Press Release for Susan Smith Alvis
by Susan Alvis.FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 1, 2007Friends Unlikely by Susan Smith AlvisThis brand new young adult title from Amira Press is a must-read for teenagers and their families. A fictional story that will bring a tear or two to the otherwise dry eye, Fr...
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Writing For Public Relations
by Ana Ventura.So you're not sure how exactly to go about writing material foryou public relations campaign, and maybe you're not even sure youwant to. We're all busy people, right?One the of the best solutions for that is to just hire someoneelse to do the writing...
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Effectiveness of Promotional Gifts
by Editor-123.In this fast changing world, consumers need to be attracted by implementing different methods and ways. Distributing promotional gifts is one of the most effective ways to get connected with customers for an organization. Usually, companies distribut...
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Sms Marketing: Effective Way for Reaching Out
by Kristen.The use of mobiles has become rampant. Most people in the developed and the developing regions of the globe own the latest handsets that they use for connecting and communicating on the move. These high-end gadgets have become a part of life- a fact ...
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Sms Marketing: Effective Way to Reach Target Users
by Kristen.For any business entity, effective marketing skills are considered as key to success. The marketing is based on image and message, both of which can be delivered in myriad ways. Marketing through text messages are getting more and more popular among ...
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