Editorials » Health & Food » Recreation Programs

You Cant Fool A Horse
by Jeffrey Rolo.In the dating world many men and women put their potential partners to a "dog test," whereby they introduce their date to their dog and see how the dog reacts to the stranger. If the dog reacts badly...
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Picking Up A Horses Hoof
by Jeffrey Rolo.The idea of picking up a horse's hooves can intimidate some owners since a well-placed horse kick would really hurt! Such caution is good, but in reality if you pick up a horse's hoof properly you pr...
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Horse Training Secrets For Busy Horse Owners Short On Time
by Andy Curry.Picture this. You're late for work one day. You look at your watch and notice you have about three minutes to feed your horse before you have to leave. Plus, it seems to worsen every day. You not...
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How To Get Your Horse From Pulling Back While Tied
by Andy Curry.Some people have horses they don’t dare tie. Why? Because they break their halters and/or crossties. So what is a person to do in their horse training practices? My first suggestion is to get a ro...
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How To Use Leading Your Horse To Get Control And Response
by Andy Curry.I’ve been around many people who try to lead a horse by controlling their head with a lead rope. They end up pulling or jerking the lead rope and the horse will typically pull back or push around the...
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How To Install An Emergency Brake On Your Horse
by Andy Curry.Imagine being on a horse and he bolts. You pull those reins to slow him down but it’s no use. He resists and the fence posts go whizzing by you as you panic and pray he doesn’t shift his bodyweight a...
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Prevent Your Horse from Going Lame
by Andy Curry.There are lots of ways a horse can go lame. Perhaps the most common cause of lameness is a result of Navicular Syndrome. The fortunate thing is that it can be treated where the horse gets complete, s...
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Which Of These Horse Catching Mistakes Do You Make?
by Andy Curry.The other day, I was invited to see my friend’s new horse. He had her for about a month before I got to see her. When I arrived at his house, he met me outside and said, “C’mon…let’s go see her.” We ...
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Stop Your Horse From Rearing
by Andy Curry.There is a dangerous problem that horse owners should be very aware of. It’s when a horse stands up on his back legs. It’s called “rearing.” This problem can be quite dangerous and cause severe in...
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The Cure To Stop A Horse From Kicking
by Andy Curry.I get a lot of horse training questions about stopping a horse from kicking. The kicking habits of these horses range from the horse kicking at virtually anyone to kicking at only the husbands. It's...
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The Secret That Keeps Horses Trainable!
by Andy Curry.As you likely know already, horses have at least 10 times our strength. If they also had our intelligence, they would probably be riding us humans. Fortunately, horses cannot reason like human bein...
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Unspoil a Spoiled Barn Horse
by Andy Curry.It’s been weeks since you went riding. Now you have time to ride this afternoon and there ain’t no one gonna stop you. Excited, you saddle up your horse and get on him. You get about 50 feet from ...
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Horse Training Facts And Maxims
by Andy Curry.To the uninitiated horse owner, there are timely facts about horses they should know. In fact, when someone first gets a horse these timely facts should be studied and learned. These timely facts co...
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Why The Horses Eyes Are So Important When Training Him!
by Andy Curry.They say the eyes are are the gateway to the soul. When it was said, they were referring to us humans. But the truth is, it also refers to horses. Many horse owners don't understand the importance ...
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Do You Make These Mistakes Loading Your Horse Into A Trailer?
by Andy Curry.Mistake #1: "Here, Kitty Kitty..." Unless they have been educated, new horse owners often think a horse is like a cat or dog. They figure if they tap their thighs and say, "C'mon,...C'mon,...C'mon...
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The One-Minute Horse Training Manager
by Andy Curry.If your life is so busy you literally only have a minute or two a day to spend with your horse, then here are 5 smart training tips you can use to keep your horse "tuned up" when you have just minute...

Horse Training Guide
by Andy Curry.If you have a passion to learn all you can about horse training, then you will want to know about a 108 year old horse training manual recently revived from a dusty old book shelf of a used book stor...
Similar Editorials : Horse Training Advice

Horse Training Insights
by Andy Curry.Could a horse trainer, born about 154 years ago, teach us anything new today? Would the methods be old hat or would they be useful? The answer is a resounding Yes!, they are enormously useful. The h...
Similar Editorials : Horse Training Advice

Horse Training Advice & Training Your Horse
by Andy Curry.Horse training can be a relatively mysterious subject to people who have not studied it. Even more mysterious is a behavioral problem a horse has that causes his owner stress and frustration. What m...
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Horse Training Tips & Horse Training Techniques
by Andy Curry.Horse owners who are history buffs may recognize the name Jesse Beery. Beery was an enormously famous horse trainer from the 1800's and early 1900's. He learned to train horses at a very young age. ...
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How To Load A Horse Into A Trailer - Easy As Pie!
by Andy Curry.If there is an art to getting horses to load in a trailer, then this it. The first thing that must happen is communication between the horse and his handler. The horse must understand what is requir...
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Horse Training Techniques From The 1800s-
by Andy Curry.Was he the world's greatest horse trainer of all time? Would his picture be in the horse trainer's Hall Of Fame? Perhaps. His name was Jesse Beery. Before he was twenty he became a world class hor...
Similar Editorials : Horse Training Advice

The TOP 7 Mistakes Horse Owners Make
by Andy Curry.Mistake #7 – Assuming You Can Get On Any Horse And Simply Ride Not all horses are the same. Some you can get on and easily ride. Some are so green that you could be easily injured if you have little ...
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How To Get Your Horse To Obey
by Andy Curry.In the animal kingdom there is a pecking order. Richard Shrake points out that it’s a lot like the military. He ranks in the pecking order go from General down to Private. The General will get fir...
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The Workings Of The Reining Saddle
by Janine Carter. The reining event at horseshow's around the country has become a virtual rising star in the horse industry. The reining saddle is designed to optimize the horse's balance, agility and freedom of movement. Reining is an event where winning a single c...
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