debt is a messy business that should be avoided at all costs. Prevention of debt in America is not a method that many consumers will use, just take a look at the number of citizens that are in debt trouble due to the current credit crisis. Many of th...
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