We Always Want The Finest Chocolates!
by Rachanee28.Hmm chocolate! I don't know anyone who doesn't enjoy this delicious treat. The finest chocolates are made from the seeds of the tropical cacao tree, but most of us don't care where it comes from or how it's made, because we just love it for its tas...
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Healthy Meal Snacks
by teahupoo.If you're trying to lose weight, it can be difficult to avoid snacking, especially at parties or when watching TV at night. Here's a list of snacks that you can enjoy while watching your weight.Gelatin: Gelatin is usually low in fat and there are man...
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What is Hummus?
by daf719.I had a dream last night where I was planning our dinner for the night. First off, it was sad that I was dreaming about planning dinner. Secondly, in my dream, my child was small again and to my surprise was asking for hummus. What is hummus? It spur...
Benefits Of Dark Chocolate
by teahupoo.Good news for dark chocolate lovers. Eating dark chocolate can now help lower blood pressure. A recent study was done by specialists in the US that says, dark chocolate will actually help in lowering your blood pressure. This could be just the boost ...
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Acrylic Glassware, Good For Your Family
by pnnetbuy.You don't want to be concerned over glassware that's going to break. Enter acrylic glassware. We're always worried about what our kids are going to do with our stuff we've spent so much money on. You don't have to with acrylic (at least not too much)...
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Spicing Up the Ordinary
by daf719.I've often wondered how a chef can make such aromatic mixtures simply by throwing in a leaf of this or a dash of that. How do they know just what to add to enhance their meal? I went straight to a local chef and asked him. He said, "You just know....
Is Vegetarianism Right For You
by askafriend.Do you ever feel like you know just enough about Vegetarianism to be dangerous? Let's see if we can fill in some of the gaps with the latest info from Vegetarian experts. Vegetarian diets are lower in fats, cholesterol, and animal protein and higher ...
Fast Food No Nos
by daf719.Ok, let's face it; we all eat fast food at one time or another during the month. Some more than others, but most everyone eats fast food at least once a month. If you don't eat fast food it has to be a full blown boycott on it, because the fast food ...
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The Bread That Ran Big Mac Out Of Town
by hornsea.We continue our lifestyle updates about Puglia.A recent Times newspaper article came to mind that says a lot about Puglia and how people view their food in this part of the world.AFTER a five-year battle, the fast-food giant McDonald's has retreated ...
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Magnolia Bakery - Southern Style Baking in West Manhattan
by cliksecrets.If you're a cake decorator and have school age children, you've probably made more than your share of bake sale cupcakes. But have you heard about the cupcake sales at the Magnolia Bakery? This privately owned bakery is ringing up $40 K per week from...
The Pumpkin: Not The Original Jack OLantern
by Jwilliams.Why is the pumpkin always associated with Halloween? When and where did that custom originate? Why is it also called a Jack 0'Lantern? These and other colorful questions will be addressed below. Read on, no matter how you may feel about the color ora...
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The Bayou Doughnut
by daf719.New Orleans is famous for many things including jazz music, and Mardi Gras to name a few. There are so many attractions in the bayou that it can be hard to try all the things you want in the short time you are there. Many people have to take several,...
Pass the Ginger Ale Please
by daf719.I had an upset stomach the other day and after taking a Pepcid which didn't fix the problem I thought what else do I have that would make my stomach feel better. Then I remembered Ginger Ale. Yeah, Ginger Ale, that always makes my stomach feel bett...
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Weight Losing Tips
by teahupoo.Many people are looking for ways to lose weight and become healthier. There are many weight loss programs being offered on television, in magazines and just about every where you look. There are even pills that you can take that promise to facilitat...
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Blueberry As Skin Care Treatment
by dmaillie.Often times, when we think of superfoods we think of spinach, grapes, green tea and other vegetables and extracts that are primarily listed for their levels of antioxidants. Did you know that the blueberry is one of the most nutritious and powerful ...
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