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Quick and Dirty Holiday Decorating
by Elizabeth Hekimian-williams.You're tired. You've worked hard all week. Suddenly, the kids shout gleefully... "let's decorate!" ... in anticipation of the coming holiday. The "let's not" is miraculously not permitted to escape your lips. Instead you take a deep breath while you ...
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Decorating a Childs Room
by Michael Holland.When it comes to decorating a child's room, your approach should be much different from decorating an adult bedroom.That's because a child's bedroom should reflect his or her personality and not yours. For kids, their bedroom is where they play games...
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Decorating Your Rooms with Area Rugs
by Alex Wu.Area rugs, such as Tibetan rugs, are the number one decoration choice for many people because of their rich history, enchanting designs, and outstanding collection value. Hanging on the wall or covering the floor, each every single piece of rug is un...
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Thrifty Decorating Ideas for the Holidays
by Terri Seymour.Thrifty Decorating Ideas for the Holidays? Terri Seymour of www.seymourproducts.com Decorating for the holidays is a fun and exciting wayto bring the holiday cheer to your home. But, it canalso be very expensive. Over the years, I have usedmany of th...
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Decorating For Real People
by ? Lajoyce Kerns Of Www.decorate-bedrooms-for-less.com.I spent a recent weekend curled up with a stack of decorating magazines. I read them cover to cover - usually back to front, but that's the way I read most magazines and newspapers. I studied each photograph and tried to determine the particular desi...
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Organize Your Home on a Budget
by Karen Fritscher-porter.What's an item that can help you organize every room in your home, helps create the appearance that you're a tidy housekeeper (even if you're not), and perks up your decorating scheme?Need another hint?It comes in all shapes, sizes, colors and materi...
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Decorators Guide: Unlit Fireplace Candelabra
by Susan Penney.Who doesn’t appreciate flickering flames in a fireplace? For those who don’t have the inclination or time for burning firewood in their fireplace, fireplace candelabra are the obvious answer. They provide that special glow without the hassle or, ...
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Fresh flowers decorate and perfume your home
by Fay Barrow.Flowers have been used for centuries to decorate and perfume houses.Bringing fresh cut flowers into your home adds colour and scent it istrue, but the flowers add an extra dimension that cannot be created with soft furnishings and accessories – the...
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Decorating Ideas to make your Living Room more Livable
by Lisa French.By the time you are ready to choose the furniture for the living room, the walls and floor coverings should be in place so that the choice of furniture will be merely the selection of the best out of several possibilities. Of course, the quality, sha...
Similar Editorials : Decorating A Childs Room

Easter Decorating Ideas for Your Fireplace
by Susan Penney.Daffodils in crystal or glass vases on each end of your mantel bespeak the coming of Spring. Tie a wired chiffon ribbon in a soft spring hue in a bow around each vase for a nice touch.March a line of fluffy chicks across your mantel. Five or more chi...
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Psychology of Colors
by Joey Lewiti.Color is what surrounds us, it makes up our environment. Everywhere we look there is color, and this affects our minds. Certain colors have positive effects. Yellow is a happy color, while grey is considered dismal. These effects change as the shadin...
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Your Home and Garden Décor: Creating Bountiful Spaces
by Dj Ledford.It’s always advisable to take a good hard look around every room before you begin. Make a mental list of those areas you most want to work on, then push them aside. We all know what we SHOULD do: Air out the house, clean the carpets, get the dog gr...
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Using Psychology of Color to Decorate a Dining Room
by Joey Lewitin.Psychology of colors, the dining roomColors affect our minds, our physiologies, and our social interactions. The colors you choose when decorating a room can have an effect on any occasion that you hold there. The dining room is a place of delicate s...
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Decorating Tips for Siblings Sharing a Bedroom
by Michael Holland.Decorating Tips for Siblings Sharing a Bedroom   If you have two siblings sharing a bedroom, there are a couple of easy appraoches to decorating a space that both will enjoy. The first approach to decorating for siblings sharing a bedroom i...
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Cake Decorating
by Jason Gluckman.You have sifted the flour, beaten the eggs, softened the butter, mixed the ingredients, put it in the oven to bake – voila you have a beautiful cake. Now it time to decorate. The first and obvious consideration before decorating is what occasion ...
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The Perfect Baby Room Decor
by Morgan Hamilton.A baby is as sensible to its surroundings as any other adult. They will be affected by the way their surrounding looks like. A well-designed baby room décor can be really helpful in raising your kid.Color is an important factor. You should decorate ...
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European Wall Tapestries: A Unique Choice in Home Décor
by Sean Russell.For centuries many different cultures have used tapestries and textiles to decorate their buildings, churches, and homes. Today that trend has continued. Tapestry wall hangings are one of the most accomplished and durable textile-based art forms and ...
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Can One Mans Trash Really Be My Bedroom Decor Treasure?
by Ben Weissman.You've probably never thought about recycled furniture as home decor. In fact, you might be disgusted by the thought of someone picking up your old furniture when you set it out on the curb for trash pickup. However, if you think about it, furnitur...
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10 Tips for Decorating on a Budget
by Angela Sullivan.Most people are looking for great ways to save money on home décor, but still keep the designer look they are seeking. There are many ways to accomplish this. Below are some fantastic ways to decorate on a budget.1. Re-use existing items: This is on...
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Medieval Tapestries Add A Sense of History to Home Decor
by Sean Russell.Tapestries of early times were often patterned on current events or heroes of the day. Wall tapestries with knights and castles often adorned the very castles they displayed. Tapestries were important in castles to reduce the draft and cold in the la...
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Do Your Decorating Now And Save A Ton Of Money
by Terry Schierer.Serious decorators know that the best time of year to decorate is that small window between Labor Day and Halloween when every one else is trying to get back in the routine and groove of daily life after vacation. They know this is the time for serio...
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Your Guide to College Bedroom Décor
by Reggie Andersen.While arriving at college may be an exciting experience, making a home from a small dormitory may prove to be challenging. Choosing the right college bedroom décor is more than just selecting a theme and colors to match, it involves making the most ...
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Halloween Decorating Themes And Ideas
by Dean Forster.Depending on how you feel, Halloween can be a really fun time of the year.? My family really enjoys this part of the year and the holiday is great fun for us.Not only do you get to dress up and spend time with friends and family but you get to enjoy ...
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Southwestern Decorating Ideas for Your Cabin
by Marc Loos.Decorating a second home or rustic retreat can pose its own special challenges. You want to create a different feel for your vacation spot than you have for your main home, yet it must be welcoming and warm. Alpaca rugs, pillows, bedspreads and wall-...
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Easy Tips To Decorate The Childrens Room
by Sarika Kabra.Are you looking forward to decorating your child's bedroom? Thechildren's room is, perhaps, one of the few areas of the house on which peopleactually like to work upon regularly to make it better. Parents want to maketheir kid love his room and thus ...
Similar Editorials : Decorate for Thanksgiving

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