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Chow Chows - The "Stuff" From the East
by granola.There's no doubt that the Chow Chow is an ancient breed. In fact, many say the oldest dog fossils known to exist bear a striking resemblance to the current day Chow Chow. It's also known that many Chinese nobles kept this breed and that it has been u...

Bloodhound - More Than a Trail Dog
by granola.The Bloodhound is known for several things - the incredible sense of smell, the baying bark, and its soulful features. This dog as a breed is very old with roots that can be traced back to Belgium, among other countries. It was probably in Belgium th...

Caring For Your Pets After You Die
by genesower.While you may be planning to outlive your pets, what if something were to happen to you? Would Fido and Fluffy be provided for in the event of your untimley death or if you became incapacitated? Here's how you can insure that your pets get the proper...
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Why You Should Use A Dog Collar
by marclindsay.The humble dog collar is much more than just a fashion accessory or somewhere to hang the little embossed bone with your phone number on. A dog collar helps you walk your dog and is also there in case of any emergency where you might need to grab the...
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Dog Ear Infections Diagnosed
by jtheiss.Dog ear infections are also commonly called Otitis Externa. It is an infection of the outer ear canal. There are three parts to the ear; the outer, the middle, and the inner ear. Ninety percent of infections occur in the outer ear, the part of the ea...
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How To Train Your Dog For Hunting
by marclindsay.A hunting dog makes not only an exceptionally loving pet but can also become a comforting and useful companion on your hunting trip. As well as the usual obedience and house training you would undertake with a family dog you will also need to give so...
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Are You Ready For A Dog?
by leedobbins.Adopting a dog is a big commitment and you need to really think about if you are ready before you start shopping for your new pet. Not only will a dog take up quite a bit of your time but there is a significant financial commitment as well. Here's ...
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Why Declawing Is Not A Good Choice
by snlash.The act of declawing your cat or kitten by surgically having it's claws removed is not only physically harmful to your cat, but emotionally harmful as well. One of the first things you should know is that de-clawing is pretty much an American-only t...
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The Importance Of Giving Your Dog First Aid Treatment
by genesower.It is our job as dog owners to make sure that our pets are happy and healthy. However, it is not always an easy job given that our dogs are curious and intelligent creatures with a tendency to get themselves into all kinds of trouble. And when they...
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7 Pit Bull Breeder Warning Signs
by genesower.OK, so you have decided to get a Pit Bull. You like the way they look, the way they act, and how they carry themselves. It is important for you to make sure that you are getting a purebred Pit Bull that looks like a Pit Bull and acts like a Pit Bul...
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Natural Ways To Prevent & Treat Canine Arthritis
by genesower.Arthritis and bone disease are very common in dogs and usually take one of several types. These include hip dysplasia, dislocation of the kneecap, arthritis of the elbow, swelling and pain in the leg bones, and degeneration of the shoulder joint.Hip...
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How to Groom Your Horse
by iwilliam99.Grooming is an important part of keeping your horse healthy. It involves more than just brushing its hair. By grooming you get a chance to inspect your horse up close for any injuries, and it provides a good chance to bond with your horse. Also, it i...
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How To Repel Cats
by ken456.Ever wanted to know how to keep a cat away? Hold on to your sit we've got a thrill of a reading! Cats in general are loveable creatures. However, it is possible that some of them get on the bad side of the household. Thus, it is necessary to address...
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Respiratory Problems in Dogs
by genesower.Although we have discussed the issue of your dog having a persistent and constant coughing problem, acute coughing can be a sign of something a little less dangerous, but important nevertheless. Acute coughing may be a sign of kennel cough, acute br...
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Choosing Cat Toys For Your Cat
In the next few paragraphs, we will explore new ideas and thoughts that may help you achieve your goal and decide what is best for you when choosing toys for your cats.Toys for girl cats and boys:When the mouse is away, cats play. And cats have the ...
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The Silver Miniature Poodle - The "Gold" of the Poodle World
by granola.If you're looking for a beautiful dog with incredible intelligence, you need look no further than the Silver Miniature Poodle. These dogs are favored by many people as companions, show dogs and for agility trials. Take a look at the history of the Po...
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Tales from the Cat Whisperer - Cat Eyes
by snlash.Locally known as "The Cat Whisperer", or alternatively "That Cat Lady", I have a lifetime of experience studying and analyizing cat behaviour and what I call "cat-speak". Cats do not have the proper vocal cords to speak English, but they have a high...
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Westie Pups - Tips for Success in Housetraining
by zenithpublishing.Perhaps the best way to train your westie pups not to relieve themselves in your house is to never let the behavior start in the first place. Learning to anticipate your westie puppies need to 'go' takes time, and extra attention to your puppies when...
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Make Your Home Welcoming and Safe for Your Puppy
by Aspenaerie.Unlike bringing home a newborn child where you have some time to make your home safe, bringing home your new puppy means you need to puppy proof your home right away. Puppies are just like toddlers with lots of energy and ready to get into everythin...
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The Samoyed - The People, The Dogs
by granola.You may not know that the Samoyed is both a breed of dogs and a tribe of people. Both originated in the harsh conditions of the Siberian wilderness. The people required a dog that could survive the harsh conditions and the dog breed that was develope...

Pomeranian Pictures
by susan.By looking at pomeranian pictures you will indeed fall in love with this wonderful breed of dog. Obviously there is more than just good looks that makes this dog adorable and a fantastic family member but good looks is a great start. If you are loo...
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Labrador Retriever - The Right Dog Breed for You?
by meegwell.Hunting for a new family dog can be a sometimes-difficult task. If you have multiple family members, chances are you will have multiple desires for a dog. One may want small and spunky, the others may be looking for large and goofy. If you want a d...
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The Bernese Mountain Dog - From Near Extinction to Your Home
by granola.Whenever new breeds of a specific animal are introduced, you run the risk of losing that original breed completely. This was the case with the Bernese Mountain Dog a century or more ago. In fact, many Swiss breeds were being pushed completely out of ...
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Professional Dog Training - Training The Right Way
by marclindsay.Most areas have a dog training school that takes puppies and more mature dogs alike and if you are in the early stages of obedience training then taking your puppy or dog to one of these schools is a very useful step. Not only do dog obedience traini...
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Tips For Choosing A Fish Tank
by leedobbins.Picking the right tropical fish tank will make the care of your tank easier and much more fun for both you and the fish, so you will want to choose an aquarium that not only looks sharp, but is also functional and appropriate for your needs. Ultimate...
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