Top Tips for Acing That Interview
by Bianca Bernstein.The first step to a successful job interview is to downplay the dreaded 'I' word. 'Interview', after all, can conjure up all sorts of anxious and gnawing thoughts, whether a steely, penetrating glare, stuttering response or long, awkward silence.Of c...
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Fast Track to Interview Success
by Raymond Sahley.Why Interview?The whole interview process is a mutual exchange of information between both parties. You and the company need to be sold on each other for there to be a win-win situation that makes all parties happy. Most interviews are 80% characte...
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Dont be an Interview Idiot!
by Raymond Sahley.As a recruiter in the restaurant industry, I see candidates or job seekers do stupid things in the interview all day long. Obviously, we all have an idiot gene hidden in our bodies waiting to emerge somewhere down the road. If you really want to be...
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Job Interview FAQs
by Benrick Soh.Many people think that one cannot prepare for job interview questions. Thus, they often relied purely on fate for the outcome of their interview. This is definitely not the way that it should be. If you have attended several job interviews at one go,...
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Research Between A Date & Interview
by Kirk W. Nobbe.Most people show up at an interview with less preparation and planning than they would have done for a movie, the movie or even not as much research as they would do before a date. Think of it - the time you are going to invest in that new job, Thin...
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Stop Being An Interview Victim
by PAUL BOWLEY.Katie was clearly an interview victim. I was visiting with her recently when she told me about her recent job search experience. It's no fun being an interview victim. I wanted to help her restore some sanity to her job campaign.She sounded desper...
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Top Tips For An Interview
by Martin Haworth.There are probably more horror stories about interview experiences discussed around the tables of workplaces than any other (with perhaps the exception of an unpleasant performance appraisal, by an unforgettably horrible manager!).Yet it's not diffic...
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Job Interview Techniques
by Jeremy Sherk.Your mouth is dry, your palms are sweaty, your heart is beating so fast it feels like it's going to pop out of your chest! Sound familiar? Just a common case of interview anxiety. For most people, interviews are very uncomfortable. The mere though...
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Job Interviews Made Easy
by Ingrid Cliff.When you are hiring a new employee you naturally want the best person for the role. In a candidate poor job market you need to realize that while you are interviewing the candidate, they are also interviewing you to see if they really want to work fo...
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Steps To Guaranteed Interview Success
by PAUL BOWLEY.Interview success comes in only one flavor! It depends entirely on YOU! And how you handle yourself when you meet face-to-face with the person who could be your next boss,. More than anything else, your interview success depends on the outcome of t...
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After the Interview: Its not Over Yet!
by Brooke Heath.So, you just had your interview. Now all you can do is sit by the phone and wait for the call, right? Wrong! The worst thing that you can do at this point is be passive. The hiring process is not over until you hear the words "We'd like to offer you ...
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