Editorials » Business Resources » Banking

How Viable Are Premium Bonds
by Andy Lim.Do you think you should win at a least a prize if you have invested 30,000 pounds in premium bonds? There is no guarantee that you will win a prize even in your lifetime. But the report said that there are 168 millionaires from the winning the grand ...
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Using the Bond Coupon Dates Add-in Functions
by Stephen L. Nelson, CPA.Investing in bonds? Analyzing related fixed-income investments? You'll want to know this bit of trivia: Excel provides six functions that let you make bond coupon date calculations more easily:COUPDAYBS,COUPDAYS,COUPDAYSNC,COUPNCD,COUPNUM, andCOUPPCD...
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How to Deal with Virginia Bail Bonds
by Jay Moncliff.Virginia bail bonds and the Virginia bail bond industry as a whole are under seven applicable statutes which include the Code of Virginia Title on Commonwealth Public Safety; Article 11 on Bail Bondsmen; Article 12 on Bail Enforcement Agents with cor...
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Are Your Bonds Really Risk Free?
by Jim Pretin.If you are new to investing perhaps you are not familiar with bonds. Before you get started, you need to understand some of the risks associated with bond investing. Most people assume that all interest-bearing securities are completely risk free, bu...
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Different Types of Bonds
by Nicholas Tan.The greatest thing about bonds is that you will get your initial investment back. This makes bonds the perfect investment vehicle for those who are new to investing, or for those who have a low risk tolerance.The United States Government sells Treasu...
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Understanding Bonds
by Nicholas Tan.The three most important things that must be considered when purchasing a bond include the par value, the maturity date, and the coupon rate.The par value of a bond refers to the amount of money you will receive when the bond reaches its maturity dat...
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What is a High Yield Bond?
by Charles Burroughs.A high yield bond is a financial term used to describe a bond that is rated below the investment grade. Therefore, high yield bonds are also known as non-investment grade bonds or junk bonds. These bonds have a higher risk of defaulting, but typicall...
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Higher income from high yield bonds
by Tony Reed.To understand high yield bonds, let's define what a bond is. A bond is an interest-bearing investment that obliges the borrower to pay a specific amount of interest for a specific period of time and then at maturity to repay the investor the original...
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Why Bonds Are Not Always Completely Safe
by Acbuddy.If you are new to investing perhaps you are not familiar with bonds. Before you get started, you need to understand some of the risks associated with bond investing. Most people assume that all interest-bearing securities are completely risk free, bu...
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Savings - How to Grow Your Money Faster
by Richard Greenwood.Savings accounts are wonderful tools to help you save toward a goal, establish an emergency fund, or keep cash handy for unexpected expenses. Comparing savings accounts is a good way to make sure you find a high interest savings account, as well as ...
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Are Savings Bonds Still Viable?
by Uchenna Ani-Okoye.Let's be honest with ourselves, saving bonds are not as risky or as exciting as stocks, but, isn't that basically the point? While there's pretty much no such thing as a no-risk investment, chances are, a savings bond is about as risk-free as your go...
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Remodeling A Home - Home Loans
by Rachel Yoshida.Remodeling any part of a home is not easy or cheap, but there are a lot of ways that you can make it cheaper on your wallet and have it still look as good as those TV shows make their remodels look. First things first, though. If you have an older ...
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Top Tips To Simple Cash Savings
by Rachel Yoshida.It is so simple for humans to quote that inadequate excuse that they just have not made enough money to put any away. They have a cash flow that is too small and they owe too many bills. The worst excuse of all is that they have just not tried to. Th...
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High Interest Savings - Getting the Best Return
by Richard Greenwood.The recent spate of rate rises made by Australia's central bank the RBA may be bad news for home owners facing increased mortgage repayments but they offer great opportunities for those with money to save. The federal rate rises has led most of the b...
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Major Savings Could Be Made On Motoring Costs
by Abbi Rouse.Telling mistruths in an attempt to reduce car insurance costs could actually exacerbate financial problems for motorists, it has been suggested.Research carried out by Gocompare reveals that although drivers may be tempted to give policy providers in...
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Using a Credit Union For Your Savings
by Peter Kenny.Credit unions can be a viable alternative to banks as long as you meet certain conditions. In general, unions can perform many of the same services that banks perform, but there can be exceptions to this.Credit unions are member organizations and thi...
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Car Repair Loan
by Apurva Shree.Have a car, but can't drive it to work? Do not have a nest egg? Take a car repair loan. Bring a dead automobile back to life.Insurance Backed Car Repair LoansCar repair loans can be used to fund not only expensive vehicle repairs and pay for insuranc...
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Firm Guides Parents Through College Savings Plans
by Samuel Martin.Thus, parents should start saving for college as soon as possible, says Stuart Ritter, a certified financial planner at T. Rowe Price, the Baltimore-based investment management and mutual fund firm. One way to do so, he says, is by taking advantage o...
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Simple Ways to Increase Your Personal Savings
by Jimmy Walker.Savings are essential to the safeguard of any household. What seems to be a happy, carefree lifestyle today can change in an instance with the lost of a job or the birth of a child. With a few, simple changes, a family or individual can significant...
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About Thrift Savings Plans
by Terry Parker.What is a thrift savings plan? A thrift savings plan or TSP is a retirement plan for civilians who are employed by the United States government and are members of the Uniformed Services of the United States. The TSP falls under the category of what ...
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5 Practical Tips for All-season Energy Savings
by Silvester Thompson.Homeowners need to be armed with accurate information in order to make the best choices about the many available options. That's especially true as energy costs continue to climb. The Environmental Protection Agency's Energy Star program estimates th...
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Building Long-term Energy Savings Into your Home
by Silvester Thompson.Here are a few ways to save energy in your home:* Windows and doors: Today's architecture takes advantage of increased window space and elaborate entry systems. This style enhancement certainly adds to the appeal of a home, but it increases the impor...
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National Savings - the Right Option for you ?
by Ray Prince.When we deal with new clients, we encounter Premium Bonds frequently, but it's not very often that we see the many other products offered by National Savings and Investments (NS&I).Some NS&I returns are currently looking quite attractive, and so it i...
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Planning Your Savings
by Dean Paley.This Week I have posted some articles on creating a financial plan, net worth planning, and budgeting and cash flow. Carrying on with this theme, my next topic of discussion is the subject of planning your savings.The net worth statement and cash fl...
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Statistics Show Brits Resting On Unstable Savings
by Abbi Rouse.Many UK consumers would face considerable financial difficulty if they were forced to turn to their savings for economic sustenance, it has been suggested.UK credit report advisory service Callcredit has released statistics suggesting that more than ...
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