Speaking Body Language
by Robert F. Abbott.I observed an almost surreal event when I was a business student. At the front of the classroom, an entrepreneur was practicing a pitch he would make later to venture capital firms. Specifically, he ...
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How Well Do You Speak?
by Sandra Schrift.The ability to speak well can enhance your career, clinch a sale, sell a point of view and increase your business productivity. 1.The most important objective of any speaker is to appear credible a...
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Dont Sell Your House--Ever!
by Neeraj Varma.Keeping your existing house when you buy a new one could be THE most profitable financial decision you could make. Consider the following: 1. Second stream of income: When you move to another place a...
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How a Photoswitch Saved My Job
by Larry Bush.In 1996 I was employed as maintenance supervisor at an olive cannery in the heart of California’s fertile San Joaquin valley. We were restarting the cannery after an extended shutdown while the cann...