Editorials » Woman » Beauty Guide

Brushing - Using Combs and Picks
by Alien. Combs and picks aren't necessary for everyone: some people use them, others simply rake gently through hair with their fingers. If you are a comb or pick user, look for a model with rounde

Conditioner Basics - Conditioners for Dry or Damaged Hair
by Alien. Do You Need a Conditioner? Not every hair type requires it but most of us do. Conditioner adds moisture to the hair - some of the product may even sneak under the protective cuticle layers
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Nail Tips and Art - Enhancing Your Nails
by Alien. Gel nailsGel nails, or gel systems as they are also called, are a newer type of nail enhancement that are created by applying layers of resin to the nail; these layers combine a
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Creating an at - Home Spa Ritual
by Alien. Baths have existed in one form or another since the beginning of time. The pre- and post-biblical Greeks, Turks, and Romans loved their spas. Today's French use the same ocean-water therap
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Hair - Maintaining Your Shade
by Alien. Once You've Colored Your Hair, you must treat it gently if you want to maintain that gorgeous shade you (or your stylist) worked so hard to create. Fortunately, color care isn't difficult
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Skin Care Diet - Enemies of Good Skin
by Alien. StressYou've had a bad week - or maybe a bad month. You've been working overtime, your child is going through a difficult phase, your boyfriend's eyes have started wandering,
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The Best Body Hair Removal Options for Men
by Danna Schneider. When we think of hair removal, we think primarily of women as the gender that most often want to remove unsightly body hair, but often forget that men are also concerned when it comes to removing excessive hair on their chest, back, and belly.Some o...
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Home Color Versus Salon Color
by Alien. Should You Color at home, or should you leave it to a salon professional? There's no one answer that fits all situations. I, for instance, have done both. When I was in high school, I enli
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Assembling a Nail Tool Kit
by Alien. Walk into any drug store or beauty store , head toward the nail-care aisle, and what do you see? A lot of stuff! So many products that you may not even know what half of them are. Do you re
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Hair Brushing the Right Way
by Alien. I grew up surrounded by hair ?brushing store: Brushing hair at midnight on the eve of a full moon was supposed to make strands grow faster and longer, brushing with someone else's brush g
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Exfoliation and Masks
by Alien. A quick and easy way to keep skin healthy and improve its appearance is through exfoliation. The premise behind exfoliation is this: The dead skin cells and dirt that sit on your skin's su

Enemies of Healthy Hair
by Alien. Healthy strands boast tightly closed cuticle layers. If hair is in good condition, it shines, swings, feels good when touched, and has no "cotton-candy" ends or split strands. The easiest
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Enhancing Your Nails
by Alien. Nail enhancement is a broad term that encompasses several methods of augmenting your natural nail. Actually, in some instances, enhancements have less to do with enhancement and more to do
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Losing Cellulite - Helpful Tips in Losing Cellulite
by Alien. Those unsightly little dimples that appear on the back of your thighs and on your butt as you grow older or gain weight are commonly known as cellulite. Women are most likely to get celluli
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Anti-aging Safely
by Lambert Klein. Sooner or later, age seems to catch up with all of us. No matter how hard we try, we cannot turn back time to when we were younger. That doesn't mean, however, that we need to just throw up our hands and give in to aging altogether. Ever since th...
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Hair Split Ends - Get Rid of Split Ends
by Alien. Split ends in the hair are the most common hair problem that every woman faces. Trichoptlosis or split ends occur when the protective cuticle is stripped away from the ends of the hair. The
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Hair Removal Methods and Hair Removal Products
by Alien. Whether it's shaving, tweezing or waxing, the majority of us are constantly fighting the battle to remove unwanted hair. There are so many different types of hair removal products/methods
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Healthy Food for Beautiful Skin
by Alien. Lots of foods can give you the anti-oxidants needed to combat the free radicals that age your skin and cause cancer. Vitamins A, C and E can help to boost your skin's ability to rejuvenate
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Organic Skincare - Tips for Natural Skin Care
by Alien. Natural skin care is the care of the skin (the largest organ of the body) using naturally-derived ingredients (such as herbs, roots, essential oils and flowers) combined with naturally occu
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How Diet Affects your Skin
by Alien. If you want a healthy skin, it is important fo ryou to have a healthy diet- a diet which contains adequate amount of vitamins, minerals and proteins. Balance is the key word. Diet should su
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Your Laser Hair Removal Solution
by Alien. Epilation performed by laser was performed experimentally for about 20 years before it became commercially available in the mid 1990s. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) epilators, though technical
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A Good Hairdresser
by Alien. Most of us Have a Firm Idea of what makes a good hairdresser: skill, experience, a pleasing personality, enthusiasm, the ability to listen, knowledge of the latest trends, and a way with ou
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Short Hairstyles - Short Haircuts
by Alien. Short hairstyles suit some people more and everyone seems to have given it a try. Besides being more manageable, they never seem to go out of style. Almost everyone knows someone sporting a
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Nail Care Tips - Care for your Nails
by Alien. Your nails may be small but they play an important role, serving to help protect your fingers and improve dexterity. They also may reveal clues to your general health. Women spend hours pai
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Home Remedies - Proven Ways to Remove Blackheads
by Alien. Blackheads are also called open comedomes. Blackheads, are follicles that have a wider than normal opening. All home remedies for acne are enhanced by proper vitamin and mineral supplementa
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