Editorials » Travel Destinations » Canada Destinations

Attractions in Vancouver
Topic : Attractions in Vancouver & Vancouver Attractions
by Greg Mattson.Vancouver is a great place for vacations, romantic getaways, or as a base for exploring southwestern B.C. Let me tell you some more about our hometown!
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British Columbia Canada
Topic : British Columbia Canada : BC in Canada & BC of Canada
by Terry Malone.British Columbia is situated on the extreme west of Canada. On the northwest side, it is bounded by the US state of Alaska. The direct northern portion of Canada comprises Yukon and Northwest Territories.
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Ontario in Canada
Topic : City of Ontario : Ontario Canada & Ontario in Canada
by Terry Malone.Ontario, one of the most densely inhabited cities of Canada is situated on the east central part of Canada. It has a total population of over 12449502 and covers an area of 1076359 sq.km.
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City of Ottawa
Topic : City of Ottawa : Ottawa City & Ottawa Guide
by Susanne Pacher.In anticipation of my upcoming trip to Ottawa next weekend I have started to do some research and contacted Ottawa Tourism. Ottawa, as Canada's capital, is one of Canada's most popular travel destinations and it has a great variety destinations, acti...
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City of Vancouver
Topic : City of Vancouver : Vancouver City & Vancouver City Guide
by Dave Lympany.The beautiful city of Vancouver is located in the Southwestern corner of British Columbia, Canada; on the coast of the Pacific Ocean.
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Facts About Canada
Topic : Facts About Canada : Canada Facts & Facts on Canada
by Dave Lympany.Canada is located in North America and stretches all the way from the Atlantic to the Pacific, being made up of ten Provinces and three Territories.
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Gastown in Vancouver
Topic : Gastown in Vancouver & Gastown Vancouver
by Susanne Pacher.After my extremely interesting walking tour of the Downtown East Side I decided to round out my exploration of the city with another bicycling trip.
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Grouse Mountain Vancouver
Topic : Grouse Mountain Vancouver & Grouse Mountain Canada
by Susanne Pacher.No visit to Vancouver could be complete without a real mountain experience. So after covering the Servas conference I left at 2 pm for downtown.
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Immigration to Canada
Topic : Immigration to Canada & Immigrate to Canada
by George Laczko.Why Canada? There is really no perfect country on earth in which to live, but Canada comes as close to perfection as you're likely to get.
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Northern Pike Fishing in Canada
Topic : Northern Pike Fishing in Canada & Pike Fishing in Canada
by Rick Chapo.The pike is an incredibly aggressive, vicious little bugger that makes for great fights. Canada Northern Pike angling is a great way to experience your first Pike battle.
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Quebec City Canada
Topic : Quebec City Canada : Quebec Canada & Quebec Canada Travel
by Terry Malone.After Ontario, Quebec is the second most populated and popular province in Canada with a total population of 7568640. Most of the inhabitants of Quebec have accepted French as their official language.
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Vacation in London
Topic : Vacation in London : London Vacations & Vacation to London
by Rene Smith.My time in London was set right in the middle of my month long overseas adventure. From Christchurch, New Zealand I’d traveled through Bangkok and onto the majestic city of London.
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VoIP In Canada
Millions of travelers visit Canada each year to enjoy its natural beauty and modern cities. This country has seen a huge influx of immigrants from nations around the world including the UK, India, Pakistan, Germany, Poland, the Middle East, Hong Kong...
Similar Editorials : Ontario in Canada

Vacating at Niagara Falls
by k_buchanan32.Tourism travel to the Niagara Falls began in the 1820s and within 50 years it had increased ten-fold, resulting in the area's dominant industry. Today, approximately twelve million tourists each year visit the amazing Niagara Falls in order to admire...
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Things To Do In Alberta Canada: Banff National Park
by ameenmk.This is the destination of a lifetime. Here, the mountains are so high; their peaks are lost in the heavens. Glacial lakes are so sparkling blue, and lush deep forests are home to the bear and eagle.The mountain communities of Canmore, Banff, Lake Lo...
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Things To Do In Vancouver B.C. Canada
by ameenmk.A stroll though colorful tree shaded gardens takes you to the canyon edge. You step onto swaying planks and there you are, 230 feet above the floor of Capilano Canyon. Your pulse quickens. Your hand finds the cool steel cable and you breathe in the c...
Similar Editorials : Gastown in Vancouver

Okanagan Mountain Range Ski Vacations
by sayush.Gently nestled between world-class ski resorts, the Okanagan provides an alternative to the "big ski resorts". A small lift line, powder skiing, and moderate winter weather, combined with heli-skiing and snow-cat lodges, offers a personal guided and ...
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Things To Do In Western Canada: Columbia Icefield
by ameenmk.This is an experience of a lifetime. It was exciting, educational, and fun.The Icefield is a place where there are acres and acres of snow that is hundreds of years old. Canada has experienced four major Ice Ages. The Athabasca Glacier and the Columb...
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Things To Do In Glacier National Park
by ameenmk.The Blackfeet called it the Land of Shining Mountains. Lewis and Clark in their quest for the Pacific, failed to find a route through these formidable peaks.Yet for centuries native hunters followed ancient routes to hunting grounds on both sides of ...
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Things To Do In Victoria B.C. Canada: Royal London Wax Museum
by ameenmk.In the heart of the tourist district of Victoria on Vancouver Island sits the Royal London Wax Museum. For a small entrance fee you get at least an hours worth of history and awe. We were not planning on visiting the museum. But we had some time to ...
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Things to do in Vancouver B.C. Canada : Grouse Mountain
by ameenmk.Having a mountain 15 minutes away from downtown is pretty cool. And Grouse Mountain is one of the cooler mountains to have around. There are two seasons on Grouse Mountain, winter, and other. During the winter, you can go skiing, snowboarding, and al...
Similar Editorials : Attractions in Vancouver

Things to Do In Victoria B.C Canada: Butchart Gardens
by ameenmk.Everybody that goes to Vancouver to visit ends up going to Victoria on Vancouver Island. It is a great place to go with lots of history. And the best thing to see and do in Victoria is Butchart Gardens.If you like flowers, you will love this place. I...
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The Challenge of Conquering Niagara Falls
by asupport.Over the years there have been a number of people who have tried to travel down Niagara Falls in a barrel, or other means. While these people may seem to have a death wish this stunt looks like it will continue for years to come. Many people have suc...
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Can You Bring Firearms on a Hunting and Fishing Trip to Canada
by Kerry A. Francis. You may be a hunter traveling to Canada - especially Northern Canada for the hunting vacation of your dreams. You may be a simple tourist on a holiday "Up There" to the North to visit Canada. You may of heard of Canada's gun laws and not now or be ...
Similar Editorials : Fishing in Canada

Reviewing The Canadian Ski Resorts
by MIKE SELVON. Canada is a beautiful country that also happens to be the host to numerous top ski destinations. Many of these resorts are easy to access and are only an hour or two driving distance from major airports. Most of the top Canadian ski resorts also hav...
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