Editorials » Hobbies and Interests » Good Self Esteem

Getting Things Done, Without the Sweat!
by Ronnie Nijmeh.How do you get your people on your side? And once their on your side, how can you get them to do anything you want? It's a skill that we all want. Nothing's better than leaving the hard work for some...
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Make Mistakes! Its Okay. Really!
by Ronnie Nijmeh.When you fall, do you get right back up? Do you learn from your mistake and move on? Or do you kick yourself so hard in the butt that you just mope around for days in your PJs and wonder why you're s...
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Ready? Go! Tweak.
by Ronnie Nijmeh.Let's set the scene. You're in a packed stadium. It's the Olympics and you're watching the 100-metre sprint. You're up in the nosebleed section and you see what resembles little "ants" stretching on ...
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Are You Faking It?
by Miami Phillips.I am beginning to wonder how many people are faking it? How many if given the chance would change careers, partners, domiciles, and friends? What percentage are living a life by rote? It takes not a ...

Hard to Change?
by Miami Phillips.How many times in the past have you tried to change something about you? Have you read an article discussing the benefits of time management and made a promise to your Self to follow the steps? Or, ...
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Where is the Time and Money?
by Miami Phillips.An informal survey (by me) over the last two weeks has revealed an interesting statistic. I asked almost everybody I spoke to (even strangers) if they had enough time. If they had enough time I aske...
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The Boss Didn’t Understand Why His Staff Wasn’t Reading His Mind
by Laurie Weiss, Ph.D.Many people believe that everyone sees the world exactly the same way as they do. This is never true and was the source of much turmoil in Dr. Jacob’s office. When the Job Isn’t Getting Done “They...
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I Am…
by Gene Simmons.…you are, he is, she is, they are… But you knew that already, didn’t you? Or have you really stopped to think about it recently – or ever for that matter? Huh? I guess we need a little clarificatio...

The Balance of Balance
by Ryan Campbell.Life is about maintaining a balance of all aspects. At times some areas might receive more focus than others, but remember we're always undergoing constant change. It takes 3 weeks to develop a habit...
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Running Tips
by Ryan Campbell.It’s a good idea to consult your doctor before beginning any physical activity. The information in this article is not meant to be technical, it’s just a guideline. Use the information as you like. W...
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Work Attitude Ethics For Progress
Topic : Work Attitude & Work Ethics For Progress
by Pierre du Plessis.This "fruit for thought" article is for all human beings, who somehow find themselves in the role of breadwinner and striving to improve their living standards. The heading of this article could just...
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Doing Less in More Time
by Jan Marie Dore.Over the years, the compelling challenge of time, priorities, and life balance has been a frequently mentioned concern of individuals. Our lives have sped up so much that we often feel that we are lo...
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Creating Sacred Space in Your Home Office or Garden
by Jan Marie Dore.The environments we surround ourselves with contribute to our sense of well-being as well as to our creativity and productivity. There is a direct link between inner peace and the spaces in which we ...
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The Joy of Meaningful Work
by Jan Marie Dore.The search for meaning in life and in work has been a very powerful, enduring theme in every culture. Many of us have reflected on our work and the meaning it has in our lives. Developing a rewarding...
Similar Editorials : Meaningful Minds

Argue With Yourself and Improve Your Health
by Dr. Tony Fiore.Even as a child, James was described by teachers and his parents as a happy optimist. As the story goes, one day his parents decided to play a joke on him and test his attitude by requiring him to sp...
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Are You Doing What You Love Each and Every Day?
by Stacey Mayo, "The Dream Queen".It is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day stress of everyday life: deadlines to meet, schedules to keep, unexpected expenses, conflicts to resolve, illness of loved ones, to name a few. Amidst al...
Similar Editorials : If You Love Me

Our Worst Enemy
by Michael Lee.Who do you consider as your worst enemy? The criminals roaming the dark streets? Your boss who's killing you mentally and emotionally with stress and harsh words? The people in office who are eng...
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Wireless Meditation
by Maya Talisman Frost.The problem with meditation is attachment. We get in the habit of needing our altar, favorite cushion, incense, CD, certain time of day, necessary length of time, or particular style of sitting. If w...
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Trust the “System” – It Works!
by Gene Simmons.The “System” – the overall structure and organization of this great creation that we’re a part of… including our ability to personally interact with (and benefit from) the spiritual aspects of this c...
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Our Worst Enemy
by Michael Lee.Who do you consider as your worst enemy? The criminals roaming the dark streets? Your boss who's killing you mentally and emotionally with stress and harsh words? The people in office who are engagin...
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by Wayne and Tamara.Direct Answers - Column for the week of June 21, 2004 I have a mother who is constantly yelling at me for the smallest things, regardless of whether or not it is my fault. She tells me how hopeless ...
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Education Leads To A Healthier And Happier Life
by Ryan McKenzie.Do you feel you lead a healthy and happy life? If you answered yes, chances are you have received some sort of college or post secondary (post high school) education. If you are an adult, and don’...
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Self Help When Youre In Debt
by Paul Davis.It's no fun being in debt. Money shortages are always stressful and serious debt can emotionally drain you. And yet, while you'll find lots of advice about the practical aspects of debt management,...
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11 Questions To Kickstart Your Dream
by Keith Varnum.What's your dream? Want to give your vision a jumpstart? Write down your goals and use these questions to speed up delivery of your dream. 1. What's your highest priority this lifetime? What's most i...
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10 Easy-to-Learn Tips On Handling Interruptions
by Catherine Franz.Imagine this, a co-worker enters your office and says: "Cathy, could I talk with you for a minute? I'm having a real problem with...." You glance at your watch and think of the report that’s due in a...
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