Editorials » Medical » Anxiety

Heart Problems Associated With An Anxiety Attack
by Tony Jacowski.Anxiety or panic attacks can heart problems which is anything related to the cardiovascular system of your body. The leading causes of heart attacks or other cardiovascular issues among North Americans today is anxiety attack heart problems which is ...
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How to Get Help for your Anxiety Attacks
by Tony Jacowski.Consulting your medical professional and taking their advice is the best way to help your anxiety attacks. Since some advice may require serious lifestyle changes and a difference in your daily life choices then it can also be complex. Group therapy,...
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Anxiety, Guilt and Support
by Paul David.A lot of people who suffer from anxiety experience feelings of guilt and somehow think that this means they are weak. This guilt is brought about by the realisation that someone who at one time could do things so easily, now struggles to get through...
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Anxiety Disorder Treatment: the Easy Calm Review
by Tammy R.Are you suffering from an anxiety disorder? Are you tired of experiencing anxiety attacks (panic attacks)? Well you're definitely not alone. With today's society becoming even more fast-paced and stressful it's no wonder that millions of people ar...
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Anxiety Attack Symtoms
by Sven Ullmann.Anxiety is a natural part of our self protection mechanism. It is necessary to let us know when to be on guard or alert to a pending threat to our safety and well being. In prehistoric times our ancestors relied on anxiety to let them know when thing...
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Coping with Anxiety & Depression
by Muna wa Wanjiru.Many people turn to medication to help them cope with anxiety and depression. Zoloft is a popular anti-depressant found on the market today and it has had some very positive effects on patients who use it for depression. There are times that I do con...
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Various Types of Anxiety Disorders
by Juliet Cohen.Anxiety is a feeling of unease. Anxiety is only considered to be a mental health problem when it is prolonged, severe and is interfering with everyday activities. Fortunately, most anxiety disorders are highly treatable with psychotherapy, drugs, or ...
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Understanding Anxiety Disorders and Panic Attacks
by Robert Hill.What is anxiety disorder?Anxiety disorder is a condition that puts a person in a constant state of alertness and fear. Anxiety is otherwise a normal reaction to stress that people commonly experience at various points in their lives. Generally speaki...
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Anxiety - Rise From the Grave
by Kacy Carr.In some cases of anxiety and depression a patient clings to hope by taking anti-depressant drugs hoping it is the answer to their prayers in relieving the symptoms of their depression. It has been proven that certain drugs that work for some people d...
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Anxiety- Best Way to Cure Yourselves
by Britton.Anxiety- Best Way to Cure Yourselves"Get over it" or "Smarten up" is that what we tell, or at least think, when one of our friends or a family member has let a situation or event linger? Do we ever consider that they may not be able to just get over ...
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Social Anxiety Support Online
by Giri Anantha.If you suffer from social phobia, you might want to consider receiving social anxiety support online. This can give you confidence and keep you focused on your goals.Depending on how bad your condition is, receiving support online from others is a gr...
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Prozac for Bipolar Disorder, Bulimia, and Anxiety
by Li Ming Wong.Prozac is a medication often prescribed for bipolar disorder, bulimia, and anxiety disorders. The medication is highly effective because it acts as a serotonin inhibitor, which means that it helps balance serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin le...
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Anxiety and Anxiety Attacks
by Juliet Cohen.Anxiety disorders are the most common of emotional disorders, annually affecting more than 20 million Americans. Anxiety which interferes with normal activities like going outside or interacting with other people. Anxiety attacks are the most extreme...
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Sweating Problem Caused By Anxiety
by Muna wa Wanjiru.Sweating of any kind can have a detrimental effect on a person's moral, and this can be especially true of anxiety sweating. It is true that most any type of excessive sweating can be harmful emotionally to many a person, so what makes anxiety sweati...
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Anxiety Disorder and Panic Attack
by Giri Anantha.If you have an anxiety disorder and panic attack is a problem, try to get treated quickly. Not only is treatment available but it works and can help prevent other problems.Panic attacks can develop into other conditions, almost like a snowball effect...
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Have you Been Seeking a Cure for Anxiety Attacks?
by Terry Edwards.Believe it or not, everyone suffers anxiety attacks from time-to-time, because this is actually a normal physical response of our body to potential danger, often called the fight-or-flight reflex. When this happens, our respiration and heart rate inc...
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Anxiety and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
by Paul Courtney.The pressures of modern living are having detrimental affects on our mental an physical stability. The pace of life does not permit time for reflection and meditation where we can still the mind allowing us to view our lives in a proper perspective. ...
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Positive Mood Change- Anxiety & Depression Alternative Therapy
by Ben Tiew.Anxiety and depression are the most common mental health diagnoses. It is essential for those suffering from these disorders that they can have many different options for treatment. Even more outstanding is the idea that major depression has become t...
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Coping With Depression And Anxiety
by Kevin Sinclair.Most people experience normal fluctuations in mood. This is a relatively normal experience. However, there are many who suffer with fluctuations in mood on a consistent basis. Many even experience relatively low moods for extended periods of time. Th...
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Depression and Anxiety Can be Present at the Same Time
by Juliet Cohen.Depression and anxiety can sound like a major contradiction. However, these two problems often like to hang out together and they can make their host feel like they are a yo-yo. Depression and anxiety can make a person have low energy, phobias, panic...
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Anxiety & Depression Alternative Therapies For Positive Mood
by Brad Hodges.Anxiety and depression are the most common mental health diagnoses. It is essential for those suffering from these disorders that they can have many different options for treatment. Even more outstanding is the idea that major depression has become t...
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Anxiety Symptoms can Sideline a Life
by Martin Richfield.With million of Americans suffering from one anxiety disorder or another, this mental illness is considered one of the most predominate and costly in the country. An estimated $22.8 billion is spent on anxiety-related problems each year. Understandin...
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Anxiety in Children is not out of the Question
by Martin Richfield.Just like grown ups, children are subject to a host of psychological complaints and even full-blown illnesses. Anxiety in children, in fact, is not out of the question. Contrary to popular belief, children do have things to be worried about and no ma...
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Living with Anxiety and Depression
by Martin Richfield.Anxiety and depression are both very serious mental illnesses all on their own. Unfortunately, they can also go hand-in-hand, making everyday life very difficult for the person who is suffering. Fortunately, if the conditions are recognized and prope...
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What to do when Anxiety Attack Symptoms arise
by Martin Richfield.When anxiety attack symptoms strike, many people believe they are suffering from very serious, life threatening medical conditions. Understanding exactly what is going on with the body and what is creating the symptoms in the first place is not alway...
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