Editorials » Medical » Medical Conditions

How To Know The Many Phases Of Allergic Asthma?
by gannboy.Sad to said that you may be born with allergies because your mother unknowingly ingested food and perhaps milk to which she was allergic during her pregancy. Babies who are nursed the 1st year are said to have stronger immune system and are less like...
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Who Else Wants To Achieve Asthma Control?
by gannboy.In this 21st information age, there are many things that can be controlled, likewise, uncontrollable. You may ask, is asthma controllable? Well, this answer is YES. There are various means and methods to achieve that.If you suffer from asthma, you re...
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What To Look Out For With An Asthma Attack?
by gannboy.Asthma kills thousand every year. Millions of people are severely plagued by this dreaded chronic illness every day of their lives. Doctors around the world, have no idea how to prevent this disease, and its cause has remained one of medicine's moder...
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What Exercises are Benefical for Asthmatics?
by mikeherman1.There are forms of exercising that are better for those who have asthma. Certain forms of exercise will cause more wheeziness or chest tightness than others. For example, running outdoors not as good as swimming. Indeed swimming is one of the best fo...
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What are the Causes of Asthma?
by mikeherman1.During an asthma attack, the patient's airways become irritated, narrowing and constricting, causing difficulty in breathing by restricting airflow. Why do some people have asthma while others don't? Why is asthma more common in the Western world? Th...
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Triggers vs. Causes of Asthma
by mikeherman1.For asthma patients the day-to-day management of the disease becomes an important part of everyday life. Controlling asthma means paying careful attention to the causes and triggers of the asthma. The " trigger factors ", or " triggers ", of asthma a...
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What is Asthma?
Asthma (pronounced AZ-muh) is defined in Essential Allergy, by Niels Mygind, Ronald Dahl, Soren Pedersen and Kristian Thestrup-Pedersen 2nd edition as: A lung disease characterised by: 1. variable and reversible airway obstruction; 2. airway inflamma...
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What is Asthma Anyways?
by mikeherman1.Asthma (pronounced AZ-muh) is a chronic (long term) inflammatory disease that makes the bronchial airways particularly sensitive to irritants such as air pollution. It affects people of all ages causing breathing difficulties, shortness of breath and...
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Have You Been Given a Diagnosis of Asthma?
by mikeherman1.Diagnosis is the important first step in taking control of asthma.The earlier it is diagnosed the earlier the condition can be controlled, and the more successful the treatment can be. Anyone regularly exhibiting any of the symptoms below should see ...
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Interiors of Homes and Affects on Asthma
The inside of an asthmatic's home is where most causes and triggers will be, making it especially important to identify them and minimize the effect.Dust MitesHouse-dust mites are tiny insects that live in the dust that builds up in carpets, bedding,...
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Go to Bed with a Bug and wake up with Asthma
by jonsav.If I were to tell you that every night you sleep with thousands of insects right there in the bed with you, you would probably like to believe I was crazy. I'm not. Sorry. These insects are called dust mites. I know, I know, you've never seen one in ...
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Is Exercise Induced Asthma A Different Form of Asthma?
by mikeherman1.Occasionally asthma attack happen only during, or shortly after, exercise. Initially, doctors thought this was a different form of asthma, an entirely different form, but it is now known that it is common for people with asthma to have asthma attacks...
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Asthma Medicine During Pregnancy
by mikeherman1.It is very important to manage your asthma while you are pregnant. The 'way' you manage it is vitally important to you and your unborn child. Here are the main medicines used in the treatment of asthma and the effects they may have on unborn children...
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Allergies and Asthma - Differences and Similarities
by mikeherman1.Allergies are the most common cause of the inflammation which underlies most asthma particularly in younger sufferers. Allergy rates are on the increase especially in Western countries (compared to people in less affluent rural parts of the world) an...
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Should We Be Conerned? What are the Trends of Asthma?
by mikeherman1.Globally, the trends of asthma is that it continues to escalate with more than 300 million people around the world suffering from asthma. In many countries the annual asthma death toll rises year in, year out.Although asthma affects people of all age...

Uncovering The Relationship Between Asthma And Allergies
by dbsilva.You often hear the terms "asthma" and "allergies" lumped together. But do you know why?Asthma is a chronic lung condition, characterized by difficulty in breathing due to extra sensitive or hyper-responsive airways. During an asthma attack, the airw...
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What Causes Occupational Asthma?
by mikeherman1.Some professions can actually cause asthma or, trigger it to make it worse, this is called occupational asthma. Most jobs locations, especially office and factory professions, have some kind of dust, smells and other fumes, with which you have direct...
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Triggers of Asthma - What are They?
by mikeherman1.The words 'triggers' or 'trigger factors' of asthma are used for the things which can cause an attack in someone who already has asthma. There is a huge variety of these triggers that have been reported by patients including dogs, cats, tobacco smoke...
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Asthma - Preventing an Asthma Attack
by Peter sams.About one in 15 people has asthma, a chronic condition whose symptoms are attacks of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing. There is no cure for asthma, but most people can control the condition and lead normal, active lives. Differ...
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Asthma - Ways to Prevent Asthma
by peterhutch.The key to preventing asthma attacks and better asthma control is to avoid your known asthma triggers. We have some basic tips on how to avoid your triggers. Keep your asthma symptoms at bay with these helpful asthma prevention techniques.Mold Spores...
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