Hot Stone Therapy
by optioneer.Hot Stone Therapy - throughout history various cultures of the world have used hot and cold rocks for healing.The European cultures used hot rocks to heat their saunas, and applied hot stones to tired and sore muscles to alleviate tension and muscle ...
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Health Benefits of Massage
by j_hardcastle89.More and more Americans are turning to massage to relieve the stresses of everyday life. It is pleasant and relaxing to receive an aromatherapy massage in a quiet spa. However, massage actually can have significant health benefits beyond the simple r...
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Feel Your Best with a Massage
by zachthompson.Massage therapy is one of the oldest medical treatments. There are records of this treatment being practiced almost 4,000 years ago. Admittedly it was a fairly simple form of treatment at this time and was referred to as "rubbing". Modern massage the...
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Body Massage: The Healing Touch
by kevinp.Most of us experience this feeling of just giving up our fatigued bodies to a masseur who will massage away all the aches and pains caused by physical stress and mental tensions. The pain just seems to vanish out of your system once it is their exper...
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Acupressure to Stop Smoking
by scubaman.Acupressure is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment that can be used to alleviate the symptoms of many illnesses and disorders. By putting pressure on certain points throughout the body, corresponding to the meridians or energy centers as understood b...
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Why Should You Meditate?
by JACKIE.Everyone's mind needs a little downtime. We all need time to focus on one task, instead of multi-tasking all day and night. In fact, your mind doesn't take a complete rest when you sleep. Your mind moves from dream to dream for about two hours per ni...
Meditate to Unlock Your Hidden Potential
by JACKIE.Meditation is often misunderstood by those who do not practice it. Very often, I hear meditation referred to as, "altered states of consciousness." That sounds more like intoxicants, rather than bringing clarity to a cluttered mind. Without going too...
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Meditation and the Monkey Mind?
by JACKIE.Some find the term, "monkey mind", upsetting, derogatory, and insulting. This is a shame, as the point is lost, the ego is involved, and a natural human defense goes up. After all, we are supposed to be the "king of the primates," aren't we?The first...
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Facts About Chakra Awakening
by JACKIE.Chakra awakening is highly a debatable topic, with two distinctly different schools of thought. The answer could be, "Yes" or "No", depending upon which school of thought you are trained in.Firstly, let's cover the side that would say, "Yes" to helpi...
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Objective Meditations: What is Reality?
by JACKIE.Is reality a projection from within the mind, or is it an "altered lens" into the outside world? Let's look at the altered lens theory first. Obviously, we are not all looking at the world with the same lens or viewpoint. If that were possible, and w...
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Melissa Oil - What It Is And Why To Use It
Introduction:Neroli oil took its name from Anna Maria de La Tremoille, who was once the Duchess of Bracciano and the Princess of Nerola. She is given credit for introducing this essential oil to Italy’s most affluent members of society, in the 17t...
Aromatherapy for the 21st century
by massagefuture.Aromatherapy has become a very popular form of relaxation for many people. People find themselves under more and more stress in the 21st century than ever before. Many try to juggle a career, family, and still need to find time for themselves. Aro...
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Black Cohosh - Health Benefits to Women
by funkitty.Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) is a perennial plant whose gnarled root has been used as treatment for various "female problems" for many years. It is well documented that generations of American women have relied on black cohosh to relieve the s...
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