Hair Transplant Techniques
by charisma.People are always conscious of their appearance. No one prefers a bald head so modern technology has introduced different methods of hair transplant The success of hair transplant surgery depends upon the type of hair transplantation procedure ...
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Hair Fall - A Common Thing In Everyones Life
by kevinp.Hair, a sign of beauty and care has always been very important in everyone's life. Be it male or a female it needs to be taken care very diligently. To avoid hair fall there are different remedies which can be used and some very age-old concoction of...
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The Hidden Dangers of Hair Loss Treatments
The majority of men by age 50 suffer from heavy hair loss so called Androgenic Alopecia Areata or "male pattern baldness". However, some men begin loosing hair in their early 25 years old. The reasons behind this problem can vary greatly. Hair loss ...
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Alopecia: a Fancy Name for Hair Loss
Alopecia means "baldness"; hair loss from skin areas where hair would normally be present. The word alopecia comes from the Greek word for fox, which is "alopex." This term was used presumably because the condition caused the sufferer to have the a...
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Split Ends: Faking Healthy Hair
by, so your next hair appointment is two weeks away. Don't fret -- your hair can still look good in the meantime. Yes, damaged hair can look healthy even if your ends are dry and brittle. This is all thanks to ionic hair products which work to both...
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Laser Combs vs. Hair Transplantation Surgery
by larryshapiro.Laser combs are compact, hand-held versions of large laser therapy machines used by hair clinics around the world. Unfortunately, no one really knows how they work or the long term side effects. The FDA recently approved laser combs to treat hair los...
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Hair Transplant Info
If you are one of the hundreds of thousands of people who suffer from hair loss, you've probably already tried pills and potions, gimmicks and gadgets and come to the conclusion that they either don't work or have so many down-sides that they aren't ...
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Laser Combs Work, but How Well?
by larryshapiro.With the recent FDA approval of laser combs for hair loss, what was at first a fad will no doubt soon be mushrooming into a major sales market. For just $645 and fifteen minutes three times a week, this comb will grow new hair on most of the people w...
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Hair Loss Treatment How It Works
by franks.What is effective hair loss treatment is a common question being asked by many men and women. Effective Hair Loss Treatment aggressively seeds your scalp to create the optimum environment for new, healthy hairs. It supplies the proper nutrition requi...
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Stop Hair Pulling
Trichotillomania, also known as compulsive hair pulling, is a form of self-harm. There may be different reasons why someone becomes a hair puller, one of which may stem from unresolved emotional distress or trauma. Hair pulling can quickly turn into ...
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