Are YOUR Toes Bruised?
by Cathy Bryant.What a question! What's THAT supposed to mean? I ask the question because so many people today who profess to be interested in operating their own business spend far too much time "tire-kicking." W...
Improving Customer Service
by Luana Emmons.Improving customer service starts at the top - with us owners and managers. We need to be living pictures of how we want our staff to treat customers. Having 10 plus years operating, owning and worki...
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Directionals Move Properties
by Tim Randle.One of the most effective and frequently overlooked methods of filling or selling a property is the use of directional arrow signs. I'm guilty of it myself, although usually I'm merely lazy instead o...
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How to Get Comps
by Tim Randle.There are primarily four ways to get information on comparable sales (comps) when trying to determine the value of a target property. Those four are: Doing Your Own Research Internet Searches Se...
Yes, the Seller Can Get a New Loan
by Tim Randle.One of the questions I see asked over and over on the REI newsgroups is “Can the seller get another loan?” This is a great question because it so often is one of the objections raised by...
Whats For Lunch?
by Cathy Bryant.As an entrepreneur, I'm always intrigued by small businesses, home-based or not, that exceed the expectations of their customers in a big way. Let me tell you about one of them. Recently I spent so...
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The Incentive Dilemma:
by Paul Shearstone.Manufacturers and distributors are rolling out more sales incentive programs for their channel partners than ever before. Some of these programs are not as successful as they could be, however, becau...
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