Editorials » Hobbies and Interests » Writing Guide

Creating a Strategy for Your Writing
by Marilyn Schwader.Creating a strategic plan for your writing is a creative process. As a result, the first thing I want you to do is keep in mind that nothing turns out as you expect it to in the creative process. Creating a strategic plan for your writing is just as ...
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Creating a Clear, Compelling Vision
by Marilyn Schwader.The first question my clients frequently ask is, "Why do I need to define a vision for what I write? Why can't we just create a strategy?" There are two critical reasons for you to do the vision process.First, let me make this next reality perfectly ...
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Values, Vision, Purpose, Mission Objectives
by Marilyn Schwader.Your ValuesThe first component is the core values on which you will be basing your vision. Values speak to your true essence and represent who you are and what you stand for. Experts have pointed out that if a person were to lose one of their core va...
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Developing Writing Tasks
by Marilyn Schwader.Developing Your Strategies and TasksNow that you have a clear vision and you know what mediums you will use your writing in, you can start to develop strategies to drive your exposure and your revenue. Each person's vision is different. As a result, ...
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the dream
by Maegan Zucconi. I tried to get away! My speed began to slow down. What was happening? I ran, but it seemed like hours that I had been running now. Slow motion, that’s it! I was running in slow motion. Run faster dammit! I can’t run! I had left a trail of...
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Would-be Authors Inflame Self-Publishing Stigma
by LinDee Rochelle.San Diego Authors’ Day offers help to overcomeWEST CONSHOHOCKEN, PENN.—January 7, 2008—The Internet has again ignited the book self-publishing flame for writers who are tired of rejection from traditional publishers, or want more of the royalty...

Ar Back Yard - Back There and Then...
by Anwar Dharma.Back there and then…It’s weird you know! But everything is so close to the release of Ar’ Back Yard (for those of you not familiar to the book soon to be released click on hhtp://www.arbackyard.com/ for more information) that it’s kind of sca...
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On The Planet Corporate: Survival Through Fiction
by Vera Jane Cook.I found myself sitting in the HR department of one of the most famous companies in America. My ice queen soon to be boss wanted me and I knew it. After all, I had graduated from a pseudo impressive university and I looked really good in my Ann Klein ...
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Internet Authors Dont Need Cut-Offs
by Mike Scantlebury.When our children were younger, and still at High School, we moved house. The new place was further away from the school, and they told us that there might be financial help available for us towards the cost of our kids' new bus fares, which would, o...
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How Long Is Too Long To Market A Book?
by Penny Sansevieri.So how long is too long to market a book? According to some studies (both formal and informal) marketing (and seeing the results in the form of book sales) can take anywhere from six months to two years, it all depends on what you want to get out of ...
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Discrimination From The Sneetches
by Lynn Osterkamp, Ph.D..The Mystery Writers of America (MWA), an organization that defines itself as " the premier organization for mystery writers, professionals allied to the crime writing field, aspiring crime writers, and those who are devoted to the genre," has develop...
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Horror Story Ideas: The Haunted House
by KiyaSama.I am a big fan of the show Ghost Hunters which is usually shown in the United States on the Sci-Fi channel. A team called TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) is a group of professional ghost hunters/busters, who are led by two plumbers, Jason Hawe...
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You Dont Need to be Perfect, But Your Writing Does
by Dana Blozis.How to Proofread, Edit and Fact-Check Your Own WorkHaving written since I was a kid, I've met many authors, writers and journalists along the way. While we don't all fit the stereotype of the robed, sleepless, alcoholic writer hunched over a typewrit...
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Business Writing Tips For Professionals
by Sharif Khan.Effective business writing skills can help you win that million dollar contract, earn a promotion, resolve a dispute, or generate a significant increase in new business leads. Poor business writing, on the other hand, can never be undone; it can caus...
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Imagine If Yoda Were Your Writing Coach...
by Suzanne Harrison.Writers live a solitary life. That’s a fact. You spend hours planning, writing, rewriting and editing your masterpieces, only to have them rejected by every agent or publisher you have the courage to show them to.So wouldn’t it be fabulous to hav...
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The Long And The Short Of The Short Story
by Suzanne Harrison.Congratulations! You’ve spotted a great short story competition and decided to enter. You’ve had a go at a few short stories in the past and you’ve been wanting to tackle a novel for ages, but the idea was way too daunting so you’ve just shov...
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Tackle A Trilogy And Triple Your Profits
by Suzanne Harrison.Are you a writer with big ideas? Are you always imagining epics, sweeping stories, great tales of human struggle and sacrifice, interlaced with personal stories of love, sadness and triumph? If so, you ought to consider turning your book or story ide...
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Are You The Next JK Rowling?
by Suzanne Harrison.Harry Potter. The name brings instant recognition from people all over the world. The books have sold over 350 million copies worldwide. Only the bible has more translations. The movies have gone on to grace the lists of the Top 10 grossing films of ...

The Five Easiest-To-Complete Information Products
by Marcia Yudkin.Your first time out of the gate, you’re going to be tempted to tackle an information product project that is much too complicated. After all, you know so much and can’t leave out any of the valuable points! Or, you lack confidence that anyone wil...
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Taking the Road Less Traveled
by Donald Mitchell.Many people dream of writing a best-selling business book. Surely, the world is waiting for their unique wisdom . . . or so they think. The reality is far different. The average business book offered by a major publisher sells about 5,000 copies. ...
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Self Publish or Perish: The New Age of Book Writing
by Corey Blake.In this new age of the Internet, information is everywhere and people are hungry to find it. If they have a question about ANYTHING in life, they are apt to jump online, go to a search engine and trust whatever they find. So how do you compete among ...
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Writing Articles - Two Aspects Of The Surge
by Elaine Currie.Writing articles for publication on the Internet is, at the time I write this, every Internet marketer's favourite way to get free publicity for his website. If you are an Internet marketer and haven't heard the buzz that's going around about writing...
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Great Technical Writing
by Barry Millman.The User-Product Life Cycle (U-PLC) is a powerful tool for the User Document writer. Use the U-PLC to generate the high-level topics for your User Document.THE USER-PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE (U-PLC)Usually, when we think of a Product Life Cycle, we think in...
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Internet Authors Dont Need Club Class
by Mike Scantlebury.If you go into any supermarket in England and inspect the fruit, you may be pleased to see that some of the apples are bagged up and labelled 'Class 1'. However, looking around, you may be surprised to note that there aren't any corresponding bags ma...
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How To Become A Bestselling Book Author
by Brian Scott.What IS a best-selling author?You have to answer that in your own mind.Technically, it's any book that makes it into the Top 100 list at ANY online or offline bookstore.However, what does it mean to you?Is it someone who sells 300-500 books in a...
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