Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer
by Sebastian Gibson.The spinal cord is the lifeline of the body that controls movement and sensation in the upper and lower segments of a person’s form. It contains nerve cells, muscle tissue and nerve fibers that connect to the brain.The level of disability caused by...
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Accidents At Work
by Helen Cox.Health and Safety is more commonly overlooked than it should be. Although when starting a new job it is the duty of your employer to make you aware of health and safety, with a legal obligation to do so, this is more than usually done through watchin...
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Work Injuries
by Helen Cox.“Employment is nature’s physician and is essential for human happiness” Galen, ca 180 AD. In 2003/04 30 million working days were lost to illness that were caused by work related issues. Two million people believed they were suffering from a wo...
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When Do You Exactly Need An Auto Crash Lawyer
by Manuel Salvacion.All accident claims always require a lawyer. True?Not at all times. In the simplest, most clear-cut claims, a lawyer’s services are seldom necessary. These are situations where:a. There is a clarity of liability ( the culprit knows his fault a...
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How to Prevent Falls Accidents At Home
by Manuel Salvacion.Accidents occur even in the safety of our own homes. The National Safety Council reported last year that “falls are the leading cause of injury-related death in most homes, followed by poisoning, fire, choking, suffocation, and drowning.”You can ...
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7 Steps to Take When You Are Sued
by Benjamin C. Johnson, Esq..In today’s litigious society, if you have not already been sued, you probably will be. Knowing the initial steps to take when you are served with a summons and complaint (the documents that begin any litigation) can help to assure ultimate victory...
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