Editorials » Business Resources » Careers and Job Hunting

Career Development Needs Go Beyond Doodles
One persons career development needs differs from another. A nurse's path leads them in one direction while a racecar driver follows another. Even in the same profession one person may take a completely different route than another while winding up n...
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Consider the Nonprofit Sector to Expand Your Career Option
As an environmental nonprofit professional at that time, I was shocked that this woman would think she had no skills to bring. Too often, people making the transition from for-profits to nonprofits assume that they have nothing to bring to the table ...
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Career Options in the Army
by crackmarketing.Some of the common categories of army jobs are as follows: Administrative support, which includes religious services, finance, information, personnel, etc. Arts & Media jobs which include graphic designers, journalists, musicians, broadcast technicia...
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Dont Make a Move Until Youve Discovered Your Career Options!
by pmegan.If you're seriously considering a career move, this is the time to explore your career options!Most of the time we think of ourselves, our lives, and our careers in terms of straight lines . . . moving ahead on the path we're currently on . . . doing...
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Career Development Tip . . . Time for a Check-up!
by pmegan.I know! I know! I hardly have time to think about what I have to do tomorrow. So what's this about a career development check-up? I have a good job I'm happy with. Isn't this all just a monumental waste of time?This reaction makes a lot of sense i...
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Career Development - When Its Time for a Change
by Martin Haworth.There's a certain courage required to hear your gut. To really be true to how you are feeling. And that is never more important than in your career. Sometimes people feel that they are not completely happy. At other times they might have a sense of d...
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Corporate Career Development Networking
by Jeanie Marshall.As a natural part of my empowerment consulting practice, I often find myself in discussions with my clients about their jobs and careers. Sometimes we talk about new jobs or job opportunities; sometimes we talk about promotions; sometimes we talk abo...
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Dont Make a Move Until Youve Discovered Your Career Options!
by Paul Megan.If you're seriously considering a career move, this is the time to explore your career options!Most of the time we think of ourselves, our lives, and our careers in terms of straight lines . . . moving ahead on the path we're currently on . . . doing...
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Frank Parsons Father Of Career Development
by Charles Williams.Career development is considered by many to be an integral part and parcel of anyone's training who fathoms her - or himself as going into business.It used to be the case that young people used to graduate from school, take an entry-level position wi...
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Using Hypnosis For Career Development
by Richard MacKenzie.People struggle with career development issues no matter what industry they are in. Whether you are a doctor, a lawyer, a self employed business man, or some other type of business person, the pressure to succeed is great in any field. If you have be...
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Get On The Right Path: Career Development
by Richard MacKenzie.Career development is something that is certainly worth worrying about. Sometimes, you have put in the amount of work necessary for advancing in a career and then you get to a certain point and hit a wall. You just lack the creativity, motivation, or...
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Career Planning For Baby Boomer-- Baby Boomer Career Options
by Anna D. Banks, GCDF.Research in recent years has shown a large number of mature people wanting to stay employed or now re-entering the workforce, as late as middle age. Baby boomers are generally more physically fit and productive than any previous generation at this st...
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Career Options for Women in Engineering
by John R. Platt.How can you create balance between your work and personal lives? What are the best ways to attract girls and young women to the engineering field? Can women succeed in male-dominated professions?These and other questions were addressed on 22 and 23 M...
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Wildlife In The Attic - A Career Option You May Have Overlooked
by Steve French.It is early morning and you're awakened by the unmistakable patter of running feet in your attic. You quickly dismiss the thought that it is a thief. It's too small and besides, what thief would be running around the attic? Perhaps, it's a raccoon or...
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Internal Auditor Career Options
by Tony Jacowski.An auditor could be a person from the accounts department who is trained in internal auditing. Their objective would be to determine the efficiency, adequacy and the effectiveness of the systems in place for internal control. They also review the rel...
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Successful Career Development Program
by Stephen Campbell.With a lot of competitions around the workforce environment, it is practically essential that you establish tips for having a successful career development program if you want to really succeed in your chosen career. We all know that there are a grea...
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Career Options For Cosmetology Graduates
by Tony Jacowski.A career in cosmetology is very exciting and creative - you are rewarded the moment the customer leaves the salon, content and with a smile.Cosmetology is a 60 billion-dollar industry, is stable and provides endless opportunities to graduates. Due to...
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Recruitment Career Options to Entice Exceptional Graduates
by Wynnwith.Hiring managers and corporate executives alike agree that it is tough these days to land the perfect employee for all of their jobs. In the airline, railway, and defence industries, there are many factors which preclude a great company from getting t...
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Career Development
by Shanat Kuphur.Every individual at his early stage thinks for his career. Some think of being a doctor, some aspire to be in the army, some wish to fly in the air, and others to sail through the oceans. After deciding what you want to do in life people don't always...
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Career Development - The Interminable Journey In Life....
by Shanat Kuphur.The best or the only treatment available is treating the delicate and tender part of human body - human mind. The worries and anxieties haunting constantly and always mistaken to be a psychological illness has to be treated as a special state of the ...
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Medical Secretaries - Great Career Options in Medical Field
by Peter Salazar.Dental and medical secretaries are like a personal secretary and clerk to the dentists or physicians. They take down various notes from the doctor and type them out for them, apart from that they look after the inflow of patients, file the patient's ...
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Career Development In IT Industry
by Nitiwat Sanornoi.Obviously that every employee need successful career path and career development, which is basically about job promotion and training. It is apparently that all of companies or organization has career development for their staff. In general, many of ...
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The Role Of Parents In Career Development
by Tony Jacowski.In order to succeed in this area, you need to be sure to listen to them and be open to ideas spoken. Try to help them with further information, and try never to be judgmental. As a parent, you should know that career development and planning might af...
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Tips For Career Development
by Tony Jacowski.When assessing your career, you must always consider and assess your strengths. People who have an aptitude for mathematics should pursue a career in that field. Likewise, a person who loves dealing with people may be suitable for a career in hospit...
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Exploring Your Career Options
by Jessica McGregor Johnson.Once you have made the decision to change your career and go for the dream, you need to widen the net as much as possible. Sometimes people know exactly what they wish to do but often that first step is not so clear. If this is you then you need to...
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