Cheapest Loan Rates Online
by Louis Rix.If you need a loan for any purpose then consider taking out a secured loan. This is one of the easiest types of loans to get approved for but there are downsides. The biggest downside it that you will have to put security up against the borrowing and...
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A Loan Leading to no Loan Situation
by Anaya.People using several credit cards and having store cards or store based finances are paying huge amounts as interest charges. After a certain point, interest charges start to hurt and the user finds him in a debt trap. There are some people who use o...
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Understanding Sub Prime Loans
by Lesley Lyon.The practice of extending loans to people with deficient credit history and are ineligible for best market interest rates is known as sub prime loans. Due to the combination of high interest rates, bad credit history and adverse financial institution...
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Mis-selling Of Loan Protection Still Occurring
by Simon Burgess.In 2005 the Office of Fair Trading received a super complaint from the Citizens Advice. The complaint related to mis-selling of payment protection products with some firms offering cover that consumers could not claim against for huge premiums. While...