How Stupid Can People Be?
by Gene Simmons.“I can’t believe she did that!” “What the hell is he thinking?” “Any idiot would have better sense than that!” “Are they all taking dumb pills?” “What’s the matter with these people?” “Why am I ...
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What Is Your Legacy?
by Karyn Greenstreet.During a recent speech, I told the audience that my mission was to empower the self-employed to succeed. Instantly a hand shot up in the audience. “What’s your definition of success?” I smiled to m...
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Busy, Busy, Busy...
by Gene Simmons.…busy, busy, busy, busy, busy…busy, busy, bus… OK, slap me with a wet diaper! Enough of that silliness. Most you know what I’m talking about though, right? That’s us! Busy. Doing what? Stuff. What ki...
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by Wayne and Tamara.Direct Answers - Column for the week of February 16, 2004 I have been married for a little over seven years, with one 2-year-old son and another on the way. Over time, I believe my wife and I have g...
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Intimidators In Your Life
by Edward B. Toupin.Did you ever run into that person that just nags and picks and scares you into submission? How about that person that appears to turn your world upside-down? What about that person that literally s...
Recover from Addiction
by Edward B. Toupin.I've had several coaching clients come to me who, while they wanted to move forward in life, were actually stuck in a self-destructive addiction. Of course, I cannot directly confront them about the...