Stimulating Child Development
by Rebecca Walker.The development of your child is a complex and involved process, spanning a number of different physical and mental elements. Encouraging the mental development of your child, in terms of sociality, intellect and emotion is crucial in raising a well-...
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Child Development and Learning to Read
by Rebecca Walker.When it comes to your child's development, you should not underestimate how important your role is in how they learn to read. While many parents feel that it is okay to wait until their child goes to school before they start learning to read, this is...
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Child Development
by Rebecca Walker.When it comes to monitoring your child's development, it can be hard to know you are doing what is right at every step of the way. Although parents cannot control every aspect of their child's development, they can have far more influence than most w...
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Save the Children
by Victor Izuogu.The poet Oscar Wild, wrote these moving lines: "Children begin by loving their parents. After some time, they judge their parents. Rarely, if ever, do they forgive them". It is a well known fact that the well-being of today's children is inseparable ...
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The Benefits of Lacrosse for Children
by Rob Daniels.Lacrosse is a fun and high energy game that is growing quickly in the United States. Interest is starting at a young age. girls and boys alike are lining up to play this sport. The athleticism, skills and finesse needed are pulling kids from all over...
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Are your Childrens Toys Safe?
by Rachel Harding.It's a sad fact that many of the most dangerous toys are favourites. Thousands of cheap, unsafe toys are finding their way onto the market place with little being done to stop them. How many unsafe toys are there on the shelves that we just don't kn...
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Raising your Children the Easy Way
by Rachel Harding.Bringing up your children has to be the hardest, most demanding job in the world. It is a wonderful and challenging life experience. But it is so much harder than it looks, as I found out through experience, but with lots of patience and a fair degre...
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Feng Shui For Children Rooms
by Abhishek Lodha.Feng Shui - the Chinese art of interior decoration examines the how the placement of things and objects affects the energy flow within our house. It also refers to how these objects interact and influence our personal energy flow. Application of feng...
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9 Fun Ways to Potty Train your Child
by Sue Jan.* Give your child a lot of fluids so that he has to go to the potty more often. The more often he goes, the quicker the child will be potty trained, and the more he will be trained to hold it in.* If your child looks like she wants to go, then take t...
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Children Bible Games
by David.Children Bible GamesIn today's fast paced life, most of the parents are always worried about the influences of media and communication in the lives of their kids. Information is accessible to the children, for any subject they want and this is a caus...
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Top 10 Toys for Children
by Alex Lum.Between the ages of 3 and 4 children change a lot. They gain an independence that demands a different style of toy, more like what the older kids like but with the safety precautions for the younger market. Here at the top 10 toys for children 3-4 y...
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Top Toys for Children Under 10
by Alex Lum.As a parent you know how summer can be tough for keeping the kids safe and amused. When the kids get older they tend to amuse themselves but children under ten are often bored because there are not that many things they can partake in. Playing outs...
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Should our Children Know God?
by Susan Lancaster.For some children, who are part of a family where God plays an important role, they already have the advantage of knowing about Him.For other children, where God is entirely absent from family life, they won't know about Him.And still for others, who...
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Harmful Effects of Household Cleaners
by Danni Vickers.Many people often find themselves cleaning their home like crazy, because they want to make sure their home is clean for their children. Unfortunately most people have no clue about the harmful toxins found in many household cleaning products. Many m...
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Maternity Acupressure
by Lena Leino.Many expectant mothers have fears about childbirth, but the one that is most prevalent is how long the labor and delivery can take. This can vary from a few hours to a week depending upon the women. Although most pregnant women are hoping for a sho...
A Childs Eye View
by Jeff Sliger.Be partial to Buicks, the Vista Cruiser must have been the answer to my fathers prayers. With a family of seven, your choice of sporty, powerful and roomy were somewhat limited. But the Vista Cruiser met all those requirements.Suddenly there was a s...
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The 5-a-day your Child Really Needs From you
by Brendan McKeogh.Simple things matter. Young children want their parent's attention. This is why good behavior, appropriately praised, tends to be repeated - the child knows that the parent will take the time to tell the child that they are pleased. Sometimes, chi...