Editorials » Business Resources » Careers and Job Hunting

Enhancing Brain Power through Mind Puzzles for Career Success
by leonedward.In society today and the business world, the more you use your mind, the better your success will be. When you have outstanding mind and brain skills and IQ confidence usually follows. Employers hire and promote often the person who masters these cha...
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5 Powerful Alternative Career Goals That Guarantee Your Future!
by pmegan.Here are two things that will happen to you when you apply these exciting alternative career goals to your current situation over the next year . . . you'll stand out more to your current employer and other companies . . . you'll be a much better can...
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Giving you the Right Career Start in Defence
by Tony Beaumont .In any field of expertise, obtaining the adequate career and advice and guidance will definitely create a solid foundation on which a career can be built. This will in turn guarantee a progressive and successful career. Nowadays, the job market in ...
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Closing the Gap on Your Career Goals
by Shannon Bradford.But, without those trusty rungs to show the way, how do you figure out the next step in your career? How do you determine if you need to go to business school or graduate school? How do you identify your next job?You could employ the dartboard method...
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Job-hopping : How It Affects Your Career Success
by Long Yun Siang.Is job-hopping and career success related to each other? What is the effect of one on the other? How long is too long for staying in a company? I must admit, the resumes that pass by my desk makes me conclude that job-hopping is far too common. Job h...

Career Success Tip: The Zen Way
by Long Yun Siang.Many young executives like to ask for career success tips. I usually start by saying career success doesn’t come in a day. Yet, day-in day-out I see young people entering the working life pushing themselves as if they will make CEO in a year. They ...
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Top Five Habits for Career Success at Entry Level
by Long Yun Siang.I am blessed to have some of the best bosses coach me when I first entered the working world. They passed to me what seemed like, at that time - pretty obvious things one would do when in the working world. What seemed pretty obvious as habits for ca...
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Achieve Career Success with 5Ds?
by Long Yun Siang.You would probably ask, is it possible to achieve career success with 5Ds? Yes, it is possible. These 5Ds I am referring to stands for Dependability, Determination, Delight, Detailed and Devoted. Not only will they increase your chances of achieving ...
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Top 10 Holiday Tips For Career Success
by Ford R. Myers, M.ed..Every year as the holidays approach, most jobseekers and career changers make the mistake of halting all their efforts. They believe there is no point in pursuing new opportunities during the holidays, and that nobody is making hiring decisions until...
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Figure Out What Your Career Specialty Should Be
by Chris Bryant.Making the decision to pursue a computer career is a great choice.  I can vouch for that personally -it's the most important career decision I have ever made.  Having said that, I know from experience that it can be hard to decide which com...
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How Do You Define Career Success?
by Ian Christie.Why is this question important? One of the most important career and life-planning activities you can engage in is finding your own definitions or models of success. This is vitally important for a number of reasons: If you haven't done this, how do ...
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Attitude For Career Success for Solid Career Building
by Pierre Du Plessis.This "fruit for thought" article is for all human beings, who somehow find themselves in the role of breadwinner and striving to improve their living standards.The heading of this article could just as well have been "How to position yourself for pro...
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City Slickers Alternative Business Career Search Alert!
by Paul Megan.Serious job seekers may be surprised to learn that their most exciting alternative business career search options could best be uncovered in small town America.The Milken Institute, a private think tank, annually ranks the job growth in cities, accor...
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Career Goal Setting - Is It Time For A Change?
by Steven French.If you feel like you are in a dead-end job, or that your career is headed nowhere, then you need to focus on your career goal setting!Just like you make resolutions for New Years, you should make resolutions for your career too! To get the ball roll...
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Use a Mentor for Your Career Success
by Cecile Peterkin.Mentoring is a relationship that is established with someone who is an expert in their field. The mentor is usually older and more experienced than the mentee. The mentor shares their experiences, and the lessons they have learned. But the relationsh...
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Five Ways To Convince Others Your Career Goals Are Serious
by Martin Haworth.Getting people on your side is critical to get a job like you've always dreamt about, so taking the time to get your important people with you is really necessary. And worth it.When you've tried to make changes in your life before, people have shaken...
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After Graduation: Getting The Career Started
by Charlotte Buelow.The parties have already begun and hard-earned degrees are being celebrated with friends and family all over the country. This is a wildly exciting time for a young adult as he or she turns in the last paper, takes the final exam, dons the cap and go...
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Career Success Beyond Your Wildest Dreams!
by PAUL BOWLEY.Career success depends on many critical factors. One of them is the success of your job search. But that's part of a larger career success strategy. In short, your career must be treated as a major investment. Investors are advised to diversify. ...
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Start a New Career Start a Practical Plumbing Course
by Gareth Steve.Plumbing training courses are perfect for anyone who wants to start a new career or even if you just want to brush up on your current skills, they suit anyone. But it will require dedication and the motivation to work hard and achieve the levels requ...
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8 Steps to your Career Success in Accounting
by Amelia Turner.If you have an ambition is to become a successful accountant and want to choose accounting field as your career path after graduation. Then, you need to start planning for your career path and working toward the success of achieving your career goal....
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Career Solution for you
by Wynnwith.Starting a career in any industrial sector can be a daunting task for graduates. However, with the aid of a reputable and experienced recruitment firm, graduates can take that first step on the career ladder. Candidates who are looking for roles wi...
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Improve your Reading Skills: the Secret to Career Success
by John Groth.Improving Your Reading Skills: The key to personal and career progress and success. Your long term career development will be the sum of your reading over the next five years, and the five years after that. Who knows after ten years someone may devel...
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Ten Career Skills to Keep you Employable in the 21st Century
by Karla Brandau.Most people drive through life looking in their rearview mirror and judging the future by the past. They have a really good view of where they have been and mistakenly think the future will be similar to the past as they make decisions based on their...
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How To Achieve Your Career Goals
by Tony Jacowski.Develop A Written PlanBefore anything else, you must decide on the career you want to pursue. Your priorities should be absolutely clear. It is important to understand that money is not the sole criteria that should influence your choices. Your choic...
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Managing Your Career Goal Setting Plans
by Tony Jacowski.Goal setting could ensue in the early part of life, before entering the professional world; or it might be sometime later in life, when you are thinking about a career change. It's importance increases from the fact that it will support your liveliho...
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