Editorials » Medical » Anxiety

Three Proven Ways to Handle Your Writing Anxiety
by Linda.Writing anxiety and writing block are informal terms that are used to denote pessimistic and anxious feeling about writing. Researches showed that the majority of students exhibit unusually strong apprehension about writing. This debilitating conditi...
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When A Family Member Stuggles With Fear And Anxiety
by Stan.Do you have a family member who struggles with fear and anxiety? It can be difficult to sit by and watch the person you love struggle while you are unable to do anything. Enclosed is a list of things that you can do to help the person overcome his or...
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How To Help An Anxious or Fearful Family Member
by Stan.It is not easy to watch a family member or relative struggle with fear and anxiety. The first step is that you should get him or her to talk to a professional who can get them started in the right path of getting better. Getting professional help for...
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How To Help Your Child With First Day Anxiety
by Frank W. Thatcher Jr..Summer vacation is coming to a close. All the trips,fun activities, and camps are soon to be wonderfulmemories. Hopefully, your child or children had agreat period of down time and are refreshed and readyfor a new and eventful school year.I know many...
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Relieving Christmas Anxiety for Children
by Sarah Delaporte.For a child, Christmas is the most exciting holiday of all. They look forward to the Christmas tree, lights, presents, stockings, make-believe Santa Claus, wishlists, snowmen & many more aspects. It is easy for adults to forget how excited children b...
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Child Separation Anxiety: Does Your Child Have It?
by D.herren.The separation can be scary to a child because they are not sure if you are leaving them for good. They are more aware of you being around all the time and used to it. What they aren't familiar with is you leaving and returning.In most cases, this ty...
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Separation Anxiety in Dogs
by Paul Nelson.Typically this is set off when the owner goes to leave the dog at home, and can even start when the dog senses or see small signs that the owner is leaving the house. It is common for a dog with separation anxiety will also respond to the owners retu...
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Overcoming Anxiety
by Robert Elias Najemy.Overcoming AnxietyRobert Elias NajemyIn order to create the healthy, happy and harmonious reality we all desire, we will need to create emotional harmony. This process can be divided into six basic steps:1. Recognize our emotions. 2. Accept them as t...
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"Performance Anxiety"
by Margaret Paul, Ph.d..Beverly had suffered from anxiety most of her life. As a child, she slept poorly and often had nightmares. She bit her nails and would chew on the skin around her nails until they were raw and bleeding.Beverly had tried many forms of therapy, meditat...
Similar Editorials : Anxiety Attacks

Does Social Anxiety Hold You Back?
by Dave Turo-shields, Acsw, Lcsw.Publishing Guidelines: You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the resource box is included with a live link to my site. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated. ************...
Similar Editorials : Social Anxiety

What About Drugs for Anxiety and Depression?
by Margaret Paul, Ph.d..The following article is offered for free use in your ezine, print publication or on your web site, so long as the author resource box at the end is included, with hyperlinks. Notification of publication would be appreciated.For other articles which ...
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Food, Anxiety and Depression
by Margaret Paul, Ph.d..Food is another major factor that greatly affects how we feel. Most people don’t really notice that what they put into their bodies affects how they feel. They might know that if they “sugar out” they may crash emotionally, or if they drink too...
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Anxiety Solutions For People Who Fail Resolutions
by Jae Taylor.In a nutshell... YES!Ive given a lot of thought recently to the power of resolutions to that basic human instinct that continually drives us to improve ourselves and to expand our horizons. Perhaps youre reading this now and resolving to finally conq...
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Social Anxiety & Social Fear
by Jens Wegner.A person that suffers from social anxiety feels a strong fear of almost anything around him. For the one that experience social anxiety it is a terrible thing even to cross the street. More than this, a person that suffers from social anxiety wants v...
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Anxiety: A Lack of Reality
by Margaret Paul, Ph.d..Brent started to work with me after his wife, Carla, suddenly decided to leave the marriage. They had been married five years and Brent thought everything was fine. Then Brent became ill and Carla withdrew. And then she was gone.Brent was devastated....
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The Uncertainty and Fearfulness of Anxiety Disorders
by Dave Poon.Have you ever watched a movie where one of the characters had a trauma after some incident within the film? This is quite a scene that we commonly see in movies. But really, this fear or phobia is everywhere. Studies shows that roughly forty million ...
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Getting anxious over Anxiety Depression?
by Nicholas Tan.A lot of busy people who seem to cannot fathom the idea of relaxing and taking time of from work, as well as their worries, tend to actually start having nervous breakdowns, anxiety depression and all sorts of mental illnesses that can cause a person...
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How to Reduce Anxiety in 5 Easy Steps
by Greg Frost.Anxiety is an emotion associated with fear and nervousness,and it develops into a disorder when such feelings are experiencedirrationally. Symptoms of anxiety disorders include chest pains, sweating, hotflushes and nausea, amongst other. However, the...
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Treating Anxiety Attacks before it Overwhelms You
by Greg Frost.For those who suffer from anxiety attacks, you will findthat the incessant worry and fear will slowly erode your self confidence andreduce your quality of life. Thankfully, anxiety disorders are treatable, andcan offer you relief from the symptoms an...
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Anxiety in Children - Causes and Treatment Forms
by Greg Frost.Research has shown that those who face high stress levelsare more prone to return to a similar state of high stress at the smallestprovocation. Child anxiety disorder is one of the more common problems thatchildren face, and might be accompanied by d...
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How to Deal with Childrens Anxiety
by Greg Frost.Approximately 5 to 20% of all children suffer from at least one form of anxiety disorder. This refers to an overwhelming sense of fear or worry that is out of proportion to the individual’s situation, and often causes an adverse effect on that pers...
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Different Herbs for Anxiety Treatment
by Greg Frost.Anxiety disorders are a common problem, affectingapproximately 20 million adults and children in America. Anxiety is a commonemotion consisting of uncertainty and worry faced by many, whilst anxietydisorders are when such fears are experienced irrati...
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Medication for Anxiety Disorders – The Various Options
by Greg Frost.There are many different anxiety disorders, but their onecommon underlying characteristic is the overwhelming and incessant worry andfear experienced. For those who suffer from anxiety disorders, there is avariety of treatments available to help you ...
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General Anxiety Disorder - Top Causes Explained
by Greg Frost.General anxiety disorder, or GAD, falls under the wideumbrella of anxiety disorders. People who suffer from GAD are characterized bya sense of apprehension in crowds or social settings, and can be seen as anextension of other common fears. Typical sy...
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5 Tips for Coping with Anxiety Disorder Panic Attacks
by Greg Frost.There are various types of anxiety disorders, but the mainunderlying characteristic is the irrational and excessive need to worry and thefear. Panic attacks occur randomly and frequently for those who suffer fromanxiety disorder. When they occur, the...
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