Editorials » Business Resources » Taxes

What are the taxes on earnings?
by Jakob Jelling.Taxes on earnings are essentially a bill from the federal and state governments, declaring the rules of taxation on one’s personal earnings through salaries and investment profits. It has been designed as a progressive tax in which the financial ob...
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How to minimize your taxes on wealth
by Jakob Jelling.Taxes on wealth were first introduced in Europe, aimed at reducing the growing wealth gap between the rich and the poor. It was meant to raise revenue for addressing pressing social requirements and also to discourage the attitude towards amassing we...
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What is your Marginal Tax Rate?
by Jakob Jelling.Find out how much money you will get after taxes!If you're looking to find out how much money you're going to end up paying on taxes, you should definitely find out about your marginal tax rate. This amount impacts the percentage of your income that ...
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An Introduction to Taxes: How You Pay and File
by Jakob Jelling.Sales tax and income tax are some of the most common types of taxes that people come across early on. However, these are definitely not the only types of taxes that you will end up paying, even if they are some of the easiest to understand.Generally,...
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IRS Obtains More Than 100 Injunctions Against Tax Scheme Promoters
by Richard A. Chapo.Signaling a renewed fight against tax fraud, the federal government stepped up the use of civil power four years ago. Civil injunctions have subsequently been used to stop:1. Abusive trusts that shift assets out of a taxpayer’s name but retain that...
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Your IRS Tax Appeal Rights
by Richard A. Chapo.During their contact with taxpayers, IRS employees are required to explain and protect these taxpayer rights, including the right to appeal. The IRS appeals system is for people who do not agree with the results of an examination of their tax returns...
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Need a Copy of Your Tax Return Information?
by Richard A. Chapo.A tax return transcript shows most line items from the tax return (Form 1040, 1040A or 1040EZ) as it was originally filed, including any accompanying forms and schedules. It does not reflect any changes you, your representative or the IRS made after ...
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Taxability of Social Security Benefits
by Richard A. Chapo.Generally, if Social Security benefits are your only income, your benefits are not taxable and you probably do not need to file a federal income tax return. If you received Social Security benefits plus other income, the answer to how much, if any, i...
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Euro Tax Haven Threat
by Roger Munns.The July directive requires banks throughout Europe, including low and no tax areas such as Gibraltar, Monaco, Malta and Andorra, to disclose bank account owner information to their home country’s tax authority.But Roger Munns, Managing Director of...
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Section 179 – Tax Relief From Depreciation Rules
by Richard A. Chapo.DepreciationTraditionally, if your business property had a life of more than one year, the cost had to be deducted over several tax years. The number of years depended on the characteristics of the property, which made depreciation the flag-bearing e...

How to Donate Your Car to Charity and Get Tax Deduction
by John Lee.1. Understand the rules. A good place to read the government rule on car donation is IRS Publication 4303, A Donor's Guide to Car Donations (available on the IRS's website at www.irs.gov). This guide outlines some important rules regarding car donati...
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Rental Property Tax Deductions
by Richard A. Chapo.What Constitutes Revenue?Generally, rental income is defined as any revenue you receive from the occupancy or use of residential property. Rent, obviously, is included in that revenue. Many owners are surprised to learn revenue also includes rent adv...
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Corporations Failing To Claim AMT Exemption Overpay Taxes By $11,000
by Richard A. Chapo.The Office of the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration was created in 1999 to oversee the IRS. One of the duties of the Treasury Inspector General is to study and report the efficiency of the tax payment system, particularly the accuracy...
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Tax Reduction Tips
by Richard A. Chapo.Tax Credit For Starting A Small Business Pension PlanEstablishing a pension plan can help you retain important employees. What many business owners don’t realize is a tax credit can be claimed if the business has 100 or fewer employees. Meet this r...
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Taxation of Isle of Man Companies from April 2006
by The Chesterfield Group.The Isle of Man is however required to comply with the E.U. Code of Conduct on Business Taxation and other international initiatives designed to eliminate discrimination between taxpayers. This means, essentially, that the tax treatment of local and ...
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Tax Tips to Save You Time and Money
by Larry Denton.If you are like most people you haven't yet gathered all of your tax records, let alone filed your return. Before you get started, take some time to check on some deductions you might possibly qualify for, but are often overlooked. Points on home ref...
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Do your own Taxes!
by Brian Neuman.I’m writing this to encourage everyone to do your own personal income tax return. Aside from the fact that misery loves company, there are several legitimate reasons I feel you should join me in performing this annual ritual:1. It’s fun! (okay, I...
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Tax Records - What You Should Keep And For How Long
by Richard A. Chapo.Many taxpayers are confused about how long they should keep tax records. The term "tax records" refers to your tax returns and the documents that support the information in the returns. These documents can include receipts, bank statements, 1099s, et...
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Tax Advantages Of A Small Down Payment
by Syd Johnson.A big mortgage plus small down payment equals tax advantages?If you are like most investors you will finance most, if not all of the purchase price for your home. Once you move in, the home ownership honeymoon is over, you will probably get the urge ...
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What Is The Key To Slashing Your Taxes?
by Wayne M. Davies.One very foggy night the captain of a large ship saw whatappeared to be another ship's lights approaching in thedistance.The two were on a course that would mean a certain head-oncollision.So quickly the captain signaled to the approaching vessel,"Ch...
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Avoiding Double Taxation
by Peter F. Baigent Cfp, Clu, Chfc, Rfp..Many people who buy mutual funds and other stocks often end up paying tax twice when they finally sell the security. This is because they do not keep track of their "average cost base" per share. This problem is very prevalent on investments when the...
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Tax Planning for 2004 and Beyond
by Tiffany Morisue.As the year is quickly coming to a close, there is still time for you to take actions that will allow you to save taxes for this year and possibly next year as well. However, time is running out......There have been a lot of tax legislation changes r...
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Year End Tax Planning
by Dianne Goodman, Cpa.Now is the best time to start thinking about your year end tax planning. These tax strategies can be put into effect by the end of the year and some as late as when the tax return is due. Planning now will save you money and reduce your tax liability...
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Currencies, Taxes and Citizenship
by William Cate.Currencies, Taxes and CitizenshipBy William CateJuly 2004[http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/][http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/globalvillageinvestmentclubwelcome/]Would you accept 1,185,000,000 Tugriks for your company? If yo...
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Buying Your Tax Haven Corporation
by William Cate.Buying Your Tax Haven CorporationBy William CatePublished March 1998[http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/] [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/globalvillageinvestmentclubwelcome/]Your purpose in buying your tax haven corporation ...
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