Your First Credit Card
by Bob.You're off to college and you'll soon run into a situation where you may need to take out a loan. You may be able to take a payday loan or cash advance if you have a job and can pay the money back fast. You may eventually need to get your first credi...
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Reward Credit Cards
by StephanieStephanie Wendy.Although credit cards are often seen as bad guys, with high interest, fines for late payment and that nagging temptation to spend little more, disciplined borrowers can earn some great rewards just by taking out the right kind of card.If you manage t...
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How to Apply for a Credit Card
by Mujahed Ali.A credit card can prove to be a great asset in time if used wisely. Some people shy away from applying for a credit card because they have seen some on or the other burn their fingers by misusing the card and running into a debt trap they found prett...
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Credit Card : Offers Galore to Benefit you More
by Smith James.Credit card is no longer a luxury. It is turning out to be a basic need. Recognising the increasing need for this convenient resource in the face of a dynamically growing number of financial transactions, there are many companies who are coming up wi...
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Credit Card: Attractive Offers Galore
by Smith James.Credit card is not a fancy anymore. It is a growing need. It caters to your domestic needs. And it is a boon if you have a business concern, because of the way in which it eases out transactions. And these days, credit card technology is progressing ...
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How to Find a No Annual Fee Credit Card
by Nick Bair.The greater part of banks now offer no annual fee credit cards to bait prospective consumers. Choosing a card with no annual fee can save you loads of cash. Don't jump at the first offer you receive though. Choosing the right card can be tricky and r...
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