Editorials » Health & Food » Lose Weight

Defeat Fad Dieting, Ways to Lose Weight
by Malcolm.When people try to work out why diets almost inevitably fail other than in the short-term, they usually concentrate on the biological fact that the body will rebound with stored weight after it suffers food deprivation...
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Best Way To Lose Weight
by MichaelM1.I hope that the following clause will help you to better understand this topic and may be of benefit in some way or another. I presume there actually is no “best way to lose weight” as such which will fit each and every person crossed the board. ...
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Quick Ways to Lose Weight
by nurturelab.With so many diets and weight loss plans on the market, there are many quick ways to lose weight nowadays.Among them, the South Beach Diet is one that has been gaining some attention. This diet focuses on the glycemic index where good carbs are separ...
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Isometric Exercise - The Quick And Pain-Free Way to Lose Weight
by isobreathing.How many times have you heard the cliche, "no pain, no gain"? If you're like most middle to golden-aged women, this hardly seems like inspiration. Even if you have the desire and need to lose more than 10 to even 35 pounds, or take those inches off...
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Healthy Ways To Lose Weight And Keep It Off
by Medifast.Yo-yo, back and forth, roller coaster, whatever you call it the back and forth game of losing and gaining weight back can be irritating at the least and downright depressing at the worst. The simple truth that no one wants to admit is that the key to...
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Is Fasting A Good Way To Lose Weight?
by Medifast.When people think of fasting many people think of someone like Ghandi who fasted for weeks at a time to attain enlightenment or as a form of non violent protest against an oppressive government. The truth of the matter is that fasting can be used by ...
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The Easiest Way To Lose Weight
by melaniemwa.If you think there is no easy way to lose weight - think again. The easiest weight loss method could have been staring you right in the face all this time. Here it goes: * Stop drinking soft drinks. Drink water instead.Dumping the soft drinks from ...
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The Fastest Way to Lose Weight Using These 7 Tips
by Ranju Kumar. Are you planning to lose weight this winter? Want some tips? Take a look at this.Then the first thing you need to do is to STOP eating high calorie food. You know what I mean. Yes! Cut all those fat foods like chicken, fried items, pizzas and all th...
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Agel Fit is the Way to Lose Weight
by Robert. Perhaps the biggest most frequent complaint that people have when trying to lose the extra pounds and whip themselves into shape is frustration. Either it's too hard because...well, frankly it's hard - or it just takes much too long for most people...
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Best Ways to Lose Weight - How Do I Keep From Being Hungry?
by Regina Reeves. Lots of people are looking for the best ways to lose weight, and there are an unbelievable number of programs to choose from. But one question that gets asked over and over again is how can you keep from being hungry while on these weight loss progr...
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Fastest Way to Lose Weight - What Motivates You?
by Regina Reeves. Almost anyone who has decided they want to shed some pounds would like it to happen fast. If you are one of the many people trying to figure out how to lose weight quick, the first thing you should think of is what motivates you to stick with a diet...
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Top 5 Fast Ways to Lose Weight
by James Wong. Everyone is busy. Everyone has a hectic schedule with work, family and social life. Realistically, who has time for those fad diets that make you count this and that before you can even eat? Who has time for hour-long workouts everyday of the week? ...
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Ways To Lose Weight Using The South Beach Diet
by Alan Densky. The South Beach diet plan is among the most popular ways to lose weight today. It is based around lifestyle and diet changes that help you steadily lose weight. By cutting "bad" fats and carbohydrates and having plenty of "good" ones, dieters can ta...
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Ways To Lose Weight--Is There One Best Method?
by Richard Wooldridge. A friend of mine asked me a few days ago if I knew of any really good diet plans. She made a comment that gave me a good laugh. She said everybody and his dog is looking to lose a little weight! Unfortunately, that is true. I even see a lot of d...
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Fun and Fast Ways to Lose Weight for the Summer
by James Wong. Ah summer time! Time to let loose, relax and enjoy the beautiful weather! What was that? You're not ready to let loose because you aren't in shape yet? Not to worry because there are some super fun and super fast ways to lose weight for the summer s...
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The Best Way to Lose Weight: The Secret 2 Fat Loss
by James Wong. You've seen them. They're everywhere. Diet pills, weight loss supplements, fat loss drinks, all of those gimmicks. And the worst of them all: fad diets that make your head spin! I bet you've tried most, if not all of these things. And I bet that all...
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Learn The 20 Fastest Ways To Lose Weight: The Secret 2 Fat Loss
by James Wong. Are you looking for some fast ways to lose weight? Look no further. These next 20 quick ways to lose weight are sure to give you that boost you need to get motivated for your weight loss goals.1. Take losing weight one day at a timeForget about the ...
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Fastest Way to Lose Weight Quickly
by Michael T. Davis. Are you looking for the fastest way to lose weight? Are you looking to lose 10, 20, 30 or more pounds quickly? Well you're in luck. There are several ways for you to lose weight fast but each and every one of them requires some effort and commitment...
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How I Found the Best Way to Lose Weight
by Sarah Smith. A new breakthrough secret of the best way to lose weight is all that you now need in order to forever lose extra pounds, stay healthy, and add many years to your life!A doctor from Arizona has blown the lid off the best-kept secret in weight loss th...
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Best Way to Lose Weight - Diet or Exercise?
by Brian Tilley. If you have been trying to lose some weight, and have done any research at all, you have no doubt read that dieting is best...or exercise is best. So which one really is the 'best'
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Quick Weight Loss Tips: 4 Great Ways to Lose Weight
by Star Smith. Are you on the diet yo yo?You know the feeling, you lose a few pounds and then gain them back the next week because you can’t stick to the strict regimented diet. If you’re having trouble losing weight, you’re not alone. While i...
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The Fastest Way to Lose Weight Using These 7 Tips....
by Ranju Kumar. Are you planning to lose weight this winter? Want some tips? Take a look at this.Then the first thing you need to do is to STOP eating high calorie food. You know what I mean. Yes! Cut all those fat foods like chicken, fried items, pizzas and all th...
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Simple Ways to Lose Weight
by Cole Carson. Everywhere you look more and more weight loss products are shooting out onto the market. - And it's no surprise, weight loss and diets are some of the biggest topics out there day. Meal replacements, pills, fancy plans and groups you can join. - Whe...
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Weight Loss Tips - Right Ways to Lose Weight
by Dr John Anne. If you are really worried about your increasing weight, and you have decided to make a serious U turn on it, the most important thing you need to follow is to have a positive approach i
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Biggest Loser Club: a Simple, No-nonsense Way to Lose Weight!
by Diets In Review. The Biggest Loser Club is an easy, sensible way to lose weight. There are no gimmicks. It’s not a fad diet. It’s a realistic lifestyle change that embraces a healthi
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