Editorials » Hobbies and Interests » Writing Guide

Interview with Marguerite Arotin, a Romance Writer in Ohio
by Py Kim Conant.Py: How did you get your pen name as Maruerite Arotin? Marguerite: My real name is Dana but when I decided to write romance, I always knew Dana would be too unisex for the romance market. So I thought about my nickname. My grandma used to call me Dai...
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Find Some Readers!
by Michael LaRocca.The Internet will not replace traditional promotional efforts, but it can enhance them. Before I go into the Internet, I want to talk about the old-fashioned marketing methods, because they're still your best source of readers.=====BOOKSTORESMap out ...
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Can Content Development Lead To Copywriting?
by Kevin Browne.The practice and study of content development may just be the single best way to become a big league copywriter. In fact, it is now widely recommended by many experts at some of the worlds' leading advertising agencies that students who are diligentl...
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How Much Cash Do Ad Copywriters REALLY Make?
by Kevin Browne.Soooo. You're interested in how much ad copywriters actually make, are you? Don't be embarrassed. You can say that you are.Well hand onto your socks, because the average salary of ad copywriters is anything but ordinary.Junior ad copywriters right ou...
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Five Steps to Gaining Good Writing Skills
by Peter Morgan.The best way to start honing good writing skills is by learning to write good essays.At its most basic, there are five steps to writing a good essay. These good writing techniques are skills that anyone can learn.The first step is to choose a subject...
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Write The Perfect Super Bowl Ad: No Real Writing Required?!?
by Kevin Browne.I want to make this point crystal clear: if you write a Super Bowl ad and it gets produced and shown on the big game down in Florida, your life will be in jeopardy.Why?Because the people in the ad business that live and breathe advertising have despe...
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Greatness Is Daring To Fail
by Mark McGimpsey.An early morning chill pricked at Matthew's lean muscular frame, as he stood contemplating on the task that stretched before him. A task, difficult in the extreme, and he shivered again as the realisation that he might soon be dead, began to gnaw at ...
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Article Ghost Writing From A Fresh Perspective
by Lillian Varrassi.Over the last several months, I have come to realize the importance of article writing as it relates to website content either in the product or service area. Content for websites has become an integral part of the internet industry. It is estimated ...
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Journey into the Past with “Melinda and the Wild West”
by Linda Weaver Clarke.Step into the early days of the Wild West and be a part of another culture, time, and place. The historical/fiction novel, “Melinda and the Wild West,” encourages the reader to be a part of history, and feel the tenderness of romance. This story ...
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Words Used Well - No. 4: I Never Said That
by Bill Moore.Writers like to quote the classics and the famous. Often, though, through misinformation or poor research, they end up misquoting—and sometimes misinforming. In some cases, they attribute a statement to someone who never made it. Because they’ve ...
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Becoming A Copywriter: Time To Start Watching Trashy TV?
by Kevin Browne.Becoming a copywriter starts for real the second AFTER you've gotten your first copywriting job.Now don't worry, all of the skills that you needed to get the job will still be very much in play...but those skills, as you're about to find out, were on...
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Self-Published Books Advice
by Kae Cheatham.Not long ago, I read a self-published book produced by a printing company, where the author was required to furnish not only the manuscript, but the layout and cover. The cover was the best part of this book. The story had potential (although erratic...

The Freelance Writers Thanksgiving Prayer
by Yuwanda Black.CLIENTSI’m thankful for clients.I’m thankful for clients – who pay.I’m thankful for clients – who pay on time.I’m thankful for clients – who pay what I’m worth.I’m thankful for clients – who pay their thanks to me.I’m than...
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Tips from Robert Ludlum on writing a compelling thriller
by Hal Gieseking.Based on a two-hour interview with the late Robert Ludlum, author of some of the world's best selling novels of international intrigue.Q. How did your career in writing begin?Ludlum: When I got out of college in 1952, I wanted to be an actor. I worke...
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Books for Writers
by Lisa Silverman.In her lengthy career, Betsy Lerner has been an MFA student, an award-winning poet, a book editor at major publishing houses, and a literary agent. So in her wonderfully insightful book about writers and the business in which they struggle, she provi...
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Your Write to Deduct
by James Kavanagh.Being an aspiring and even a published author is not nearly as lucrative as you had hoped. It takes time and investment, mostly yours, to build a fan base and promote your name and your work. While you are busy planning, promoting and writing, you ma...
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5 Ways A Reader Can Respond To Your Article
by Chris Geldof.When reading your article a reader can get warmed up and react on your article in several ways. A responsive reader will want to:1) Visit your website link in the resource boxThis is probably the most common response people seem to go to, even if it ...
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Master CopyWriting - How To Write Compelling Headlines
by Ian Simpson.Headlines play a vital role of presenting the front lines in any marketing strategy. When you want to be heard and seen, headlines are the best way to grab attention and tell people what’s new. Your headline is the first thing that your customers s...
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Ghost Writers What Do They Do
by David Fishman.It's important to keep in mind, that not all ghost writers are skilled in all kinds of writing. Many times, ghost writers earn a quite a nice salary do something they love, which is writing. Ghost writers are more common than you think. Of course, no...
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One-Page Letter for Freelance Writers
by Yuwanda Black.When I owned my editorial staffing agency and would put out a job opening for freelancers, I would get a ton of responses. If I asked for work samples, I would get slammed – even if the ad specifically stated to send, for example, “one writing sa...
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How to Write Great Dialogue in Your Book
by Steve Manning.Dialogue isn’t so much read as it is heard by the reader. The eyes see the words on the page, the brain processes the thought, but then that little voice we all have in the back of our head becomes the character and actually says the words.We immed...
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Why You Should Take Part In A Writing Workshop
by Deanna Mascle.Before you should decide whether or not taking part in a writing workshop is right for you and your writing you should first understand just what a writing workshop is.A workshop is an educational format where an expert shares information on a focuse...
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Article Writing Tips to Avoid Duplicate Content
by Liane Bate.Lately I have been concerned about, and have been hearing more and more about duplicate content on the internet. Particularly if you run your own online business like I do, you definitely want to have good quality content on your site to attract not ...
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Home Business Copywriting Ideas
by Vincent Murphy.When you do any online research about home based businesses, you will likely find thousands of results that tell you that the most successful and easiest business to start from your home is a copywriting business. You can make a great living without ...
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Article Ideas - Six Ways To Find Them
by Steve Gillman.Article ideas can be easy to generate when you first start writing to promote you web site - at least if your site is on a subject you are passionate about. There are things you have been sharing with people for a long time, and now you just start do...
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