Credit Card Factoring
by Max Bellamy.Credit policy refers to the combination of decisions pertaining to variables such as credit standards, credit terms and collection. Credit standards constitute the various criteria on the basis of which the customers, to whom credit is to be granted,...
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Credit Cards: Things You Should Know!
by Ivan Rimsky.Credit Cards have become an essential part of our lives. Whether you are paying for your lunch at a restaurant, clothes at a designer outlet, or cosmetics at shopping malls, nothing is more convenient and easy than a credit card. But what you have to...
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Choose credit cards with care
by Jeff Lakie.First, consider the interest rate on your credit cards. Shop around to see if there are cards that offer lower interest rates. You may save a lot of money by switching over. And if they are balance transfer cards, they may offer even lower rates of i...
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Credit Card Debt after Divorce
by Jakob Jelling.Every bit of reconciliation fails and divorce seems to be the only way out. If everything – both financial and other aspects - is settled before parting ways, then we can say - all is well that ends well. But if the separation is not so amicable an...
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Should I cancel my unused credit cards?
by Jakob Jelling.Should I cancel my unused credit cards? This is a question many people ask themselves and searching for a right answer. If you are one among them this comprehensive guide will help you how your unused credit cards can affect your credit scoring and s...
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Credit card companies
by Dee Kerr.... various extra services, rewards programs and promos that would lure consumers to sign up with their company. Rewards programMost credit cards have a some sort of rewards program running. Rewards program in credit cards basically follow one s...
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Credit card counseling
by Jakob Jelling.If you are in credit card debt, then you might want to try going to credit card counseling in order to find out what you need to do in order to get out of debt. Generally, it's possible to get out of debt on your own if you make a plan and stick to i...
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Credit card interest rate
by Jakob Jelling.Your credit card interest rate is one of the biggest things that you should pay attention to when you decide to get a credit card. This is the amount of money that you'll end up paying on top of the actual cost of whatever you put on your card. As yo...
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Credit card debt help
by Jakob Jelling.Most people get into credit card debt when they end up getting more than one credit card, and unfortunately, they usually end up with more than one debt. The result is that there are several high interest debt payments to make each month and it seems...
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Credit card transfers
by Jakob Jelling.Credit card fraud happens on a regular basis now, for which reason you should be very careful how you use your credit card information. You should be very careful whenever you do a credit card transfer so that you can make sure that you do not end up...
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Benefits of an air mile credit card
by Jakob Jelling.An air mile credit card can help you get a free ticket. If you are a frequent flyer, you can use those miles to build your reward points quickly and be able to redeem them faster.You earn points whenever you use your air mile credit card to make a pu...
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Bankruptcy credit card
by Jakob Jelling.If you have been in bankruptcy in the past, you are probably finding it difficult to build up your credit rating again. One of the reasons for this is that most of the major companies will not offer you a credit card or other loan due to your past ba...
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Cash rebate credit card
by Jakob Jelling.More and more companies are beginning to offer cash rebate credit cards, as customers like the idea of getting something back every time they make a purchase.Cash rebate is for those people who prefer getting real cash rewards rather than air miles o...
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The menace of credit card debt
by Jakob Jelling.Even students are not immune as people are getting credit cards at an earlier age and falling into debt. With the increased use of credit cards, more and more people are falling into debt. With hassling creditors, a ruined credit report and a threat ...
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