Editorials » Hobbies and Interests » Writing Guide

5 Great Tips to Effective Letter Writing
by John Khu.Many people might wonder the need for letter writing in a world dominated by emails. If you wish to streamline your communication, never ignore the power of a well constructed letter. An email cannot achieve the impact that a well written letter can ...
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How to Write a Book Report
by Morgan Hamilton.Do you recall, way back when you're a kid, writing your first book report? It was more than likely a cute little piece of paper and some big words scribbled on it. These were the good old days. Back when book reports were easy and writing was simple....
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Write And Publish A Book Eureka Style!
by Claude Jollet.I had a dream. I wanted to write a book. I have found a neat way to jump over the publishing and marketing hurdles. What do I mean by neat? How about immensely more effective, efficient, and gratifying, for starters?An Explosive SituationYou see, I l...
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Freelance Writing Success
by Angela Booth.If you want to be a successful freelance writer today, you've got to write a lot. This is not only because the competition for freelancers is intense, but it's also because much of the writing that you do every day won't be writing that you can sell ...
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Self Publishing Your Own Childrens Book
by Bill G. Graham.It seems that a lot of people dream of getting a children's book published. Knowing that I am in the publishing business, I have had scores of people over the years tell me that they either have an idea for a great children's book or have already wr...
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Before Painting Words
by Scott Lindsay.No matter what kind of writing you consider your forte you might want to consider the use of a ‘learning log’.The process of writing generally requires research. Unless you are recounting personal events in a first person non-fiction narrative th...
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How to Write Better Editorial Articles
by Brian Konradt.Writing an editorial article may be one of the most satisfying forms of writing, especially for journalists trained to be objective at all costs. An editorial article can be about anything and from any standpoint. As long as you have an opinion and c...
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One Epic Flashback
by Scott Lindsay.You've probably watched a movie where you observe the lead character in a quiet, contemplative moment. It's not long before you hear a sound similar to a camera and the movie shifts to an event from the past that provides a clue about what is happeni...

Ghostly Images: The Art Of The Ghost Writer
by Julie-Ann Amos.There is a hidden world in literature, an insubstantial veiled opportunity for writers who aren’t driven by fame but merely love to write. This underworld involves the use of talent dedicated to helping an author create their dreams from the myriad...
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9 Steps to Unique Articles
by TheBusinessPro.1 Remove your limits Reduce your subject to a single core word and then brainstorm around it. For example, if you're trying to write about "Study Skills", expand your thinking to "School". Now jot down everything that comes to mind when you think abo...
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Eliminate Common Problems in Writing Articles
by TheBusinessPro.Before writing an article, have you ever felt overwhelmed by a blank sensation, not knowing where to start? ...I'll bet you have! This checklist should help you eliminate some common problems in writing articles: 1. Have a specific purpose in mind. A...
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Write Articles That Relate to Your Product or Service
by TheBusinessPro.If you want to make money online a good strategy that won't cost you a dime is to write articles that relate to your product or service. Search Engines are constantly on the "look out" for freshly written content that has been submitted online. So ho...
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Writing for Success - Get That Article Written!
by mphcoach.Article writing has become an internet explosion as marketers work out new ways to build traffic to their sites.Most search engines now use the links that article placements generate as a key indicator of the value of the site mentioned in the articl...
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Bestselling Author Secrets Revealed
by WarrenWhitlock.Emerson promised us that the world would beat a path to your door. Trouble is, Emerson lived before the advent of the frenzy of mass media we seen in the past few decades.The world today demands better mousetraps.. and expects you to fight through th...
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Five Keys For Marketing Your Book
by bigmoneyspeaker.The key to the success of your book lies with marketing. If you don’t market your book, you won’t sell many copies. If you don’t sell many copies, you don’t have the cash to continue writing. So… you MUST learn to market your books effectiv...
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Good Vocabulary in Todays Society
by marilynest.Whilst studying, my daughter attended an interview for a weekend reception position. The interviewer indicated that she would need to work "alternative" weekends! Of course the word used should have been "alternate". In conversation, people frequentl...
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Tips For Selecting The Right Editing Service
by infocus.Everyone needs to have his work edited even once in his life. An editing company can polish the work of a beginner, improve the writing of a mediocre or average writer and proofread the work of an expert with an unbiased eye. Theres nothing shameful ...
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Copywriting 101: How to Get Your Customers to Take Action
If you want people to buy, you gotta ask for the sale.Truly, it is that simple. Yet I can't tell you how many ads, Web sites, brochures, sales letters, etc. are floating around out there that aren't asking.So, what is a call to action? It's telling p...
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Checklist For Writing Effective Articles
by LeadersExcel.Before writing an article, have you ever felt overwhelmed by a blank sensation, not knowing where to start? ...I'll bet you have! This checklist should help you eliminate some common problems in writing articles: 1. Have a specific purpose in mind. A...
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How To Prepare Your Articles For Submission
by selpatt.With the popularity of information-based marketing, getting targeted visitors to your website and turning them into buyers is the no.1 reason why internet marketers are now writing, submitting and publishing articles in droves. How to prepare your ar...
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Guidelines For Writing A Profitable E-Books
by biggso.Have you ever wondered what it takes to write an e-book? Or how you can use one to promote your new business? Well the truth is that many people have no idea what an e-book even is, let alone know how to use one to advertise the better of their busin...
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What Are The Benefits Of Using A Resource Box In Your Articles?
by selpatt.A resource box is normally an area at the end of an article containing the name of the author, his expertise and description of the site along with a link. If a reader likes the article and wants to read more, the chances are he will click on this li...
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Essentials For Writing A Professional Corporate Resolution
by bizavings.The systematic recording of the events, the decisions, and the proceedings of Board Meetings are important. Companies need to keep some things in mind. A corporate resolution should cover all the relevant aims of the company. It should be brief, to ...
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How to Create Newsletter Today.
Newsletter Marketing is a great vehicle for small direct marketers. More so than virtually any other online communications, it can level the economic playing field. Email marketing fuses email and research into a single channel and provides marketers...
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Top Tips for Writing an E-book
by shakil.You've probably heard about e-books-they're everywhere on the Internet, and it seems like everyone is writing them. You've probably even thought about writing one yourself. But, what to write about? You need some e-book ideas.First, e-books are el...
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