Editorials » Medical » Alternative Medicine

7 Reasons To Become Vegetarian/Vegan
by Julian.1. With businesses trying to get more money from their meat, livestock is pumped full of steroids, growth hormones, water, antibiotics and more. This stays in their flesh, so when you eat it, guess what? It'll accumulate in your body. Most people don...
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Home Remedy That Cures Cold Sores Quick
by tpcedwards.Looking for a good home remedy for cold sores? While you will hear about all types and kinds of a home remedy for cold sores, there are a few that have been shown to work. For anyone who has suffered with a cold sore you know how painful it can be. A...
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Natural Remedies For Cold Sores
by leedobbins.There are several things that can be done and used as a home remedy for a cold sore, just as there are several things that can be done to prevent cold sores in the first place.A cold sore often erupts as the result of the common cold - thus its name....
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Colon Cleanse Recipes, Is it Possible to Make My Own?
by peter1.Searching for colon cleanse recipes can be a bit like hunting for hay in a haystack, theres so many of them around that it can be just a little overwhelming! But while it might be simple enough to find a free colon cleanse recipe using the Internet, ...
Similar Editorials : A Preconception Cleanse

Can an Animal Make You Healthy ?
by iwilliam99.The term animal assisted therapy is to be distinguished from the more familiar practice of animal assisted activities, which refers generally to pet visitation at hospitals and residential care facilities. Animal Assisted Therapy is part of a formal ...
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Kidney Cleansing Methods and Recipes
by skleong.Kidney cleansing is an important treatment method in alternative medical treatment. It is used to flush out toxic wastes from the kidney. Most importantly, the cleansing dissolves kidney stones. Kidney cleansing methods involves the use of juice, sup...
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The Healing Power of Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides
by sibs123.Most people agree, that the Aloe Vera plant can either heal or elevate a variety of heath issues. For many, the benefits of aloes have been limited to a topical ointment that is applied to the skin. For instance, many use aloe gel to ease rashes, scr...
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Liver Cleansing Methods
by skleong.Liver is one of the most powerful organs in the body and plays and important role in neutralizing the toxic wastes in the body. A poor functioning of the liver can kick start numerous ailments. The best possible way to keep liver healthy is through p...
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Home Remedies For Bruxism
by kevinp.Bruxism or teeth grinding is one of most damaging forms of dental disorders. This condition is usually difficult to detect in the early stages as the patient is completely oblivious of this habit. It leads to clenching and grinding of the teeth along...
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Do We Really Need Colon Cleansers To Keep Us In Good Health?
by peter1.Do we really need colon cleansers to help us to achieve optimal health? They say that there is very little new in the world, only that which we have forgotten, and this is a tenet as easily applied to the history of our colonic and intestinal health ...
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Home Remedies For Muscle Spasms And Cramps
by kevinp.One of the easiest ways to deal with muscle spasm is to have a hot bath or shower. You can also do some simple stretch exercises. This will improve blood circulation and help the connective tissue around the muscles. Before you pump up those muscles,...
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Discover Self-Hypnosis
by nkthen.We have all seen shows where a person does something they would not normally do under hypnosis. They hypnotize a woman, put her to sleep and then wake her and give her an onion to eat telling her it is an apple. The woman eats the onion and enjoys it...
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Alternative Treatment To Anxiety Attacks
by tmcgee51.I am one of the millions of sufferers of anxiety or panic attacks, so I know first hand how bad it can get. It first happened to me just sitting in a chair with some friends talking. There was no stress and nothing on my mind to cause anything, but i...
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The Health Importance of Magnesium
by RichM12345.Magnesium is a mineral that serves a vital role in the human body. Magnesium is found in both plants and animals. It helps plants with photosynthesis and acts as a metabolic reaction in animals. The human body has over three hundred biochemical proce...
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Boost Your Immune System Naturally With Aromatherapy
by teahupoo.The ancient cultures in the East have used essential oils and aromatherapy for thousands of years to help to boost the immune system among other things; the West is just now catching on. Aromatherapy has proven itself to be a safe and effective way o...
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How Coral Calcium Aids in Good Health
by smoo663.The discovery of Coral Calcium was such a dynamic health breakthrough because researchers and scientists now know how the body can readily use this natural supplement. Oftentimes when we take multivitamins or calcium supplements, our bodies are simpl...
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What Is Hypnosis?
by nkthen.Hypnosis is a state of mind that is neither fully awake nor fully asleep. It is what can be called a trance-like state during which the patient is in an enhanced state of awareness. During a hypnotic trance the conscious mind is suppressed and the su...
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Will Hypnosis For Weight Loss Work For You?
by billyou1232.As of the moment weight loss hypnosis has been the subject of many questions some people just find the procedure a little too easy for weight loss. Most of the experts say otherwise. The problem with believing in weight loss hypnosis can be rooted to...
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Enema - A Cleansing Treatment
by kevinp.IntroductionEnema is a process in which any kind of liquid mostly non-hazardous is administered in your system through your backside also known as the anus. The other name for enema is lower gastrointestinal series. It is termed as an alternative the...

An Introduction To Natural Health Therapies
by isabal.Alternative medicines are coming back in a big way. The over dependence on allopathic and surgical methods to cure human maladies, and their corresponding side effects are encouraging patients to take to older and more natural means of cure. In order...
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Aromatherapy Treatments for Healing
by limevelyn.Aromatherapy is an alternative health science that is based on a more holistic approach to dealing with health ailments or simply to stimulate the mind and body. It is a totally natural, non-invasive treatment. Aromatherapy treatments help to heal ...
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Natural Health And Naturally Healthy Foods
by whykillthekittens.If you are ready to make that jump from junk food and quick meals to natural health food, then must accept that it will take a considerable amount of effort and patience on your part.All the junk food that you have been feeding your body will have er...
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Alternative Treatments for Heartburn
by jimbunt.It is a simple matter to swallow an antacid tablet or liquid if you suffer the pain of indigestion or heartburn. But, doing it too often or suffering increasingly painful episodes could make the antacid useless. Even the powerful acid lowering drugs ...
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Are There Any Side Effects Of Using Natural Health Medicine?
by whykillthekittens.It is important to know what you're getting yourself into when you decide to purchase any form of medicine. If you take any medicine too often or for the wrong ailment, you could be putting your health in jeopardy; however, there are some medicines t...
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Therapeutic Uses for Aromatherapy
by Tracey.Aromatherapy is an art that has been around for some time now. Basically, aromatherapy involves bathing, inhalation and massage with the use of pure essential oils. Its name itself provides an idea of the benefits aromatherapy provides: aroma means s...
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