You Cant Fool A Horse
by Jeffrey Rolo.In the dating world many men and women put their potential partners to a "dog test," whereby they introduce their date to their dog and see how the dog reacts to the stranger. If the dog reacts badly...
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Picking Up A Horses Hoof
by Jeffrey Rolo.The idea of picking up a horse's hooves can intimidate some owners since a well-placed horse kick would really hurt! Such caution is good, but in reality if you pick up a horse's hoof properly you pr...
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Prevent Your Horse from Going Lame
by Andy Curry.There are lots of ways a horse can go lame. Perhaps the most common cause of lameness is a result of Navicular Syndrome. The fortunate thing is that it can be treated where the horse gets complete, s...
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Stop Your Horse From Rearing
by Andy Curry.There is a dangerous problem that horse owners should be very aware of. It’s when a horse stands up on his back legs. It’s called “rearing.” This problem can be quite dangerous and cause severe in...
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Unspoil a Spoiled Barn Horse
by Andy Curry.It’s been weeks since you went riding. Now you have time to ride this afternoon and there ain’t no one gonna stop you. Excited, you saddle up your horse and get on him. You get about 50 feet from ...
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The One-Minute Horse Training Manager
by Andy Curry.If your life is so busy you literally only have a minute or two a day to spend with your horse, then here are 5 smart training tips you can use to keep your horse "tuned up" when you have just minute...
Horse Training Guide
by Andy Curry.If you have a passion to learn all you can about horse training, then you will want to know about a 108 year old horse training manual recently revived from a dusty old book shelf of a used book stor...
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Horse Training Insights
by Andy Curry.Could a horse trainer, born about 154 years ago, teach us anything new today? Would the methods be old hat or would they be useful? The answer is a resounding Yes!, they are enormously useful. The h...
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