Cord Blood - The Future of Medicine
If you remember your Biology classes, you would recall that cells are the building blocks that make up an organism. While most cells have a designated purpose (such as heart cells that merge to form the heart, or kidney cells that combine to form a k...
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Night Sweats and Chinese Herbs
Night Sweats are a common Menopause Symptom. Many Menopausal women experience Sweating with their Hot Flashes throughout the day. When it happens at night, though, it's a problem in itself. It can mean ruined sleep. Women typically wake up at 2-3 in ...
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Yeast Infection Home Remedies
by alizalevine.A Yeast Infection is an imbalance of yeast in the vagina caused usually by an overgrowth of the yeast fungus, Candida albicans. Candida is naturally present in our bodies (men too). This same fungus often causes diaper rash. Usually yeast is kept in ...
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Massage Marketing 101
by reikizach.1. When you make your first sale, follow-up with the customer. You could follow-up with a "thank you" email and include an advertisement for other roducts/Services/Classes you sell. You could follow-up every few months. 2. You could upsell to yo...
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Why Coral Calcium-1 is Good for You
by smoo663.If you are reading this page, it is likely that you have given some thought to coral calcium 1 and how this natural supplement can enhance your overall state of health and well being. We live in an age where disease is on the rise in both men and wom...
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Protect Your Baby From Diaper Rash
by kevinp.Diapers let parents take their babies out without having to worry about them dirtying their clothes. They are comfortable for both the parents and the tots. But some times, this can backfire. Baby's soft bottom is then converted into irritating swamp...
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Hypnosis - The Best Way To Quit Smoking
by TheBusinessPro.This article explains a few things about quit smoking and hypnosis, and if you're interested, then this is worth reading, because you can never tell what you don't know. Smokers, who are getting aware of the possible health hazards and want to quit s...
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Home Remedies For Wart Removal
by barneygarcia.There are many different home remedies for wart removable and here are some of the more imaginative ones that I have been able to find. Good old apple cider vinegar, which is used for a host of remedies, is also a reputed use for wart removal. Just...
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Neti - For A Smooth Respiration
by kevinp.To enjoy smooth respiration, you need to take care that both the nostrils should be clear and the passage within them should be completely open for the air to move. But with many people, it is usually one of the nostrils that are open. Hence it is im...
A Massage Chair For A Healthy Family
by roryhhawkins.We often face the problem of stress and strain that ends up in both physical and mental problems. We live in a hectic world where we are always running to keep ourselves alive in the fast competition. We need respite from that strain. Researches show...
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Balance Your Bacteria And Beat Candidiasis
by Julian.When we are in a state of good health, there is a balance of the 'good' or friendly bacteria and the 'bad or harmful' bacteria. If the harmful bacteria are not kept under control, this can result in many illnesses. Candida albicans (a yeast fungus) o...
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